/ / Acrylic primer: types and characteristics

Acrylic primer: types and characteristics

Almost always when performing repair,finishing or painting works requires the use of primers intended for finishing the surfaces. One of the most popular types of primer mixes is the acrylic primer. Since it is perfectly suited for most surfaces - cement, concrete, gypsum plasterboard, etc.

Acrylic primer

Such a primer can be applied practicallyany kind of finish coat. Due to their exceptional properties and technical characteristics, acrylic primer, unlike most of its analogs, can be applied to old plaster, asbestos, particleboard or fiberboard. This does not prevent it from fulfilling its main purpose - to ensure a reliable grip of the finishing material with the surface of the surface.

Acrylic primer of deep penetration

Acrylic primer is divided into twothe main type - reinforcing and acrylic primer of deep penetration. The difference between them lies in the size of the particles of the binder. The reinforcing primer mix is ​​intended for gluing (strengthening) the base of the surface and, naturally, the binding grains in them are several times larger than in the penetrating mixtures. Such a primer is used primarily before gluing the wallpaper or painting the surface.

Acrylic primer with deep penetration,containing extremely small particles of binder material (usually acrylic polymers), is able to penetrate the base of the surface to a depth of up to ten centimeters. Such primer blends are usually applied before applying a thick coating layer to the surface. Such as tile glue or artistic plaster.

Acrylic primer with deep penetration

In addition, a penetrating acrylic primer hasanother important function is the prevention of the appearance of fungi or mold. It is also recommended to use this type of primer for the treatment of porous surfaces. Acrylic primer will significantly improve their operational and decorative qualities. Also, the penetrating acrylic primer has excellent protective properties, which makes it possible to actively use it as an anticorrosive coating of metal surfaces. Of course, the primer can not completely prevent the appearance of corrosion, but it significantly slows down the process of its development.

Acrylic primer mixtures also differ in theirtheir composition, which determines their technical and operational characteristics. There are water-dispersion primer mixtures and organo-soluble. The first variety is less resistant to the influence of various external factors (dampness, temperature changes and other), but it is more ecological and almost odorless. It is suitable for surface treatment before plastering and plastering. Such soils are perfectly suited for the processing of plasterboard, brick and concrete surfaces.

Organo-soluble primer mixtures are muchbetter tolerate the impact of external factors and have a greater degree of resistance to various contaminants. Such mixtures are recommended for use in exterior finishing works. For example, for processing facades of buildings.