/ / Aloe: home reproduction, peculiarities of care and cultivation

Aloe: reproduction at home, especially care and cultivation

One of the most popular indoor plants -Aloe - refers to the family lily, a group of succulents. Its main distinguishing feature is its long, fleshy leaves covered with soft spines. Aloe is grown by lovers of indoor plants not only as an ornamental, but also as a medicinal plant.

general description

Africa is home to aloe.On this continent there are more than 250 species of this plant. At home, most often grown aloe tree. In another way, this species is called agave. Very often in the apartments of indoor plants lovers one can also see spiny, spotty or folded aloe. Reproduction of all these species is usually a simple procedure. The methods of obtaining new plants from the parent are similar.

aloe breeding

Main breeding methods

Getting new plants from the aloe bush, as well as from any other succulent, is very simple. Breed this plant can:

  • tops;

  • cuttings;

  • leaves;

  • children;

  • seeds.

Most often, aloe breed children. In this case, young plants just need to dig and transfer to a new pot. The remaining techniques have some nuances.

aloe breeding at home

Aloe: reproduction by tops, cuttings and leaves

Take planting material from the mother plantshould be as neat as possible. The tops are cut with a sharp knife so that they have about 5-6 leaves. The cuttings are separated from the stem itself. The leaf is cut at the base of the shoot. Planting material for breeding is usually taken in February or March. Place the cut on the mother plant is treated with charcoal. The tops themselves, cuttings or leaves are dried for 5-6 days.

Next, planting material is slightly deepened.(about 3 cm) in wet sand. After the appearance of the roots, new plants are transferred to containers filled with earth. Drainage is pre-filled in pots. As a soil mixture usually use the same composition in which the maternal aloe grows. If there is no such soil on hand, you can buy a mixture in a specialized store for growing cacti. In any case, the soil should be slightly acidic. Of course, planted young plants need to be watered. Reproduction of aloe leaf, tip or cuttings allows you to quickly and without much hassle to get a few new copies.

breeding aloe leaf

Seed use

This technique is considered rather complicated andAmateur florists are rarely used. But this way you can get at the same time a very large number of new young aloe. Seed propagation will be successful only if a special soil mixture is used, consisting of:

  • 1 part of rotted leaf land;

  • 2 parts of washed and steamed river sand.

Такой грунт насыпают в плошки с дырочками в дне.Then seeds are laid on top of it. Then they are lightly sprinkled with sand. Moisturize the soil by lowering the plates in a pan with water for a few minutes. After the soil mixture collects moisture, the containers are placed in a hothouse.

Aloe seedlings sprout, whose reproduction bythis procedure is actually not too simple, about 5-6 days after planting. Watering young agaves should be a small atomizer. Seedlings are planted in separate containers after 1-2 true leaves appear on them.

Where to place?

No matter how you breedAloe - tip, cuttings, leaves or seeds - for new plants you need to choose the right place. Installing pots with agave is best on the window sill of the south window. Unlike many other indoor plants, this succulent is almost not afraid of large doses of ultraviolet radiation. In the dark room the aloe will stretch, and its leaves will turn pale. In winter, this plant is best to move also in a bright but cool room (with an air temperature of 12-13 degrees.).

reproduction of aloe cuttings

How to feed

Of course, aloe, breeding at homewhich can be performed in different ways, will please the owners with an attractive appearance and good development only with proper care. Fertilizing the land under this plant is usually twice a month. Too often aloe should not be fed, otherwise it can get sick. As a fertilizer most often used compositions intended for cacti.

How to water properly

Too often moisten the soil in a pot with aloealso does not follow. Perelivov this plant does not like. In addition, it does not tolerate stagnant water in the pan. With too high humidity aloe roots can easily rot. The best way to water this succulent is to immerse the pot in water for a few minutes. In summer, aloe is usually watered once a week, in winter - once a month.

Diseases and pests

Aloe is often used as a medicinalplants. However, sometimes it happens that he himself needs the help of the hosts. Most often agave strikes such a pest, as scab. This insect pierces the leaves of aloe with its sharp proboscis and drinks the juice. To rid the plant of shitovki, its leaves and the stem should be wiped with a not too strong solution of vinegar.

It also happens that spiderweb starts up in aloemite. To combat this pest, use either a weak solution of alcohol or garlic tincture. To prevent infection with a mite, aloe vera should be periodically sprayed with tobacco infusion.

aloe apex reproduction

Довольно-таки распространенным заболеванием этого plants is and root rot. It develops with overflow. When a problem arises, the agave first slows down growth and then begins to shrink.

There are aloe and other diseasescommon among indoor plants. But in general, this succulent is quite resistant to various infections and insect infestation. With proper care, aloe will most likely not deliver to their owners. In addition, in case of need, it will be possible to obtain new plants even from the already dying maternal. Reproduction of aloe cuttings, leaves, children, etc. - the procedure is extremely simple.