/ / Pinotex Interior - modern paintwork materials for wood

Pinotex Interior - modern paintwork materials for wood finishing

The tree was one of the first to be used inas a finishing material. This natural material and today occupies a leading position in sales in the market. The tree has deserved such popularity thanks to the technical characteristics. It is characterized by increased heat and sound insulation, vapor permeability, which affect the formation of an optimal internal microclimate in a room or the whole room.

What are the disadvantages of wood as a material?

Tree species is adversely affected:

  • mold;
  • mold fungi;
  • rot;
  • blue;
  • dampness.

In order to give wood additionalproperty of resistance to adverse factors, it is treated with paintwork materials. Their range on the modern market allows you to choose a coating that protects the material and does not violate its natural characteristics.

The evolution of brand development

Development company "Pinoteks" took up in the early 50s. The Danes were engaged in the production of protective composition for wood based on alkyd resins and white alcohol, pigmented with iron oxide.

After a decade of this product did not find outonly in the domestic market, but also on a global scale. Germans, Swiss, Finns could not do without such a tool, given the fact that the design of wooden houses is very popular here.

Today, the Pinotex product line includes more than 40 items from Pinotex Interior antiseptics and flame retardants to high-grade coatings.

Classification of products

Choosing the products of Pinotex, you can buy everything for wood processing: from impregnation to finishing primer. We offer to get acquainted with the main types of products.

Pinotex Base - a transparent antiseptic primer. Made from alkyd resin. Pinotex Interior Base is highly soluble in white alcohol. Suitable for outdoor work.

Impregnation Pinotex Interior

Pinotex Classic - paint for wood basedwhich contains AMA-alkyd and fungicides. It is characterized by high adhesive performance and penetrating power. Used for pretreatment of wood (as an antiseptic) or as an independent material. Suitable for outdoor work related to decoration.

pinotex interior palette

Pinotex Ultra - suitable for all types of exterior decorating. The composition resembles "Pinotex Classic", supplemented by a UV filter. Shows an amazing property of adhesion to wood.

Antiseptic Pinotex Interior

Pinotex Fence is used for the external processing of wooden products. The product contains a special group of fungicides that prevent the appearance of fungal formations on wood.

Pinotex Interior

Pinotex Interior - water based paint. Suitable for interior wood paneling, flooring and furniture. After drying, the impregnation of Pinotex Interior forms a special water-repellent layer.

Pinotex Interior reviews

Pinotex Natural - pigmented alkyd emulsion for outdoor use. It gives the tree a special look and emphasizes its structure.

Pinotex Interior palette

Pinotex Wood Primer - under this name is issued no less popular than the line of paintwork materials for wood antiseptic. This tool is used for pretreatment of wood before painting.

Pinotex Interior

Pinotex Doors and Windows - a special kind of hybridpaints. Includes acrylate and water based alkyd emulsion. Scope: decoration of doors, windows and terraces, hence the name of the product. After applying Pinotex Dors, a yellowish protective film with a repulsive effect is formed on the surface of the wood.

Pinotex Interior

Pinotex Wood Oil Spray is awesomecomposition. Among the ingredients are natural and modified oils that protect the surface from the negative influence of the external environment. Suitable for both outdoor and indoor applications.

Pinotex Interior palette

Pinotex Impra is a special antisepticimpregnation for wood. Used only for outdoor work. Suitable for use in humid environments. Can be used as a prophylactic against rot and blue.

Pinotex Interior reviews

Stages of preparatory work for painting a wooden surface

Before starting to paint the wood paintwork Pinotex Interior, the surface must be prepared. It is cleaned, primed and only then painted.

The surface you want to paintPinotex Ineterior, must be dry, with a moisture content of wood not higher than 20%. Be sure to clean, without a trace of fungus or blue. Depending on the degree and type of pollution, cleaning is carried out in the following ways:

  1. With the help of a scraper, hard brush, sandblaster - the physical method.
  2. When using a stream of hot air, infrared rays - thermal method.
  3. When using various kinds of tools for removing paint residues - the chemical method.

Surface priming

Additional surface treatment with primerwill improve the adhesion of paint to the surface of the tree and enhance the protective effect of the coating. To do this, use the base colorless primer brand "Pinoteks".

I start to paint no less than 24 hours after applying a layer of primer on the working surface.

The process of painting wood

Painting using Pinotex Interior is done in two layers. The paint is applied along the fibers, carefully working hard to reach places.

The palette Pinotex Interior on the market is completely ready for use - the paint does not require additional dilution.

Pinotex Interior

The peculiarity of Pinotex coatings is the complete drying of paint after 36-48 hours, after which a dense protective coating forms on the surface of the tree, preventing the appearance of fungi and mold.

Pinotex Interior reviews deserve positive.Many of the customers buy products only of this brand, and then recommend it to their friends. And many have not even tried the paint in practice, are prone to its acquisition. Such popularity can not be the result of high quality.

Pay attention to the wide range of offers "Pinotex", the features of each of the types of paints and their advantages, and again think about which paintwork to give preference when choosing.