/ / Laying the tiles in the house with their own hands

Laying tiles in the house with their own hands

Tiling your own hands can save youconsiderable funds, since masters usually equate the cost of laying a square meter of material to the cost per square meter of it, and this is quite expensive. This kind of decoration of walls and floors has a number of advantages: durability, the surface is easy to wash, you can create interiors of a variety of styles.

Existing materials in our time alloweven people with minimal skills in construction to carry out quality work. Laying the tiles is done in several stages. The first and very important stage is surface preparation. This is labor-intensive work, as it will have to get rid of the old finish with the help of a chisel or a perforator. Cleaned from old coatings and an adhesive surface solution require careful preparation. Laying tiles is carried out only on level surfaces, because only in this way it is possible to achieve its good quality. Plumbing and leveling are usually used to level the surfaces. The walls are leveled with plaster. Angles are verified with a square. They should be 90 °. The floors must also be perfectly even. The horizontal level of the floor is checked by the building level.

To level the surfaces you will needthe following tools and items: container for special mixtures, mixer, drill, water level, plumb, trowel, grater, spatulas (large and small). Plastering is carried out from the bottom up. The smoothness of the walls is checked with beacons.

Leveling of the sexes is carried out with the help ofspecial construction mixtures. In the bathroom, kitchen and toilet is recommended under the floor to lay waterproofing. Its alignment is carried out on the markings made on the walls, made with the help of a level. Works are made in the direction from wall to door. Air bubbles from the building mix are removed with a needle roller.

Tiling can not be done without adhesives. The most suitable are the modern special dry mixes, which are now sold in any specialized store.

This type of work can be carried out using this technology:

1.Preparation of the gluing composition is carried out according to the attached instructions. It is produced with a mixer attached to a drill. The dry mixture is added to the water in small portions, after which it is thoroughly mixed.

2.Laying the tiles on the marked walls is made from the bottom to the top, namely, the first row is laid out, and all subsequent ones above it. All rows must be checked for flatness with the help of a rod. The solution is applied to each tile separately with a notched trowel, after which it is firmly pressed against the base. In the seams are inserted special crosses designed for their evenness. They come in several sizes, but the most popular ones are those whose dimensions are 2-3 mm. Aligning the rows vertically is checked with a plumb line.

3. Where whole tiles can not be placed, their pieces are used, cut with a tile cutter, glass cutter or Bulgarian.

4. After the adhesive composition dries, the surface is cleaned of the frozen glue, and the seams are rubbed with a special grout that can be chosen of any suitable color.

There are different ways of doing this kind ofworks, such as "in the bandaging", "seam in the seam", "diagonally". Laying tiles diagonally is most often used when facing very large surfaces. With this method of lining, the intertile seams cross the line of abutment of the walls at an angle of 45 °, and themselves form perpendicular lines. This method is the most expensive, laborious and complex, since it requires a lot of cut tiles of certain sizes