Bathroom in the house is a special place whereowners can not only relax after a long working day, but also resume their strength and cheer up. A modern bathtub can perform the function of a sauna or aquamassage, relaxing the body and giving it new energy. Many owners face a choice: which bath

Which bathtub is better - cast iron or acrylic? Overview of products made of cast iron steel
It's not a secret for anyone that pig iron is the mostDurable steel, which can last several dozen (and even hundreds) years. Of course, with proper operation. If properly treated surface of such a bath, it will be very resistant to corrosion. In the process of enameling cast iron becomes more smooth and durable. In addition, it has an attractive appearance.

Steel tub
Such products stand out for their low cost.(this is, in fact, the main plus). Modern technologies make it possible to manufacture steel tanks of various forms, which also positively affects their reputation. Weight is 5-6 times lighter than cast iron. The disadvantages include a lot of noise (in order to avoid it, you have to hire masters who make noise insulation of steel baths). Rapid heat transfer - this factor contributes to the low popularity of steel - it is always cold, and it is rarely possible to get pleasure from warm water, as it cools quickly. Fragile enamel is another negative factor of such products. To the question "Which bath is better: cast iron or steel?", - you can firmly answer: "Of course, cast iron." Choosing cast iron, you definitely will not lose.

Which bath is better: cast iron or acrylic?
Such containers are famous for their uniquedesign. That is why acrylic is quite popular among Russian consumers. Neither the iron nor the steel bath has such a variety of shapes and sizes. The advantages include slow heat transfer (water retains its temperature for quite a long time) and excellent properties of enamel. Having polished a surface of the 30-year capacity, it is possible not to distinguish it from new products. And various chips and cracks in it are very easily repaired, which cannot be said about steel and cast iron. If you are wondering "Which bath is better - cast iron or acrylic?", Feel free to choose acrylic - this material is many times better than cast iron and steel.