/ / Ceresit (plaster): properties, specifications, types and reviews

Ceresit (plaster): properties, specifications, types and reviews

Компания Henkel вот уже много лет изготавливает a variety of products supplied to markets around the world. Among its brands, one of the most popular is Ceresit, the plaster of this brand is in demand by consumers not by chance, because it is presented in a large assortment and has outstanding quality characteristics. Visiting the store, you can pick up the composition of the most different purposes. This product is also in demand for the reason that plants for the production of Tserezit brand plasters are scattered in many countries of Eastern Europe, including in Russia. This indicates an acceptable cost compared to similar products. If you are interested in the products Ceresit, plaster, for example, then you can choose a mixture that is used for various purposes.

Depending on the composition, using plasterYou can seal chips, joints or cracks, as well as eliminate base defects. Plaster can be a rough alignment on masonry and monolithic surfaces. She forms the topcoat, equips the insulating facades and produce decorative design of exterior and interior walls. Depending on the purpose and the desired effect, Ceresit plaster can be applied in a layer from 2 to 30 mm by machine or by hand.

The main varieties

Ceresit, plaster

As the main component of any plasteracts as a binder, a type of which determines the purpose and properties of the composition. In the product line of the manufacturer, you can find a variety of types of plasters, among them the decorative acrylic bark beetle Ceresit, which is used to finish the interiors and facades. Its structure is dispersive, has the most various decorative inclusions with which it is possible to form a relief or smooth surface.

These mixtures are produced in finished form and notstipulate the need for mixing before starting work. Silicone compounds that form a vapor-permeable layer that allows you to maintain the properties of breathable bases, among them wooden, plaster and cement, are intended for thin-layer decorative finishing. Among other things, silicone putties are resistant to the emergence and development of microorganisms, have the quality of self-cleaning, so you can use them in the most difficult operating conditions. Ceresit plaster is presented for sale in the form of silicate ready-made pastes, which are mainly used for decorative design of external walls and surfaces inside buildings. The conditions here can be unstable and complex, they are typical for balconies, bathrooms, as well as kitchens.

Formed surfaces do an excellent job ofexposure to high humidity, temperature changes and have elasticity and durability. Universal are dry cement putties, which are applicable for leveling, repairing and decorating mineral bases. Universality is confirmed by the ability to use the mixture both outside and inside buildings. This type of plaster is the most reliable and inexpensive, it perfectly resists external influences and is easy to apply by hand. If you are interested in the Ceresit brand, plaster on the mineral basis of lime and white cement can be used as a universal material for various kinds of work. At the same time, the composition possesses high qualities of adhesion to surfaces from different materials. In order to make it easier for the consumer to make a choice, it is worth getting closer acquainted with the most common products of the described brand.

Properties of popular ceresit brand plasters for repair work

ceresit plaster

For the facade you can use a mixture"Ceresite" ST 83, which is a repair compound for filling cracks, getting rid of potholes and other defects, the depth of the latter may be greater than 5 mm. Among the qualities of the mixture can be distinguished resistance to water and moisture, wear resistance, resistance to high mechanical loads, frost resistance and environmental friendliness. In view of the above qualities, this mixture can be used without coating. The formed layer can have a thickness of from 5 to 35 mm in one go.

Leveling plaster

decorative ceresit plasters

Along with other products of similar purpose.Ceresit products are on sale, plaster of this manufacturer can be used for leveling. As an example, we can consider CT 29, which is applied to mineral bases and is intended for subsequent finishing. This cement mixture perfectly fits on cement-sand, cement-lime, concrete and brick walls. It is suitable for filling small defects and is applied in a layer from 2 to 20 mm. Among its characteristics: vapor permeability, weather resistance, excellent adhesion to mineral bases, environmental safety and high ductility.

For reference

overview of leveling and decorative ceresite plasters

Leveling plasters for the facade are composed of reinforcing fibers. They are necessary to increase the mechanical strength of the formed layer.

Features of the application of the leveling mixture

acrylic decorative bark beetle plaster ceresit

Application should be done clean and dry.surfaces that are first primed with the same manufacturer. If you carried out patching and got rid of seams and joints, you should endure three days before the work on alignment. After preparation of the solution, it should be consumed within 60 minutes, since after this time it loses its viability. 30 minutes after application, the base is smoothed with a plastic float, and painting or laying on the surface of the decorative plaster takes 3 days.

Decorative finishing

ceresite plaster material features

Plaster Ceresit CT 35 is used just fordecorative surface finish. This thin-layer composition is presented for sale in two varieties, each with its own grain size of the filler. The first one has a maximum fraction of 2.5 mm, while the second one has 3.5 mm. Used mixture for the formation of textured surfaces such as "bark beetle". As a result, it will be possible to obtain a layer resistant to shock, frost, and also capable of passing steam. The mineral composition is made in several shades, including classic white. If Ceresit plaster, the properties of which have been described above, is used as a roughing surface for further painting, then you can purchase a cheaper option that has a lower whiteness.

CT 137 plaster

samples of ceresit decorative plasters

This pebble decorative blend is sizedgrains of 1 mm and 2.5 mm. Apply it is necessary in the form of a thin layer of coating on the internal walls and facades. The composition can also be applied on the walls insulated with polystyrene foam and mineral plates. The plaster is vapor-permeable, frost-resistant, weather-resistant, sufficiently durable and completely environmentally friendly. It has a white color, after drying it forms a coating with a granular structure in the form of pebbles pressed against each other.

Acrylic plaster brand Ceresit CT 77

plaster ceresit art. 35

Ceresit decorative plasters are presented inlarge assortment. In the product line you will be able to find Ceresit CT 77, which is represented by a mosaic composition with colored chips. Stone inclusions have a fraction ranging from 1.4 to 2 mm. Having reviewed the samples of decorative plasters Ceresit, you can choose one of 38 colors. The CT 77 can be used for interior and exterior use, it adheres well to cement plaster, drywall, chipboard or concrete. Polymer binder has a transparent structure and does not muffle the shade of quartz or marble chips, which is artificially created or natural. In the first case, polymeric dyes are used. After drying, the coating acquires high wear resistance, perfectly copes with the effects of atmospheric phenomena and exhibits abrasion resistance. The walls can be washed during operation, and they will retain their original appearance for a very long time.

Characteristics of Ceresit CT 24 plaster

Can be used for cellular concrete"Ceresite" plaster, the characteristics of the material CT 24 you should be studied before starting work. The material is plastic, suitable for exterior and interior work, and is used for leveling and plastering surfaces of aerated concrete, gas silicate, and foam concrete. You can use the mixture to fill chips, shells and other defects of lightweight concrete. For one approach, the mixture can be applied in a layer from 3 to 30 mm.

Properties of plaster Ceresit CT 64

An overview of leveling andCeresite decorative plasters cannot be imagined without the polymer composition of the brand CT 64. The composition is intended for the formation of decorative thin-layer coatings when carrying out exterior and interior works. The base must be leveled to ensure its strength and low humidity. The walls should be cleaned of dirt, free from substances that could reduce adhesion, and also remove lubricants, paint and varnish coatings, grease and dust. If the walls have large cracks and irregularities, then they are pre-filled with Ceresit CT 29. When carrying out interior work on plaster foundations, you should make sure that their humidity does not exceed 1%. Previously, such surfaces are coated with a CT 17 primer, and after the primer is a CT 16 brand. The coating of lime paints and adhesive mixtures must be completely removed before starting work.

Reviews on the use of CT 64

According to users, applying plastersurface should be carried out using a stainless steel trowel, holding the tool at an angle of 60 ° to the surface. As soon as the plaster stops sticking to the tool, the texture can be formed using a plastic or wooden grater. Users emphasize that work on one surface should be carried out continuously, following the rule “wet on wet”. If it became necessary to interrupt the work, then along the line where the plaster layer ended, self-adhesive masking tape is reinforced.