/ / Warming of walls outside

Warming of walls outside

Everyone dreams of having a big and cozy house, but withThis should not be forgotten that one of the conditions for a comfortable stay is the temperature in the room. In winter it should not be cold, but in summer it is not hot. To cope with this issue helps the insulation. First of all, it is required to conduct the insulation of the walls from the outside, since, by isolating the inner walls, many have to meet with a lot of difficulties, namely:

  • Reduction of the vapor permeability of the walls, which leads tothe occurrence of condensation, and as a consequence, the occurrence of mold. In order to eliminate this problem, an additional vapor barrier material is required. It is also necessary to install additional ventilation in the room;
  • The installation requires an additional frame.

Today, external insulation of walls, as a rule,is produced using expanded polystyrene or mineral wool slabs. Calculation of the thickness of the thermal insulation material is made based on the building design, which takes into account all the design features.

Mineral wool

This heat-saving material is made onbased on basalt and silica. The subsequent special treatment of the fibers increases the water resistance of the material and its strength. The main advantages are watertightness and excellent steam absorption, which distinguishes mineral wool as an ecological insulation. In addition, it is extremely versatile, because with its help you can conduct both the insulation of the walls outside and inside the premises. There are several options for the insulation. Mineral wool is offered in rolls, semi-solid or hard boards or combined canvases (on the one hand hard, on the other soft "cotton wool"). In the case of the latter, it should be noted that their use is convenient for the insulation of uneven walls. If in the process of construction it was not possible to achieve the ideal smoothness of the walls, then the combined insulating materials can correct this situation. Slabs are to be cut using a knife or saw. Rolls can be cut even when rolled up.


Lightweight and inexpensive thermal insulation material.Quickly cut and fastened to the facade. Such a heater for external walls can be of different density. Depending on this indicator, such characteristics as strength, heat conductivity and price are added. Choosing a material of a certain density, you should focus on the parameters of the building. As for the disadvantages, the external insulation of the walls with foam polystyrene is far from being environmentally friendly. Firstly, the material is endowed with an extremely low level of vapor permeability. Secondly, it is easily ignited. Styrofoam requires additional isolation from the external environment. In addition to the fact that the material has a very limited life (up to 30 years), direct sunlight reduces it even more. In addition, do not forget about rodents, for which "foam" quickly becomes the best housing.

It is separately worth considering such an option asventilated facade. Warming of the walls from outside with its help does not require plastering. This, in turn, removes the restrictions associated with the seasonality of work. Installation can be carried out in both summer and winter. Ventilation is provided due to the fact that on the insulation for external walls (in the presence of a crate) is attached lining, plastic siding, blockhouse or facade panels. Their installation not only increases the service life of the heat insulator (usually mineral wool), but also changes the appearance of the building, making it more modern and practical.

When planning the work and choosing the material isremember that the insulation of walls outside and inside the house can not be saved. To disassemble incorrectly installed insulation - expensive and time-consuming work. Miserly pays twice, and rip and thrice. Choose by consulting with specialists.