/ Why does not the peony blossom? Let's find the reason

Why does not the peony blossom? Let's find the reason

Why does not the peony blossom?This question is often and willingly asked by beginning florists to more experienced colleagues. Breeders of these wonderful plants know a few secrets that will help understand why peonies do not bloom. Let's summarize their experience and identify the typical mistakes of those who grow these perennials in their garden.

why the peony does not blossom

Why does the peony not bloom if it is planted no more than two years ago?

In the first year after planting, the plant intensivelytakes root. A full-fledged development, it will reach four years. In the first fifteen months one can expect the appearance of one or three thin stems. Their height should be equal to half the normal height. In a rare case peonies bloom for the second year. This happens if the plant has managed to develop well and reach eighty percent of its maximum growth. The number of stems at this time is from three to six. The main goal of the floriculturist in this period of the peony life is not to deplete the plant. Driven by it, it can remove the first buds on young plants. True, if their diameter has already reached ten millimeters, then this can not be done. The next year the plant, which looks strong and strong, will form a few buds. Again, most of them will have to be removed. And let one let out, so that the florist can control the variety. After that, it must be cut off immediately.

peonies badly bloom

Why does not the peony bloom three or four years after planting?

Usually hybrids stably bloom to thistime. Some varieties of red peonies can blossom only by the fourth year. This is a feature of the species. If the peony, which is more than four years old, still does not bloom, but has a normal appearance, then there may be several possible causes. The first is too deep burial of the rhizome. If this is so - carefully remove the soil above it or transplant it, this time by all rules. The second reason is the invasion of the pion growth zone by other trees or shrubs with a powerful root system. This situation is corrected only by transplanting the flower to a new location. You can answer the question of why the peony does not bloom if you carefully monitor the quality of planting material: because it depends very much on it. If this continues for the fifth year, then in the end of August the plant should be digged, examined its roots, if necessary, divided and planted in a new place.

when peonies blossom a month
It is necessary to track the exact time when the flower ispeonies - the month can be different depending on the variety. More often it occurs in the end of August or in the end of September. If your peonies are already many years old, they have successfully blossomed, and then suddenly become less decorative, then the reason may be related to the depletion of the soil. Providing abundant food, you will give your plants a second youth. Water-soluble fertilizers will work well. If pions were affected by gray rot, then before the beginning of the vegetative period it is necessary to spray the plant with fungicides: two or three times at intervals of ten to twelve days. One of the reasons for poor flowering can be the contact of roots with groundwater. In this case, it is recommended to check their level. You may need a transplant or effective drainage.