/ How to whiten underwear at home effectively?

How to whiten underwear at home effectively?

Set of white underwear - love of manywomen, and not only. It attracts with its elegance and tenderness, sexuality and innocence. In summer, such a package becomes irreplaceable, because it is an ideal option for light light sundresses. Unfortunately, many women have noticed that over time such things change their original appearance. But how to whiten your underwear?

how to whiten underwear at home

Features of snow-white linen

Many women want to learn the secret of how to savebright white underwear. The use of purchased bleaching agents does not always give the desired result. And people's ways can even spoil things. But how to whiten underwear at home correctly? After all, often the details of underwear are made of delicate and delicate fabrics, which need special care.

A few tips to help you keep the whiteness of your kit:

  • Housewives often use bleach.But remember, the frequent use of such drugs has a detrimental effect on the tissue. As a result, the product will quickly wear out. Some bleaching agents can leave yellow spots on the tissue.
  • Do you want to keep the original color of the laundry as long as possible? Do not erase it with colored things. Even if they do not shed.
  • Choosing a special agent for bleaching the tissue, it is necessary to study the composition well. So you can find a good whitening agent at a bargain price.
  • When washing white things our grandmothers added a little bit of blue in the water. This method helps to cope with yellow divorces on the fabric.
  • Do you want to keep the fabric structure? Use during each wash in addition to bleach conditioner for laundry.

whiten white underwear at home

Purchased bleaching agents

In the supermarkets you can find manya variety of bleaching agents. But not all of them can be used to wash delicate things. Carefully and effectively bleach the underwear set can only oxygen means. Compared to chlorine bleach, they do not corrode the fabric. They are used not only for manual washing, but also for machine washing. Such oxygen means perfectly whiten white bras and panties.

How to whiten at home synthetic underwear? It is best for such laundry to use special bleaching agents with the mark "for synthetics".

In stores you can find special tools withoptical effect, on the packaging of which it is said that they bleach the tissues well. In the composition of such means, there are light-reflecting particles. They only create the whitening effect. Such a tool gives a quick result, but temporary. These bleaches are well suited for a clean and new kit.

whiten underwear at home effectively

Delicate underwear

Who does not like lace?But how to whiten at home underwear from such a delicate fabric? The main rule is to use a proven, high-quality bleaching agent. In stores you can find not only the means for whitening delicate fabrics, but also the powders for color restoration, which are used for colored things.

Experts advise to give preference to liquid concentrates, rather than dry powders.

How to whiten lace underwear? It is necessary to erase such a kit in full compliance with the instruction. Otherwise, you will get a completely different result, which is unlikely to please you.

In warm water, it is necessary to dissolve the liquidagent or "tablet". Underwear should be left for several hours in such water. After it is well rinsed and sent to the washing machine for washing in a gentle mode with the addition of bleach.

how to whiten lace underwear

Whitening synthetic fabric with soda

How to whiten synthetic underwear if notthe opportunity to purchase a special bleach? You will not believe, but there is such a tool in every home. You can use baking soda for synthetics. It will quickly return the whiteness of your underwear.

To prepare a solution, it is necessary to preparewater, baking soda and ammonia in a proportion of 2: 2: 1. The mixture is warmed up a little and mixed well. In such a solution it is necessary to soak a white kit. After a few hours, it is rinsed and washed at a temperature of up to 400FROM.

how to whiten synthetic underwear

For washing it is better to use detergents inliquid form. They gently act on the fabric. In addition, particles of ordinary powders can remain in the folds of the fabric. They also cause irritation of the delicate skin.

Boiling cotton and linen fabrics

How to whiten underwear at home?Many experienced housewives will immediately answer: by boiling, if the linen is cotton or linen. Only under this condition can this old and proven method be used. Synthetic, silk fabric or lace underwear, washed with such an aggressive method, just deformed.

how to whiten underwear

For boiling, you need to choose the right dishes.Do not use copper, iron pans or buckets. Underwear of linen or cotton should be boiled only in galvanized or enameled vessels.

Отбелить белое нижнее белье в домашних условиях boiling is very simple. In the tank, you need to pour clean water, add a little bleach and detergent. You can add a little ammonia (ammonia). Now you can put the underwear in the water and turn on the fire. Periodically, the contents of the container should be stirred. The duration of this procedure is 1 hour. After the thing you need to rinse well. This method is economical, but time-consuming.

Traditional methods of bleaching underwear

How to whiten underwear at home,using folk remedies? In the house of each mistress there will be necessary components. And on the quality of bleaching, such funds are often not inferior to the purchase of expensive drugs.

  1. On a coarse grater rub a piece of householdsoap or dissolve it in hot water. In a separate container dilute potassium permanganate to a light pink state. The liquid is added to the basin with soapy water. The linen is soaked in this solution for at least 5 hours, tightly covering the container with a lid.
  2. Things must be washed.Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia 50 ml each are added to 5 liters of water. The solution is heated to almost boiling and the laundry is dipped into it. In this state, it should be a few hours. Carefully ensure that all parts of the laundry are immersed in water.
  3. Half a cup of washing powder and 100-150 grams of soda should be added to the water. In this solution you need to boil the laundry for about 30 minutes.
  4. You can restore the color of the linen by dunk it ona few hours in a special solution: in 2 liters of water diluted with 5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Soak your laundry periodically in such a solution, and bleaching will not cause any difficulties.

how to whiten underwear


Effectively whiten underwear at home is simple. The main thing is to study the composition of the fabric, choose the necessary tool or method of bleaching. In this case, your underwear will always be white.