Grout "Ceresite CE 40" iswater-repellent mixture with antifungal effect and is intended for the treatment of joints between tiles. The width of the seams can reach 10 mm. Visiting the store, the consumer will find in the sale of 32 colors, including white. By purchasing this mixture, you will use a composition that is characterized by resistance to pollution and is easy to clean. As practice shows, these qualities are very important, because sometimes the seams have to be rubbed onto the surface of the tile, which during operation will be exposed to negative external influences, and frequent maintenance is required to maintain cleanliness.
Main characteristics
Grout "Ceresite CE 40" is very resistant todeformation, has an elastic structure and is resistant to abrasion. It is perfectly smooth, different color stability, which is why the finishing material remains in its original form for a long time. Among the additional features can be distinguished frost resistance and water resistance. It is noteworthy that this mixture can be used even on heated floors, as well as when carrying out exterior and interior works, this makes the composition universal. For the external environment, this grout is completely safe, it can be said about the absence of negative effects on human health, but when using the composition it is important to follow the safety precautions, which will be discussed below. It requires the use of personal protective equipment.
Scope of use
Grout "Ceresite CE 40" is intended forfilling the joints between tiles made of stone, ceramics, glass, marble. With this composition you can seal the seams on the walls and floors outside and inside buildings. Grout has a high elasticity and can be used even on deformable bases, this applies to drywall and chipboard. Moreover, the bases during operation can be subject to temperature fluctuations, this applies not only to heated floors, but also to bathrooms, terraces, pools and open areas.
Grout "Ceresite CE 40" has a hydrophobicqualities and developed according to the formula MicroProtect, it speaks about the high resistance of the material to mold and fungus. This composition is ideal for use in rooms with constant humidity, this includes kitchens, bathrooms and showers. If you have to fill the corner, as well as seams adjacent to the sanitary equipment, then you should use SC 25 silicone grout.
Recommendations for use: preparation of the mixture
Grout "Ceresite", the colors of which are presented toSales in 32 variants, before the start of work must be prepared. To do this, take a measured volume of pure water, the temperature of which can vary from 15 to 20 °. Gradually, the dry mixture should be added to the water, while the master should mix it until you can get a homogeneous mass without lumps.
If you have to work with a small amountcomposition, it must be mixed manually, while significant volumes must be prepared using a construction mixer or a drill with a nozzle, and the instrument should be set to a rotational speed ranging from 400 to 800 revolutions per minute.
Grout "Ceresite", the colors of which will satisfyeven a sophisticated consumer should be prepared with an exposure that lasts for 5 minutes. This pause is necessary for the maturation of the composition, after which it should be mixed again. As soon as the mixture is ready, it should be consumed within an hour; in case of an overdose of water, the technical characteristics of the mixture may deteriorate.
Filling of seams
In the process of filling the seams shoulduse a rubber spatula, with the help of which it will be convenient to apply the mixture to the lining, distributing it over the surface. The composition should be rubbed into the seams, and the excess should be collected with a spatula and repeat the operation. After 15 minutes, the surface is wiped with a damp and well wrung out sponge, which should be rinsed frequently. If excessively wetting the surface, it can cause the appearance of shade. Once the plaque is dry, it can be removed from the tile surface with a dry soft cloth, but this should happen no later than eight hours after filling the seams. Ceresit CE 40 may be in contact with water after application after 7 days, a technological pass is possible after 8 hours.
Additional usage tips
Ceresit CE 40 can only be applied afterspecified in the instruction period for used glue. If the cement-sand mixture was used for the installation of the finishing material, the joints can be filled only 7 days after the laying of the tile. In any case, the tile adhesive and the surface must be dry. The edges of the seams must be cleaned of glue, grease and dust, as well as other contaminants that would prevent the adhesion of materials.
Before applying the mixture, the edges of the tiles are wettedwet sponge. Grout "Ceresit CE 40", instructions for use of which will allow you to avoid mistakes, should be applied only after removing the old grout. If you used stone, matte or unglazed tiles in your work, you should first carry out a sample for coloring the material with pigments that are part of the grout. Application works are carried out at air and substrate temperatures ranging from 5 to 30 ° C, while the relative humidity of the air must not be higher than 80%.
If the moisture of the base is increased, thenThis can cause the appearance of raznoton, this also applies to different volumes of water during mixing, as well as intensive smoothing of the seams and uneven drying. If you want to avoid having Ceresit CE 40 Aquastatic differing in shades on one surface, you should use a batch from one batch. During the work it is necessary to apply tools from corrosion-proof materials.
For reference
During the day after applying to grout seamsthey should be protected from drying out, exposure to direct sunlight, heat and wind. During the week you must eliminate the effects of water with regard to outdoor work. In this case, the master should provide protection from precipitation.
Safety precautions
Grout water-repellent contains cement, withinteraction with water produces an alkaline reaction, so the master should protect the skin and eyes. The quality indicators and recommendations will be true only if the ambient temperature is approximately equal to 20 ° and the relative humidity of the air is 60%. Under other conditions, the quality of the material may differ from those indicated.
Consumption and additional technical specifications
The flow rate of the mixture may vary depending ontile size and seam width. Thus, if you use a finishing material of square shape with a side of 5 cm, and the width of the joint is 2 mm, then the grout consumption is 0.5 kg / m2. If the joint width with the same tile dimensions increases to 3 mm, then the grout consumption will be 0.7 kg / m2.
When using square tiles with sides of 10 and 15 cm, the flow rate is 0.4 kg / m2what is true with a seam width of 2 and 3 mmrespectively. If you purchased products whose sides are equal to 10x20 and 20x20 cm, and the seam width is 3 and 5 millimeters, respectively, then the consumption will be equal to 0.4 kg in the first case and 0.5 kg / m2 - in the second case.
Some professionals are interested in such a characteristic as bulk density, in Ceresite CE 40 it is 0.95 ± 0.1 kg / dm3. But for the average consumer is very important, what amount of water must be used for 1 kg of dry mix. The volume of liquid can vary from 0.32 to 0.33 l.
The consumption of grout CE 40 was mentioned above, but ifyou decide to use this composition in the work, then you may be interested in more and frost resistance. This material is able to undergo up to 100 cycles of freezing and thawing, but the operating temperature can vary from -50 to + 70 °.