/ / Doors and gates made of metal profiles with their own hands

Gate and gate from the metal profile with their own hands

In the building materials market, modernToday's consumer can find many options for the manufacture and further installation of the gate. However, professional companies and individual developers continue to prefer profiled flooring, despite the fact that, in addition to it, the product line is updated with new solutions that are more modern and technological. Such a high popularity of profiled flooring is due to several reasons, among them we can distinguish durability, strength, attractive appearance, as well as democratic cost. Fabrics are made in the factory using steel sheet by cold rolled technology. On both sides, the material is protected by a layer of galvanized, which is able to protect against premature destruction and corrosion. In order to achieve increased decorative qualities, the sheets are covered with a polymer layer, the shades of which can be very different. In order to make the gate and the gate of corrugated board, it will be necessary only the help of another person and a couple of free days.

Preparatory work

wicket from metal profile do it yourself

If you will make the gate and the gatedo it yourself, first you need to prepare the supporting pillars and dig holes for their installation. The supports can be made of wooden beams, choose the necessary material, the cross section of which should be equal to 150 x 150 millimeters. A round solid log with a diameter of 20 cm or more can act as a material. A channel beam is also suitable, it is important to prepare one that will have a thickness ranging from 14 to 16 millimeters. The profile tube with a cross section of 80 x 100 millimeters is also used quite often. The product must have walls with a thickness equivalent to 7 millimeters. Once you have decided on the material that will form the basis of the supports, you can start digging holes. Their depth should be equal to 1/3 of the height of the pillars, which will rise above the ground. It should be borne in mind that the door leaves, as a rule, are 0.5 meters smaller than the supports themselves. This stock will guarantee the rise of the bottom edge of the structure from the ground by 30 cm. It is necessary to leave another 20 cm above, which will be useful for strengthening by welding decorative elements.

Features of preparation

gate and gate from a metal profile the hands

Если будет изготавливаться калитка из metal profile with your own hands, it is important to ensure the stability of the whole structure. This characteristic will depend on the strength of the pillars. Therefore, it is recommended to choose rolled steel. For the installation of profile pipes or channel beams should be prepared pit, which should be buried 1.2 meters. It is important to carry out excavation work so that the well has a diameter of from 20 to 50 cm. Prepared steel supports should be lowered into the pit, setting the elements exactly vertically. After the cement mortar is poured. It is important to properly prepare the pillars, cleaning their surface from rust and primed. At the last stage, these blanks are painted. From above it is necessary to install plugs that prevent the ingress of rain water and snow inside.

Selection of profiled sheet

wicket from metal profile do it yourself scheme

If you make a gate frommetal profile with your own hands, it is important to choose the right material. In the market, you will find three groups that differ in rib height, thickness, and strength. Marking "C" defines the wall professional sheet, which is made of galvanized thin thickness. It has a small rib height. The label “NS” represents a sheet that has a more impressive wave height. Cloth peculiar large thickness. The material labeled "H" is a carrier profiling sheet, which is used in the construction of roofs and iron hangars. Doors and metal doors should be made of metal under the brand name C8 and C10, whose thickness varies from 0.4 to 0.8 millimeters. Folds from such a canvas will weigh within 40 kilograms.

Council of the master

how to make a gate from a metal profile with your own hands

Before starting work it is recommended to orderCut the profile sheet to the required dimensions at the factory. To do this, it is best to use special equipment that ensures the accuracy of the cutting line, cutting accuracy and minimizes possible damage.

Carcass fabrication

wicket from metal profile do it yourself without welding

If you run the gate and the gate ofmetal profile with your own hands, the frame is best done with the use of wooden bars, as an alternative solution acts profiled pipe. Choosing the latter, note that it should have a rectangular section of 40 x 20 millimeters. The pipe walls should be equivalent to 2 millimeters. If the pillars were installed metal, then the frame should be made of a similar material. The assembly should be made on a flat platform, which can accommodate at least one leaf. For the formation of different angles should be used squares. With the help of the profile should be formed, and then make a frame that will look like a rectangle. Corners are additionally fixed with steel corners, which are able to give the structure more impressive rigidity. The long sides of the framework system should be divided into 3 parts and fixed to the marked points of the jumper, which will be oriented parallel. Among other things, it is important to strengthen the connection with steel corners. In these places you need to install the gate hinges.

Installation of the gate in the sash

wicket from metal profile do it yourself installation

If the gate will be made frommetal profile with your own hands, the installation of which is made in one of the valves, the frame should be done a little differently. Thus, with the help of transverse and longitudinal jumpers in one of the valves, you should mount to a rectangular frame. The master must create a wicket frame system that will become 80 x 180 cm in size. It is important to shift the hinge location to the upper and lower edges of the gate.

Casing sheathing profile flooring

If the gate will be made frommetal profile with your own hands, the scheme which will help you in the work, then sheathe the frame should be after the assembly of the frame. For fixing the profile it is necessary to apply fasteners of the type of screws, equipped with a hex head.

К петлям ворот полотна с волнистой поверхностью should be fixed with bolts, as an alternative solution, you can use fixation by welding. The length of the loops should be not less than 1 meter, whereas the thickness - not less than 3 millimeters. When installing the assembled sashes, it is recommended to use a winch, which is mounted on a beam laid on top of the pillars. On the ground should be laid bars, which are mounted on the door leaf. This will fix the hinge on the pole by welding. For safety net loop is additionally fixed with bolts. If you are thinking about how to make a wicket from metal profiles with your own hands, then after the bars should be removed to check how easily the entire structure closes and opens.


The gate is made of metal profiles without welding is made only if the master does not have the skills to work with the welding machine, which is rare.