/ / Rejuvenating apple varieties of Professor L.I. Vigorova

Rejuvenating apple varieties of Professor L.I. Vigorova

Who among us has not heard in childhood about rejuvenatingapples that cured the most insidious diseases of the heroes and gave them a long life? Obviously, the Russian breeder L.I. Vigorov also grew up listening to Russian folk tales. This is evidenced by all his labor activity, because he devoted it to the cultivation of a youthful variety of apples, and he succeeded.

L.I.Vigorov was engaged in cultivation of fruit and berry plants with therapeutic and prophylactic qualities. The choice of direction was not accidental. The scientist followed the covenant of his mentor, Michurin, who wrote in his death wish that he expected his students to receive new varieties of apples that could heal people and lengthen their lives.

Apple varieties

The first thing Professor Vigorov noticedIn their works, this is the presence of natural antibiotics and compounds that promote health in apple fruits. As a result of his research, he concluded that the available varieties of apples are very rarely a cure for humans. At that time, and it was the middle of the twentieth century, there were no more than five percent. To the surprise of the scientist, even the most common of them lack important vitamins for health, and they do not compensate for the lack of the necessary elements in the body of people who consume them.

Winter apple varieties
Выбрав лучшие по содержанию полезных веществ varieties of apples, Vigorov continued to work with them, and soon on their basis received new ones, having in their composition as much biologically active substances as is necessary for the forces of the person consuming them to be strengthened.

В те годы селекционную работу в области выведения new fruit crops were led by many scientists, but most of them followed the path of economic interest. They were looking for a benefit in the quantity of the crop, the palatable taste and the external beauty and attractiveness of the fruit, and not in its usefulness. Vigorov, however, continued to insist that there are a lot of rejuvenating apples and not necessary. Where the usual ten kilograms can be eaten, those that he creates will be enough for one or two. This should correspond to the English tradition: one apple per day - and a doctor is not needed.

Summer apple varieties
The desired results did not appear soon.For their sake the scientist works hard all his life. Not immediately new apples were recognized by the scientific world and the public, it took more than forty years. Only in our days, when people began to think more about what we eat and whether we will benefit from it or harm, rejuvenating apple varieties of Professor L.I. Vigorova became popular not only among gardeners, but also among medical workers.

So, on the basis of their therapeutic effect in the UralsToday, clinics providing health services have been established. Patients are prescribed apples or their juices and oilcakes as medicines. The results of the treatment brought success to the clinics and attracted the attention of gardeners to the work of the scientist. They began planting multivitamin summer varieties of apples (such as Pouring Scarlet, Babushkino, and others) in their areas, as they were convinced that their fruits lower blood pressure. The main stock of their planting material today is in the Michurinsky and Botanical Gardens of Moscow State University. Winter varieties of apples from the collection of L.I. Vigorova such as Siberian, Olya contain natural antibiotics and prevent the formation of kidney stones.