When to plant garlic before winter?
Garlic belongs to the Bulb family, andtherefore, a cold period is necessary for its development. Many gardeners care about the answer to the question: when to plant garlic before winter? There is no single right answer. Very much depends on the climatic conditions of the region where it is planned to grow garlic. Usually, the planting begins two to three weeks before the onset of frost. In the middle zone of our country, this is approximately the end of September or the beginning of October, and in more southern areas - the beginning of November. Until the onset of frost, the onion will be able to develop a strong root system, but will not start producing leaves.
How to choose the right place for landing
Knowing when to plant garlic before winter is betterchoose light, well-drained soils (pH 6-6.5). Garlic does not grow well on clay soils, where ground water is close to it. Well - in sufficiently lit, sunny places. If the site most of the time is in the shade, then garlic bulbs can be planted a little less than usual. Before planting, dig the area with a fork to the depth of the bayonet, choosing the roots of weeds. As a fertilizer, you can apply garden compost (15-20 liters per 1 sq. M.) Or potash phosphate fertilizer. If you try not to use chemical fertilizers when growing, you can successfully replace them with wood ash (1 l per 1 sq. M). In no case can not immediately make landing manure! This usually leads to the fact that garlic heads become very loose, grow poorly, and quickly become infected with various infections.
What kind of garlic should be planted before winter?

Landing technology

Having decided on the answer to the question when to plantgarlic before winter, you must be clear about planting technology. It is convenient to mark the beds no more than 1 meter wide when planting and position them from east to west. For a good development of the bulbs, plant garlic to a depth of 5-7 cm according to the 10 x 15 scheme. When you need to plant garlic in the middle lane in the month of November, you can simply change the planting depth up to 15 cm. After planting, the bulbs are covered with earth, and the middle band is necessarily covered with straw, fallen leaves, fir branches, etc.