/ / Fuchsia in the garden: cultivation and care, reproduction, photo

Fuchsia in the garden: cultivation and care, reproduction, photo

When fuchsia blooms - this is a real celebration ingarden. Against the backdrop of bright leaves, the flowers resemble the dance of ballerinas. To observe this phenomenon, the owners of this amazing plant should only observe very simple rules of care. After all, fuchsia was considered a domestic plant for a long time and it is still unusual for many to see it in the garden, in the open ground.

Description of the plant

Fuchsia belongs to perennials, her genushas more than a hundred species. Previously, its popularity was not so high, but with the advent of hybrids that have the ability to reproduce with the help of seeds and blossom in the first year of cultivation, the situation has completely changed. The plant has a long flowering period, which makes it possible to grow it as an annual. Fuchsia in the garden continues to be perennial, despite the appearance of various modifications of the variety.

The plant has a fibrous root, green orreddish leaves. In shape, they resemble an oval with pointed jagged edges. Fuchsia in the garden, cultivation and care for which are described in this article, can not but conquer with its flexible branches on which flowers are located on long pedicels.

fuchsia in the garden growing and grooming

Colors of colors are presentedpink and purple hues in different colors. Sometimes in one flower can combine several tones at the same time - it depends on the variety. The fruits of this plant are edible berries.

Hybrid Fuchsia

Fuchsia in the garden, growing and caring for itdescribed in this article, can be represented by hybrid species. They are characterized by the formation of upright or ampel bushes with large bright colors. Their distinctive feature is that the cups and petals of the flower have a different color. In this form, there are quite a few varietal groups.

Three-leaved fuchsia

Fuchsia, cultivation and care in the garden behind whichhave some features, can be represented by a rather rare species: three-leaved. It is a shrub up to 50 cm high, has a rhizome and is characterized by reddish-green foliage. Inflorescences of her short, formed from bright coral flowers. This variety is very hardy, so it is suitable for successful growing outdoors.

fuchsia in the garden

Классифицироваться растение может благодаря a variety of colors. Fuchsia in the garden, cultivation and care (photo - above), which are described in this article, is also represented by winter hardy varieties. They can hibernate in the open ground even without special shelter.

Features of cultivation and care

Fuchsia in the garden, cultivation and care, reproductionwhich is described in this article, is a whole thermophilic plant. An exception may be only separately derived hybrids exhibiting comparative frost resistance. For its cultivation, the windless and well-lit corners of your garden can ideally approach. Favorable may be light shading.

Fuchsia in the garden may well growopen ground. There it can be landed already in early May. At the same time, a very important point is that the root neck should not be buried when the plant is planted. If the rooting is successful, then in a couple of weeks your pet can please you with its flowering.

fuchsia cultivation and care in the garden

Fuchsia in the garden, growing and caring for itdescribed in this article, can also grow in a pot. For such an option, it is better to take a plant a couple of years old and with a well developed root system. In this case, the pot can be either buried or simply placed in a groove.

Fuchsia in the garden, growing and grooming in winter forwhich have specific characteristics, should not remain in the cold period in the open ground. This is why it is not advisable to completely transfer their root system to the ground. Approximately at the end of autumn the plant is sent to winter in the room.

Selecting a landing site

Фуксия в саду, выращивание и уход за которой described in this article, is a seasonal plant. Its flowering period is from early spring to autumn itself. In order to choose the right place for your pet, you should take into account the main factors affecting her life: light, temperature and humidity. Lighting should be diffused. This plant responds very well to moderate temperature and normal humidity.

Features of care

Fuchsia, depending on the variety, may haveor other peculiarities of growing, but most often she prefers direct sunlight in the morning, but it is necessary to create artificial shade from dinner and until the evening, so that the plant is not burned. Only a few varieties love sunbathing and are able to tolerate them painlessly. Basically it is a plant with a bright coloring of flowers.

fuchsia in the garden cultivation and care photo

Фуксия в саду, выращивание и уход за которой described in this article, requires summer temperate temperatures, which are on average 16-22 degrees. If the temperature regime is lower, the plant may have a rest period, and the buds will not form. The rise in temperature can be the cause of the discharge of buds and the illness of your pet. If it is not possible to control the temperature, then the humidity level should be increased.

Fuchsia is a tropical plant, so she is very fond of various water treatments. Spraying is very beneficial to her, especially after a hot summer day.

Choosing the soil

Fuchsia to soil is not demanding, howeverpreference is given to a light and fertile soil with neutral acidity. To improve its structure, you can make a little bit of riding peat, sand and perlite. Favorable will be the addition of clay, which retains nutrients in the soil and prevents their washing away. Adult plants show soil with the addition of sod, compost, humus, land with leaves, peat, etc.

fuchsia ampel in the garden cultivation and care

Soil must keep a constant moisture orstrive for this. In order to comply with this condition, you do not need to wait until the top layer is completely dry, you should water the plant regularly. If irrigation is insufficient, fuchsia can prematurely discard leaves and buds. However, overmoistening can lead to very negative consequences, so you should be as rational and cautious as possible.

Forming and trimming

Формировать куст фуксии надо начинать еще с Shank. This plant for molding is very plastic and favorably responds to it. The shape of the bush can be given any, everything depends only on your imagination. However, it is important that prolonged pinches can significantly slow down flowering, so in this case it is important not to overdo it. The procedure can be continued after the first flowering fuchsia.

fuchsia in the garden growing care breeding

As for pruning, it is best to conductat the end of the growing season. At this time, all the discolored branches that are 2 cm from the sleeping buds are removed. The final shaping of the crown is carried out approximately in January.

Fuchsia ampel in the garden: cultivation and care

Amuseum fuchsia varieties mostsuitable for growing in hanging baskets. However, this does not stop some gardeners before planting them on the beds. This is a very controversial decision, which some consider to be original, and others to be unacceptable.

Ampel fuchsia according to the requirements for the choice of locationgrowth and care is very similar to the usual fuchsia. However, it feels best in a wire basket filled with peat moss. When choosing the plant itself, it is better to give preference to those whose roots are good, but not too developed.

Wintering fuchsia directly in the garden

Contrary to popular belief, somevarieties of fuchsia are able to overwinter in the open ground. This is the Magellan fuchsia. It can be covered with lapnik, and it will perfectly feel under the snow. The remaining species require preparatory measures before going on hibernation.

fuchsia in the garden growing and grooming in winter

Before the onset of persistent cold fuchsiashould be cut at the soil level and sprinkled with a layer of earth at least 20 cm. After that, cover with lapnickel and provide insulation from excess moisture. Open the plant should be around mid-May. After this wintering, fuchsia blossoms around August.

Gardeners also practice such a method as the annual rooting of new cuttings. The plant itself is not left in autumn.