/ How to plant cucumbers correctly?

How to plant cucumbers correctly?

Many summer residents have no experience without experience,how to plant cucumbers, and at what time of year it is best to do it. It is worth mentioning that this vegetable can be grown in two ways: seedling and uncultivated. In order to collect good harvests, you will need a greenhouse. You can make greenhouses yourself or buy ready-made in the store. Nowadays a wide range of such designs is offered on the market.

how to plant cucumbers

Two landing methods

Кроме мыслей о том, как сажать огурцы, у вас there was probably a question about the material for sowing. These are seeds of different varieties that can be bought in specialized stores or obtained independently from their cucumbers. Seeds for seedlings must be soaked before planting and wait until they germinate. Then disembark in the prepared containers with a mixture of earth, humus, peat. In each pot, plant no more than two seeds. Cultivated on the window for about three weeks, then transplanted into the ground (around mid-May). And how to plant cucumbers without using seedlings? The first stage - the seeds are soaked. Then wait until they swell or begin to germinate. After that, they are planted in the ground, the top layer of which is heated to thirteen to fifteen degrees. The depth of planting the seeds is about 2 centimeters.

Soil and fertilizer

Грунт должен быть рыхлым, питательным и хорошо retaining moisture. Fertilizers for cucumbers should be applied directly to the planting pits or oblong holes, as the root system of these plants is rather small. To make fertilizing, a pit or an extended trench 40 cm deep is dug out. A layer of fertilizer mixed with the soil is laid on the bottom, and soil without additives is planted on top, into which cucumbers are planted. Fertilizers decompose a large amount of heat, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of vegetables. The additive itself is a good fertilizing for plants. In the future, mineral fertilizers should be alternated with organic fertilizers about every two weeks. If the root system is bare from the plant, it should immediately be sprinkled with humus.

greenhouses with their own hands

Now about how to plant cucumbers in the rightA place that should be well lit and protected from wind and weather. When planting cucumbers in the open soil, it is desirable to use tall plants (corn, sunflower etc.) as a protection. To do this, they need to be planted in two rows around the planted cucumbers so that the southern side of the garden remains open. The suitable temperature for the growth of cucumbers is 23-30 degrees. If its level falls below 15 degrees, it can lead to a complete halt in plant development. Frosts are especially harmful to young plantings. If the temperature in your region is unstable, it is better to cover the cucumbers with a film to protect them from the cold.

fertilizers for cucumbers

Increasing the efficiency of landings

How to plant cucumbers and take care of them toincrease their productivity? First, you need to loosen the top layer of the soil after each watering (rain), but only not deep, so as not to damage the root. Secondly, to increase fertility, it is possible to plant bushes of cabbage salad next to cucumbers. Be sure to regularly water the vegetable, but not with cold water, as this is a heat-loving plant.