/ / How to stick the foam to the foam? How to glue the foam to any surface

How to glue the foam to the foam? How to properly glue the foam to any surface

Lightweight, versatile material likepolyfoam, not so long ago became popular as a heater of rooms. As it turned out, it can be used both as a design element and for the manufacture of small decorative objects. As before the masters, warming their home, and before the "DIY" may be a question about how to stick the foam to the foam.

To be warm and not only

how to glue the foam to the foam
Many citizens in the post-Soviet spacehave to live in apartments like "Khrushchev" or "Brezhnevka." What is good in houses built in those days, except that they are, a small area of ​​apartments and their dense population? That's right - great sound permeability of the walls! Unfortunately, not everyone likes to find out the latest neighborly news coming through the walls at night. These citizens are trying to separate from the house team, by any means they insulate their premises.

The method of insulation sheets of foam has a sufficient number of advantages. Among them are the following facts:

  • lightweight, almost weightless material;
  • has a small thickness;
  • has excellent sound and thermal insulation properties;
  • easy enough to mount;
  • can be used both inside rooms and on the facade of houses.

Only one thing can cause controversy and doubt. This is the question of how to stick the foam to the wall.

On concrete, on brick and on wood

than glue the foam to the wall
Attach polystyrene panels canto almost any basis. Do not always use adhesive formulations. Most often used and adhesives, and mechanical fasteners. It depends on which side of the room the work will be carried out. If the sheets are mounted on the facade, then double fasteners are used: glue mix and “umbrella” plugs.

Than you can glue the foam to the brick orconcrete base from the outside of the house? The mixture should be resistant to wind and rain. In addition, the composition should not contain gasoline, acetone and other solvents that simply “eat” the foam panel to the holes.

How to glue the foam to the foam? It is not recommended to use foam for these jobs. Swelling and expanding in the process of freezing, it can deform the plate.

When working with wood, plywood or drywall use the same mixtures as in other cases. What can glue foam? Usually masters use the following tools:

  • liquid foam;
  • liquid nails (especially for this material);
  • concrete contact anhydrous mixtures;
  • silicone sealants;
  • compositions for tile;
  • special glue foam.

How to glue the foam to the ceiling or wall

what can glue foam
When working, glue is applied only onpolystyrene tiles. The surface of the ceiling or wall must be dry and clean. The composition is placed on the sheet strips (for air outlet), if the trimmed area has an uneven texture. With an ideal base surface, liquid nails or foam are drawn around the perimeter of the tile with a slight indentation from the edge. A small amount of the mixture is applied to the center of the panel. When attaching large-sized foam sheets with glue, they lubricate the perimeter in a spiral, which gradually approaches the center of the sheet. On the sides of the glue is applied in a zigzag thin layer.

After applying the composition of the panel should be postponeda few minutes away. After a short exposure, the slab or panel is applied to the desired place on the wall or ceiling and carefully pressed to the base and to the adjacent tiles, fixing for a while. If the work is carried out on the ceiling, it is convenient to use a conventional rolling pin for dough. Excess adhesive composition immediately removed with a spatula or other device.

When insulating the outer surface of the house, additional fasteners of the panels are made with the help of dowels-fungi. The seams between the tiles must be carefully filled with the same composition with which the panels were glued.

How to prepare the main surface

 how to glue foam

In order for the result to be of high quality, there is little knowledge of how to glue the foam to the foam. If the wall is curved or dusty, all the work may be wasted.

Firstly, it is necessary to remove or seal all the pits and bulges.

Secondly, the surface is cleaned of paint residues, various peeling and residues of glue or plaster.

Third, close up large and small gaps.

Only after a thorough cleaning of any layers, dust and dirt, you can begin the main work.

How to glue the foam to the foam in the manufacture of various designer stuff? The same compositions as in the repair of your home.