/ / Forged wickets and gates do-it-yourself

Forged wickets and gates do it yourself

Forged gates, wickets, fences are used alreadynot the first decade in everyday life. Today they are not particularly rare, but still remain inaccessible for the majority of our fellow citizens. Basically, they have a decorative function, although they are used according to their main purpose - to fence off the territory of a certain owner from another space.

Varieties of wrought iron gates

Wrought iron gates

Калитка, выполненная с элементами художественной forging, can be transparent, opening the view of the courtyard, or solid, when the front side is covered with a metal sheet, on which ornamental patterns can be intertwined from one or both sides.

Translucent polycarbonate can be used to facilitate construction. It is more affordable and looks good enough.

Wickets with forging elements are even cheaper, but also practical and aesthetic.

Independent work on the manufacture of these products is quite complicated, however, with the existence of a certain patience, you can bring sketches of wrought iron gates to life.

Create a project and buy materials

Sketches of forged gates and wickets

In this case, the project is called a sketch.Wrought iron gates, wickets and other goods manufactured in this way should have it. It can be invented by the manufacturer or selected from the relevant directories.

After determining the appearance of the future gate, it is necessary to purchase materials intended to bring the sketch to life. The frame can be created from a profile having a cross section of 30x20 mm.

From thicker material do rods. Small whorls are made of square rods having a small cross section.

Material preparation

For the manufacture of forged gates purchasedmaterial needs to be prepared. Achievement of this goal is carried out with the use of a grinder (cutting of a profile pipe and rod) and a pipe bender. When cutting to obtain a smooth edge, the materials must be turned over.

The pipe bender is used in cases where the sketchThe gate provides a curved upper bar in the frame. It should be borne in mind that the edges should remain even on not less than 10 cm on both sides.

Preparation of parts

It starts after the preparation of all parts of the frame. It is carried out on any flat surface. All parts are arranged in the appropriate order and welded into a single structure.

Sketches of forged fences and gates

If it is impossible to print a pattern onthe sketch of the fence and forged gates (the first can be used, since the decor in these products may be the same) in the actual size of his draw on any flat surface. Then with the help of flexible measuring devices measure the length of the metal frame, spent on curls separately.

Next, you need to warm up the gas horn, inwhich place the prepared billet at one end. It warms up to the point where it can be processed. After that, it is transferred to a machine called an eccentric. In case the blank is not amenable to rolling, the heating is repeated.

Curls are made on a machine called"Snail". Despite the fact that they are more subtle, it is better to warm them as well. If necessary, create symmetrical curls twist them the same way, alternately on each side, trying to observe symmetry.

When present in the design elements in the formpeaks for their production use the eccentric machine. Their production must be accompanied by a turn of the workpiece each time at a right angle. Peaks begin to produce cutting diamond-shaped or square blanks from sheet metal. The bulkiness of these elements is given by heating on high-temperature fire until white appears on the metal. After that, with the help of mites, they are transferred to the anvil, where they splash it with a large hammer. The cooling of the elements obtained is produced either in natural conditions or for the purpose of quenching in cold water.

Clamps, binding curls or leaves, are made of metal plates having small dimensions (20x2 mm), which give a finished look to the forged product and hide the welding points.

Forged wicket rods are twisted to giveim twisted shape on a machine called torsion. In order to get the same blanks, each of them must be scrolled on it the same number of times.

Assembling the structure

Wrought iron gate is collected slowly, constantly referring to the sketch, in order to prevent errors when welding various elements.

After the assembler is satisfied with the correctness and symmetry of the pattern, the parts are held together with small welds, and then they are brushed with a brush over the metal and grinding wheel.

If there are complex elements in the sketch of the gate or gate, such as leaves or flowers, it is better to purchase them in the outlet where they are sold. Welding them carried out last.

Painting gates and wickets

Forged gates with elements

After welding elements and degreasing them inplaces of welding proceed to painting. First, if a three-in-one mixture is not used, a primer is applied, and after it is dried, a paint is applied. At the same time its matte version is applied, as a rule, of black color. Some elements of the structures under consideration may be patina or silver plated.

Gates and gates can be left openwork or partially (completely) sewn up with a professional sheet, carboxyl.

The presented method requires skill, skills in working with metal, as well as patience.

Consider a simpler way of self-production of wrought-iron gates and gates.

The second method of manufacture

The main difficulty in the manufactureconsidered products are forged items. But now they can not be done independently, but simply purchased in specialized outlets.

This does not negate the creation of a sketch of a future gate or wicket. After carefully studying it and considering the number of necessary elements, go to this outlet for the purchase.

From the profile or metal pipe make the framework of the gate. In this case, you still need welding skills.

Gate with lances

After that, the forged elements are laid out in the required order, symmetry is checked and they are seized by welding.

Further actions are the same as in the previous method. Photo wrought wickets given in the article.

Mounting forged structures

Gates and gates are hung on metal or concrete pillars. The first must have a larger diameter compared to the profile used in the manufacture of forged structures.

First, dig a hole with a spade or auger.The depth of digging is determined by the type of soil, its mechanical composition, and the depth of freezing. Sand and rubble fall asleep to create the appropriate cushion. Pillars are inserted vertically. Free space is filled with broken brick or rubble, then poured with cement-sand mortar (1: 3) or concrete. It freezes within 3 days.

The pillars can be made of stone. They must be reinforced with metal rods and installed on the foundation.

The number of loops per sash is determined byhow hard the gate turned out. Usually they are hung 2 pieces, for heavier use three. The lower loop is placed at a distance of 40 cm from the edge of the frame of the leaf.

The gate must be hung in such a way that at least 8 cm is left before the surface of the dirt pad.

Photos of forged gates and wickets are shown in the figure below.

Forged gates and wickets

Types of wrought iron gates

There are the following types of products under consideration:

  • hinged - the most common, sash open in both directions;
  • retractable - one-piece canvas with rolling along the fence;
  • automatic - can be both hinged and retractable - are used to open them from the console.

Unlike the gate, which is sometimes made open, the gate is in most cases made closed.

Positive and negative qualities of forged products

Forged gates

The advantage is that they always look elegant, durable and reliable. In addition, they are environmentally friendly and are combined with any street elements.

However, they also have disadvantages:

  • the mounting process is quite complicated;
  • high cost of products.

Care for forged structures

Он заключается в их протирании, периодическом tinting when peeling off old paint, lubricating moving parts to prevent squeaking. In the presence of a large number of forged elements wash produce a powerful jet of water.


Forged gates and gates have a sophisticated look.Independently manufacturing and installing them requires certain skills, above all the ability to perform non-welded welding in the case of buying forged elements, as well as the presence of certain machines. The manufacture of metal forged structures is a creative activity that gives a lot of pleasure to the master who created them if everything turned out well.