/ / Sealant for wood: varieties and rules of application.

Sealant for wood: varieties and rules of use.

An important step in the construction processwooden house is its warming. Competently executed, this type of work will provide a comfortable indoor climate and reduce heating costs. As a heater from modern materials, sealant for wood is increasingly used. It is used to fill cracks, cracks and voids in the construction of houses and carrying out various repairs. From the correct choice of sealant will largely depend on the quality of construction.

В первую очередь учитывается, для внутренних или for outdoor work it will be used. Carefully examine the information on the packaging, where the manufacturer indicates the type of material, its properties (water resistance, transparency, elasticity, resistance to high temperatures, etc.).

Wood Sealant: Benefits

Of course, natural materials are considered moresuitable for their environmental properties, but negative environmental factors often reduce their function to nothing. Sealants are in no way inferior to them, solving fairly diverse tasks in the construction of a wooden house.

wood sealant

A big threat to insulation usually representbirds that take away natural materials from the seams. With the use of sealant this problem does not occur. Obvious and economic benefits. The use of sealant saves the need for re-caulking, the need for which arises as a result of tree shrinkage when using natural materials. Provides reliable protection against insects that can seriously damage the insulation.

The use of sealant significantly reduceslabor costs during the work, because it accelerates the process of sealing seams. Reviews confirm that the cost of repairs is reduced, because it is not necessary to remove the old material completely, just apply a new layer of composition to the damaged area.

Acrylic Sealant

It is the most affordable and simple sealant fortree. To work with it does not require additional materials in the form of solvents and oxidizing agents. The composition is simply applied to the seams. Preference is given to waterproof sealant, which is environmentally safe, resistant to high and low temperatures, has excellent adhesion to the surface. Customer testimonials say that it’s pretty easy to find a material that matches the color. The disadvantage of acrylic sealant is only the instability to deformation loads. Its demand in the building materials market is due to the low price, which averages from 100 to 130 rubles, and its long-term use - up to 25 years can serve this sealant for wood.

Silicone Sealants

By their qualities, they are somewhat superioracrylic. Due to the presence of silicone in the composition, these sealants are more durable, flexible, able to withstand temperature extremes, resistant to deformation. Therefore, they are great for outdoor work.

tree sealant Price
After drying, the suture sealant for wood can be painted with oil paint. Capacity of 300 ml can be purchased for 160 rubles and above, depending on the manufacturer.

Polyurethane sealants

They are mainly used to seal the roof,foundation for the repair of complex structures. This material is characterized by high strength and long service life. According to the reviews, it is elastic, resistant to water, temperature, tolerates deformation and interacts with any surfaces.

wood sealant reviews
Polyurethane sealant for wood is used when ease of operation, ease of use and durability are required. It costs about the same as silicone - from 150 rubles.

Bituminous Sealants

The simplest type of sealant, the basis of whichmake up bitumen and rubber. For roofing work, it is most relevant. Due to its composition, the sealant does not dissolve in water, therefore it has a high level of strength and resistance to rain and moisture. Very easy to use, it allows you to quickly deal with the incorporation of cracks and seams. Among the shortcomings, it is possible to single out only that it is not suitable for painting, and at a temperature below 0 ° C it is not recommended to use bitumen sealant for wood. The price of the package in 300 ml is 180–190 rubles.

The presence of hydrocarbon sealantSolvents require caution. If the work is carried out indoors, it is necessary to provide airing. Contact with skin or eyes should be avoided; gloves, respirator and special clothing should be used to protect them.

wood sealant

In order to eliminate cracks, increaseheat-saving properties of the house, and intended sealant for wood. Reviews posted on this topic, present it as the most advantageous material for sealing mezhventsovyh seams, and thousands of houses built using this technology, confirm the effectiveness of sealants.