/ / Mosaic glue: types and tips for choosing

Mosaic glue: types and tips for choosing

Mosaic is an interesting and fascinatingart that has a rich and ancient history. It is a popular and frequently used finishing material with positive features and availability. The mosaic is suitable for the decoration of the panel, and is also used for finishing various surfaces; it consists of simple compositions and complex ornaments. You can glue the mosaic on glue, but do it carefully and carefully, because one wrong move and all the hard work will go down the drain. Having chosen this type of interior decoration, familiarize yourself with the assortment, read the instructions and only then get to work.

mosaic decoration

Mosaic Types

Most often for registration use squaretile It is practical, gives the room irresistible and originality. When choosing a tile mosaic tile, consider what material it is made of. Often for the manufacture of mosaics used:

  • Glass.
  • Ceramic granite.
  • Marble.
  • A natural stone.
  • Travertine.
  • Ceramics.
  • Onyx.

All materials used to create the mosaic,characterized by distinctive features and different service life. Glass products are more suitable for the bathroom, because it is moisture resistant material.

Классический вариант – керамическая мозаика, possessing unique properties and distinguished by durability. On any surfaces in the house looks great. Another of its useful properties - it is resistant to acidic substances.

Natural stone is used in the manufacture of tiles rarely. The reason for its rapid attrition and excessive sensitivity. Despite this, a mosaic of stone is appreciated for its naturalness.

Kinds of mosaic glue

Depending on the features, location and method of application, it is divided into three main types:

  1. Cement adhesive for mosaics.Its production involves the use of white and gray cement. The shade of the sticky substance depends on the color of the raw material. The texture of the mixture is different: it is hard, soft and highly elastic. Hard glue is used for facing surfaces; soft and highly elastic - for more complex jobs. To keep the adhesive substance better, it is mixed with latex or used before it is used.
  2. Dispersive.This glue is in the form of dispersed polymers in a liquid. Ready to use mass, which includes only one component. There is no need to dilute the glue with water, as it is well applied. The material consumption is minimal, if after finishing some glue remains, then it is enough to simply close the lid to save it until the next use.
  3. Two-component adhesive for mosaic.It consists of a hardener and a base. Based on polyurethane or epoxide. When the substance is mixed with the hardener, a chemical reaction begins. Since there is no water in the composition, the two-component adhesive is suitable for sensitive materials. Minus glue - quick drying. If the mosaic remains paste, try to wipe it immediately. Otherwise, you will have to scrape the dried residues.

When choosing a mosaic adhesive, study the instructions and apply the composition carefully so that the mixture does not come into contact with the skin. At the same time, take precautions.

Mosaic adhesive white

How to choose glue?

That the tile reliably and strong held,carefully and correctly pick up the glue. It is enough just to determine which glue is best for mosaic. When choosing a material, consider the duration of the repair work and remember that the type of glue depends on the type of tile and the room itself. When choosing, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Features of the room.Installing a similar design element in the kitchen and in the bathroom is very problematic. Since indoor humidity is high and the tile will constantly come into contact with water, mosaic glue must be highly elastic and well absorb moisture. If the adhesive has such abilities, the tile will hold tight even in rooms with high humidity.
  2. Surface.If it is an uneven, rough and shaky surface, this is the most unfortunate basis for tiling. It will be difficult to position the glue for the mosaic evenly, which will necessarily affect the fastening reliability.
  3. Какой материал использовался для изготовления mosaics. The most fastidious in terms of laying - glass mosaic. Because of the transparent structure, everything under the canvas will be visible. Ceramic tile in this regard is much more convenient. Practically any adhesive composition is suitable for facing ceramic mosaics.

The composition of white tile glue

Now in construction there are materials usingwhich you can create any design. White glue for mosaic is used only for glass cladding materials. The fact is that this color does not spoil the overall impression, does not affect the design of the room and the look of the decor element itself. In the composition of the adhesive there is only one component that interacts well with the glass. The composition is quite strong and stable, due to its high elasticity, cracks and fractures do not appear on it.

The consumption of white tile adhesive is directly dependent ontrowel width. This material requires clear and quick work. If an open package with glue has been in the open air for two or three hours, then you should not use it.

High-quality adhesive mixture should be characterized by such indicators:

  • Strength.
  • Adhesion.
  • The ability to repel water well.
  • Match the color of the selected mosaic.

Before purchasing the glue, you need to make sure that it is suitable for the planned facing works.

Mosaic which glue is the best

Surface preparation

You can not immediately begin to glue tile-mosaic.First you need to prepare the surface for the work ahead. To keep the tiles firm, the surface must be clean, dry and smooth. To do this, it must first be sanded. Next, it is required to apply a drawing. It will help to properly decompose the tile.

When the surface is ready, take carecooking pasta. The adhesive must be completely suitable for the surface, so when buying, contact the seller for help and consult. Cooking mass is necessary only in accordance with the attached instructions.

kinds of glue

Mosaic Laying

To do this, you will need the following tools:

  • Spatula - for even distribution of glue.
  • The mixer is construction. It is useful for mixing components.
  • Master OK.
  • Level.
  • Corner.
  • Grater rubber.
  • Roulette.

To learn how to glue the mosaic on the wall, read the step-by-step instruction:

  1. Ground the walls.
  2. Apply an even layer of glue.
  3. Sticking mosaic on the wall.
  4. Level with a hand grater tile.
  5. Remove the glue residue until it is dry.
  6. We rub the seams.

The process of laying tiles does not cause problems only when the surface is smoothed and cleaned of dirt, all the rules are followed and features of the materials used are taken into account.

Mosaic tile adhesive which one to choose

Installation of mosaics in the pool

Чтобы установить плитку в бассейне, выбирайте elastic glue for mosaic. If other compositions were used, the tiles will soon begin to lag behind the surface, and this will lead to forced repairs and additional costs. When a glass variant of the coating is chosen for the lining, latex is added to the glue. It will significantly improve the properties and securely strengthen the tile.

Do not apply glue to the surface, becauseA notched trowel will leave marks that will appear on the mosaic in the future. It is better to apply it directly to the tile. The size of the spatula, select, taking into account the parameters of the tile. Adhesive for laying mosaic should have the following characteristics:

  • Resistance to low temperatures.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Adhesion.
  • Elasticity.

Before filling the pool with water, make surethat the glue is dry. Otherwise, you risk to spoil all the work, because the insufficiently adhered coating under the action of moisture will fall off, and the work done will go down the drain.

On the grid

To save time and effort specialistsrecommend buying mosaic on the grid. This option is easy to use, but it has its own nuances. Apply glue for mosaic better rubber spatula, slightly pressing on the grid. It is necessary to evenly cover the back side of the net with glue paste.

Laying a mosaic, choose glue with synthetic resins and specialized additives. The mass is elastic and perfectly fixes the mosaic on the surface.

Mosaic in the bathroom

How to glue a mosaic based on PVC?

Этот материал в настоящее время очень популярен.Not only garden hoses are made of it, but also siding, suspended ceilings, windows. It is a bit more difficult to glue PVC mosaic, because it is made without butt parts, and when installed between the tiles, gaps will appear. To hide obvious defects, use a sealant or purchase rails.

Mosaic sheets are often used in places withoriginal layout. Due to its flexibility, the panels are able to hide defects even in hard-to-reach areas. Do not buy a mosaic of PVC with a blurred image. The panel should be perfectly flat and have many stiffeners.

advantages and disadvantages of the mosaic

The choice of adhesive for laying mosaic is an important step incarrying out finishing works. It depends on how long the tile will stay on the surface. Buying an adhesive mass, study its composition, determine the type of mosaic and familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the adhesive. Approach this issue with full responsibility.

No difficulty in decorating the surfacenot. The main thing is to choose the right glue composition, focusing on the peculiarities of the mosaic fabric used for decoration in the kitchen, bathroom or for decoration in other rooms.