/ / When to transplant peonies: basic rules

When to transplant peonies: basic rules

For the first time, peonies were cultivated before ourthe era. They first appeared in Greece, China and Rome. They were used there as ornamental and medicinal plants. In our country, this flower appeared in the time of Peter I. The king loved these flowers very much, so in the first half of the XVIII century the peony became widespread. In recent years, flower growers have taken up closely his selection.

When can I transplant peonies

Multiplying on your site this kind of flower, youneed to know when to transplant peonies. For its landing it is necessary to choose the most open and sunny place. It must be protected from the wind. But it must be remembered that without air circulation there is a danger of developing diseases. Therefore, the area where the peony is planted should be removed from the trees and buildings. Never flood a peony with plenty of water. For him it is important that the soil was moistened moderately. It should also be noted that in one place a peony can be up to 20 years old, without requiring a transplant.

If you still need a transplant, it is importantknow when you can repot peonies. This is usually done in August or early September. Transplanting is done by dividing the rhizome. To do this, carefully dig out the plant and remove the rhizome from the soil.

When to transplant peonies
Then clean it off the ground and remove the roots,that rotted by cutting them at an angle. For planting peony need to make a hole to 60 centimeters in diameter and depth. At the bottom put a mixture of soil and humus, mixing them with mineral fertilizer. Eyes should be placed 5 cm below the soil level. After planting, the soil should be well moistened.

How to transplant peonies in spring?To do this, dig up a bush, capturing as much as possible of the earth located on the rhizome of the plant. In the prepared for peony transplantation pits add nutrient soil. Throughout the summer, watch the plant and be sure to cut the first buds that appeared. Watering should be done every day.

When to transplant peonies - decide for yourself.However, the best time is the end of autumn. At this time, the heat subsides, and the rains begin. All the flowers on the peonies bloomed, and plants do not mind planting. But basically it can be done at any time, no matter when. It is possible to transplant peonies both in April and in May, but spring weather may adversely affect this plant, this should be taken into account.

How to transplant peonies in spring

If the bushes have broken off the roots, they can be plantedon a bed with a nutritious soil and to receive further additional bushes of peonies. They should be watered more often. Pruning peonies do in late October. To do this, shoots need to be cut at ground level. All cut stems must be removed.

It should be noted that peonies rarely get sick and notattract pests. However, gray decay may appear on the leaves. It will begin to damage the stems, buds and leaves. Therefore, the plant must be treated with Bordeaux mixture or preparations that contain copper. This procedure should be done on the appearance of buds.

Now you know when to transplant peonies, and be able to transform your plot yourself with the help of this wonderful plant.