Efficient filtering in different areasusually are complex, from a technical point of view, the device. A high degree of purification is achieved due to the multi-stage passage of the medium through several barriers, which allows us to achieve optimal filtration rates. Conversely, simple designs are rightly associated with the surface disposal of liquid from unwanted elements. But there is a third category of cleaning systems, which is a reverse-osmosis household filter in almost all versions. Its distinguishing characteristic is a combination of simple design and a high degree of purification. Although the composition of such devices involves several stages of water treatment, the principle of filtration is considered one of the simplest and most accessible to the mass consumer.
Filter device
Initial cleaning takes place in the cartridgemade of polypropylene. At this stage, the liquid gets rid of mechanical impurities larger than 5 microns - it can be particles of rust, sand and other elements that are visible to the eye. In the next stage, reverse osmosis water filters ensure the operation of the absorber. In this capacity, activated carbon is usually used, which incorporates chlorine compounds.
It is important to note here that coal canbe used in pressed or granulated form. It is preferable to the model with the first version of the layout of the absorber, since the granules release coal dust into the water. As contaminated, the compressed filler stops flowing through the liquid, while dirty coal, especially in the coarse fraction, reduces the quality of filtration, but continues to work. If the choice fell on a granular absorber, then it is more expedient to purchase an reverse osmosis filter for purifying drinking water with a small fraction of coal. In this case, the high density of the substance will increase the cleaning effect.
Membrane properties
The outer side of the membrane is representedsurface with a selective layer responsible for the separation of pure water from impurities. A feature of this material is the presence of micropores, the dimensions of which correspond to the molecules of the substances contained in the water. Due to the selective surface of the membrane forms a bundle of water molecules, which have special characteristics. In particular, such water is characterized by low qualities of the solvent, which allows it to prevent foreign matter from entering into the composition. As a rule, reverse osmosis membrane filters are roll modules that include several cleaning barriers. Typically, these are thin-layer composite formations that not only trap harmful elements, but can also provide fluid with useful substances.
Water ionization and sterilization
The design of such devices is good not onlythe principle of cleaning, but also the possibility of adding filtering auxiliary functions. Although the membranes themselves provide considerable efficiency in water treatment, some manufacturers supplement them with ultraviolet sterilization. By and large, this device duplicates the work of the main membrane, but if it is damaged, it can completely fill the cleaning tasks. In addition, reverse osmosis water filters can be equipped with built-in ionizers, which provide the composition with useful substances. The equipment of such devices includes separation channels with flasks that separate the supply of purified water to ionized and ordinary. According to manufacturers, the enriched liquid can be used not only for domestic needs, but also for medical purposes.
Advantages of reverse osmosis filters
The main advantage of such systems is consideredthe effectiveness of the main task - filtering. Further, it is worth noting convenience in the content of filters. They are distinguished by high ergonomics, which contribute to the small dimensions of the device, and simple design. In addition, reverse osmosis water purification filters allow to obtain compositions of different characteristics. This is both demineralized and distilled as well as ionized liquids that can be used for various purposes.
Filter Disadvantages
First of all, this is a high price and lack ofcomposition of the water produced a number of useful minerals. As for the cost, the devices can not be called quite expensive, but, compared with the usual jug models, they stand out significantly in the direction of increasing the price tag. In terms of the lack of useful substances, the situation is ambiguous. The fact is that reverse osmosis water filters exclude calcium, fluorine, and salts necessary for the body from the composition along with harmful impurities. That is, the effectiveness of cleaning in this context acts even to the detriment, therefore, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of trace elements at the expense of other products. There is also a shortage of excessive consumption of water. Usually, filters retain an almost imperceptible volume of the filtered liquid, but the absorption system through reverse osmosis significantly increases this figure.
На современном этапе развития средств фильтрации There are not many truly effective systems that can provide multilateral cleanup. Especially when it comes to consumer devices, which initially have less ample opportunities in comparison with industrial units. In this case, reverse osmosis water filters are an exception to the rule precisely because of the high cleaning performance. Not only high-quality filtration from the main harmful substances is noted, but also the possibility of enriching the composition with ionizers. True, the wide distribution of such filters is still hampered by their shortcomings. A considerable part of consumers are frightened by the information that the resulting liquid is deprived of the main beneficial microelements. However, while there is no definite opinion of experts on how this nuance is dangerous to health.