/ / Eyes are afraid - hands do: insulation of the ceiling

Eyes are afraid - hands do: insulation of the ceiling

In terms of heat preservation, the ceiling is very vulnerablea place. As is known even from the school program - according to physical laws, heat has the property of climbing upward, and if the ceiling has insufficient thickness, it quickly evaporates back home.

There are several options for how you canto insulate the ceiling, each of them has its pros and cons. The most recommended ways to make the insulation of the ceiling - from the inside or with the help of an attic. Let's find out the details of these options together with you!

Warming through the attic

This insulation of the ceiling is the best, and here there are several ways, depending on whether the attic is used at all, and if so, how often.

1.If the attic is never made a walk, then the heater will be safe - it will not be moved or damaged. It is necessary to lay the insulation in the attic and press it so that the air warm masses do not escape, which tend to go out of the room. In such a situation, the simplest in laying insulation is mineral wool insulation. Mineral wool mats are laid out on the surface and covered with a roofing felt or a film. Press any weight - it's ready!

2.In the event, if someone walks around the attic periodically, the insulation of the ceiling will have to be done more simply. It is possible to make a screed (using a cement-sand mortar) or a plank coating on top of mineral wool mats laid out on the surface. It is quite enough three to five centimeters of screed.

3.The last case, as you already guessed, if the attic is used frequently and constantly. There is the opportunity to use the familiar mineral wool mats (only with increased rigidity), sioporic or expanded polystyrene plates, or to make the ceiling insulated with foam - a material familiar even to those who do not have the slightest idea of ​​construction work! As a worthy work option, it is allowed to insulate the ceiling with a heat-insulating light backfill - claydite is usually used. The filling is covered with a film, then with a roofing paper, and the final operation is a screed.

Insulation of the ceiling from the inside of the room

Here it is easiest to insulate the ceilingheat insulating tiles (opaque, foam concrete). The use of polystyrene inside the house as a heater is highly undesirable: it contains substances that will not bring anything else to the human body, except for harm. Particularly active harmful substances are released from the foam in the heat, which is also a manifestation of the laws of physics mentioned in the introduction. After stacking of a heater there are two variants: to sew up a heater with sheets from gipsokartona or simply plaster.

And now we smoothly approached the ideal variantinsulation of the ceiling from the inside - ready-made insulation panels. The construction market today offers many kinds of similar products. The most common are three-layer panels, in which the core function is made of mineral wool or polystyrene foam. On the front side of the panel is a decorative finish, and there is a wide choice: warming panels with decorative or fine plaster, trim made of plastic or wood. It is worth mentioning that due to the property of imitating a wide variety of materials, plastic decoration is most in demand. Also attracts simplicity - to perform the insulation of the ceiling with such panels, you will need only an ordinary wooden frame.

When we start to think about the insulationceiling, it immediately seems that this is an incredibly difficult and impossible task. But this is not at all - in fact, there is nothing complicated in this, what we are now with you and have had the opportunity to verify!