/ / Construction of an energy bridge to the Crimea through the Kerch Strait

Construction of an energy bridge to the Crimea through the Kerch Strait

Last summer, the Ministry of EnergyRussia concluded a state contract for the construction of an energy bridge to the Crimea. The contract price amounted to 47.302 billion rubles. It is a bridge complex of cable-air power lines and substations. It is necessary to connect the power system of the Crimea to the UES of Russia. It was supposed to finish construction in 2018. However, to date, these dates have been rescheduled for 2016.

Laying features

Rostov NPP is chosen as the main pointconnecting such an important object for the economy of the state as an energy bridge to Crimea. Construction of the bridge is carried out in several stages. The end point is the city of Simferopol. For reliability, several parallel power lines will be stretched to the Crimea. The most expensive is the site "Rostov - Taman". It was built last. One of the sections is stretched along the bottom of the Kerch Bay. Prior to the Vyshesteblevskaya substation, the operating voltage of power transmission lines is 220-500 kV. Next is the 220 kV line.

construction of energy bridge to Crimea

Bridge start

The new power line was commissioned in December.2015. The second of the Crimea began to receive electricity from Russia. The constructed bridge became for the inhabitants of the peninsula after the energy blockade from Ukraine a real gift on New Year's Eve. On November 22, 2015, as a result of the sabotage carried out by nationalists on the Kakhovskaya - Ostrovskaya and Kakhovskaya - Dzhankoy lines, many districts of Crimea were completely de-energized. Two days before this, the Melitopol-Dzhankoy and Kakhovskaya-Titan line supports were also blown up. It was not possible to restore the supports, as the militants of the Right Sector blocked the approaches to them.

At the opening of the power lines was present including the president of Russia V. Putin. An event was held in the building of Krymenergo. With the commissioning of the bridge into operation, the energy dependence of Crimea from Ukraine completely disappeared.

Currently, electricity is transmitted toPeninsula on two ready-made power lines, built in record time. In addition, the construction of an energy bridge to the Crimea of ​​the second stage - the third and fourth lines - is in full swing. According to media reports, work is being carried out on schedule and in full compliance with the deadlines set by the President of the Russian Federation. The second phase of the bridge will start up in April-May 2016.

 energy bridge to the Crimea construction

Interesting fact

During the preparation of the construction of energya bridge to the Crimea peninsula in the territory of its location were carried out archaeological excavations. As a result, scientists discovered a fifth-century amphora. It can be considered interesting that the vessel found was filled with nothing more than oil. Such amphoras have been found on the peninsula before. However, they were attributed to a later time.

Как можно судить по летописям, в древности нефть used for lighting. She refueled lamps instead of oil. Sometimes oil was used in flamethrower guns. In addition, she was treated for skin diseases in cattle. The territory on which the amphora was found was transferred to the builders of power lines in November last year (the settlement area of ​​Ilyichevka).

First of all

Of course, the inhabitants of the peninsula, and manyRussians are interested in the question of how the construction of the energy bridge to the Crimea. At present, this new part of Russia is receiving about 450 MW of capacity on two lines. Unfortunately, such volumes cover only the minimum needs of the industry of the Crimea and its population in electricity. For comparison: in the last three years in the winter period, the peninsula consumed 1,200-1290 kW of power. Therefore, the issue of reliable supply of electricity to the Crimea is still relevant. In this regard, it is encouraging that the construction of the second stage is on schedule.

construction of an energy bridge to the Crimea through the Kerch Strait

Land in the Kerch Strait

In order to minimize the timelaying of the bridge, Russia appealed for help to many countries. However, everywhere was refused in connection with the sanctions initiated by the United States. Only the Chinese agreed to support the construction of an energy bridge to the Crimea. Cable laying along the bottom of the Kerch Strait was conducted by two vessels. From the first was carried trench. Workers from the second vessel respectively laid the cable. Because of the acts of sabotage the construction of the bridge had to be accelerated. But the companies leading the gasket did not let us down, and the Crimeans met the New Year by the light of lamps, not candles.

Подводный переход включает в себя четыре линии по 4 cables in each. In this case, three of them are working (for each phase) and one backup. The passage is laid in the north of the strait. The trenching depth is 2.5 m, the distance between the cables is 10 m. The total junction length is 13 480 m.

Originally intended to buildenergy bridge to the Crimea through the Kerch Strait is not under water. Considered the option of laying the air line. However, this draft was not accepted. The reasons were too much of the upcoming work, long-term construction and the unreliability of such a line. Also, the project of air transmission lines had to be abandoned due to the high cost of its maintenance and the obstruction of shipping.

Second turn of the bridge

With the launch of the third and fourth power lines onthe peninsula will be supplied 800 kW of power. As a result, the Crimea will acquire complete energy independence. On the eve of the new holiday season, this, of course, can not but rejoice. At the moment, on the peninsula, the construction of various kinds of power facilities, designed to transmit current directly to consumers, is actively underway.

when will the energy bridge be built in Crimea

By now due to the executablework on the construction of the second phase of transmission lines, the power of the transmitted stream is periodically reduced. It practically does not affect consumers of the peninsula. But power outages do happen.

The main elements of the bridge

The complexity of the layout and execution of works -This is what primarily characterizes the energy bridge to the Crimea. Its construction is carried out in stages. Ultimately, the power line running from the Kuban to the Crimea included the following main sections:

  • Line from Rostov NPP to Taman "Rostov-Vyshestebliyevskaya", 500 km long

  • Line "Kuban - Vyshesteblievskaya". Its length is 175.7 km, power - 1665 MVA.

  • Two cable-air lines in two circuits "Taman-Kafa" and Taman-Kamysh-Burunskaya.

  • TL Kafa - Simferopol.

All of these lines together representenergy bridge to the Crimea. The construction (the photo confirms this) of this object is really very large. At the first stage the substation “Taman” became the main connection point of the Crimea.

energy bridge to the Crimea bridge construction

It will also be built PS "Kuban". On the peninsula, the connection points are:

  • PS "Kamysh-Burun" near Kerch.

  • PS "Kafa" near Theodosia. Previously, its capacity was 220 MVA. In the future, it will be upgraded to 330 MVA.

  • PS "Feodosia".

  • Substation "Simferopol".


So for now the main solutionCrimean problem with electricity is the energy bridge to the Crimea. Building it, however, is rather expensive. In total, according to preliminary estimates for the development of a project to provide electricity to the Crimea will be spent about 47-49 billion rubles. At the same time, about 14 billion were allocated for the construction of the bridge itself. As of March 2016, the contracting companies were in the originally set financing parameters.

how is the construction of the energy bridge in the Crimea

К сожалению, у России имеется возможность покрыть only a fraction of the cost of construction. Under the current contract, Ukrinterenergo, which disrupted the supply of electricity to the peninsula, is obliged to pay a penalty for disrupting security. Its size is 20% of the supplied capacity. According to the existing tariffs, the final amount of the fine will be no more than 12 million rubles.


Как идет строительство энергомоста в Крым — understandably. The pace of laying the new power lines was significantly accelerated. Who is responsible for the implementation of this project? Initially, four companies volunteered to build an energy bridge across the Kerch Strait. Subsequently, applications of JSC Hydroelectromontage and JSC GlobalElectroService were rejected because they did not meet the requirements of the competition. As a result, there remained two applicants for construction: the company Technopromexport (owned by Rostec) and Stroytransgaz, which is owned by G. Timchenko. Bidding between them was held in increments of 5.5 million rubles. As a result, there remained the only general contractor for the laying of such an important facility as an energy bridge to the Crimea. Who will build this power line, decided to bid. Technopromexport was selected as a contractor.

New CHP in the Crimea

Конечно же, строительство энергомоста в Крым will solve most of his energy problems. However, it should be understood that the measure is temporary. To fully and reliably meet the electricity needs of the peninsula, it is necessary to develop its own network.

С конца 2015 г.In the Crimea, the construction of two new CHP. Their total capacity will be 980 MW. One of them is being built in Simferopol, the other in Sevastopol. It is assumed that the power supplied by the bridge and new CHP plants will cover the Crimea's electricity needs with a vengeance. Each of the two new power plants will have 2 power units. The projects of these objects involve the use of the latest equipment and the latest technologies. Both stations will have very high efficiency. Presumably the construction of these important facilities in the Crimea will be completed in 2018

energy bridge to the Crimea construction began

Prospects for the development of energy in the Crimea

Construction of the energy bridge to the Crimea through the KerchStrait and CHP will solve the main problem of providing electricity to the peninsula. However, in addition to these facilities, it is planned to build several small power plants (TPPs). They will be built in areas of high demand. Also in the program of development of the Crimea laid the construction of objects of alternative energy.

The basic generation will develop due tofederal funds (refundable). The projects for the development of thermal power plants were drawn up with the expectation mainly of Turkish investors. However, the authorities do not report whether there are any specific proposals on this side. But recently there was information about Russian investors. In the Dzhankoysky and Black Sea regions of the republic, TPPs will be built by Energosovet company. Presumably, the electricity will be generated by cogeneration gas-and-through installations of 24 and 16 MW. The total cost of both projects is 2.24 billion rubles. They will be put into operation most likely in the third quarter of 2016.

Separate power supply scheme for the holiday season

Энергомост в Крым (строительство началось, как вы Remember, in 2015) by the summer, most likely, will already be ready. At the present time, the government of the peninsula is developing a procedure for the supply of energy to the coastal territory during the summer influx of holidaymakers. Owners of sanatoriums, hotels and even mini-hotels are required to enter into agreements with Krymenergo indicating the necessary facilities for working during the holiday season. When developing a power supply scheme for health and medical institutions, priority is supposed to be given to children's facilities. To receive holiday-makers, including those from Russia, the peninsula is being prepared carefully. From the Krasnodar Territory here at the moment you can only get on the ferry. However, in the near future, a regular bridge for cars and railway transport will also be laid across the Kerch Strait to the peninsula.

Thus, the answer to the question of when willbuilt energy bridge in the Crimea, is clear. By the summer of 2016, this object will be fully commissioned. On the peninsula will stop rolling blackouts, and enterprises will work at full capacity.