/ / How to paint the ceiling of water-based paint without a divorce: tips from experienced painters

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without divorce: the advice of experienced painters

Aqueous emulsion ink - a means forCeiling staining is just perfect. It is not too expensive, but it looks very neat. However, of course, the surface will look spectacular only in case of exact adherence to the required processing technologies. Further in article and we will consider how to paint a ceiling with aqueous emulsion ink without stains.

how to paint the ceiling with waterborne paint without streaks

Causes of stains

After drying, such paint on the ceiling is oftenmanifest all sorts of defects. First of all, these are spots that are clearly visible at different angles or when using different sources of illumination. Unfortunately, this defect is considered difficult to repair. The fact is that when painting spots, the unevenness of the coating is usually only intensified, which aggravates the situation. And therefore, with the appearance of such defects, the work on finishing the ceiling often has to be performed anew. In order that such a problem does not arise, it is necessary first of all to carry out proper preparation for dyeing.

How to choose a roller

Итак, давайте посмотрим, как покрасить потолок water paint without streaks. And for a start, let's figure out how to choose the right tool to perform this operation. Carefully paint the ceiling can only be using a roller. A brush will surely leave streaks and small streaks. For water-based paint is most suitable roller with a long pile. This tool can be applied to the composition as evenly as possible. Foam and velor rollers in this case are absolutely not suitable, since after them ugly “pores” can remain on the surface.

interior water-based paints

How to stir the paint

Dilute means such as water-basedpaints for interior work, should be solely on the instructions presented on the label. In most cases, no more than 10% of water is allowed to be added to this type of paint. Otherwise, the composition will be very liquid, and paint over the ceilings will not succeed. Water can be poured directly into a can of paint. Add it little by little, constantly mixing the composition. To perform the last operation, it is best to use a power drill with a special nozzle.

How to tint paint

Traditionally ceilings are treated with white.water emulsion. However, coatings with a slight shade of pink, blue, and green also look very impressive. Those who wish to decorate the ceiling in this way should definitely get acquainted with the rules of tinting of the water emulsion. They consist in the following:

  • Select the shade of paint should be in such light, which will be used in the room most often. It should use a special tinting card.

  • Add the selected color should be immediately for the entire amount necessary for the design of the ceilings in the apartment paint. Otherwise, the surface will surely turn out to be spotty.

  • Stir the color in the paint should be only a drill and for quite a long time - at least 10 minutes.

how to apply water based on the ceiling

How to put paint on the roller

How to apply water-based onceiling, consider a little lower. Now let's look at what is the technology of recruitment on the roller itself. Of course, in order for the ceiling to be neat, this procedure should be performed correctly. The roller must be completely covered with paint. However, dipping it into a bucket entirely, of course, is not worth it. Applying paint to this tool is very easy. The roller should be lightly dipped in paint and rolled over a hard surface. This may be, for example, a piece of plywood, linoleum or plastic. If necessary, the rolling procedure can be repeated twice.

Sometimes experienced painters come in a different way.In this case, a little paint just poured into the tray. Further, the roller periodically, during the processing of the ceiling, rolls over a surface specially created for it.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint without streaks and correctly

Разумеется, существует и определенная технология applying the composition to the surface. The roller itself should be taken rather wide. This will allow to produce work not only qualitatively, but also quickly. You can trim the ceiling with a ladder or with a high table.

Actually, the answer to the question of how to paint the ceiling with a roller is not difficult. The basic rules for performing this procedure are as follows:

  • First of all, the perimeter of the room is painted with a strip about 10 cm wide. To perform this procedure, it is best to use an appropriate brush.

  • Rub the paint on the surface with a roller as carefully as possible. When painting it is necessary to ensure that there are no drops on the ceiling.

  • During processing, it is necessary to get off the ladder from time to time and inspect the surface from different angles. Thus it is possible to achieve the most uniform staining.

how much does it cost to paint the ceiling

Apply aqueous emulsion inks for interiorworks usually not less than two layers. At the same time, before painting the surface, wait a second time for the ceiling to dry completely. Dries water emulsion pretty quickly. Layers should be applied in such a way that the first was perpendicular to the second. In this case, get a more uniform design. Coloring should be done so that the second layer is performed in the direction of the rays of light from the window.

What else you need to know

Emulsion paint is an excellent response tothe question of how to paint the ceiling in the room. However, in order to get the most accurate surface, among other things, you should follow these rules:

  • Buy only need new paint. The old may have a heterogeneous consistency.

  • Before starting the painting, check the roller. In no case should the villi of this instrument lag behind.

  • Seams and irregularities on the ceiling before painting should be eliminated, and its surface itself should be primed.

how to paint the ceiling in the room

Paint price

Of course, many apartment owners are also worriedhow much it costs to paint the ceiling with a water-based paint. The price of this tool is really very low. So, for example, a bank for 3 liters costs about 150-170 rubles. This amount is enough to handle the ceilings of about 30 m2 in one layer. On the design of the ceilings of a standard two-room Khrushchev, thus, no more than 2 three-liter cans or 300-400 rubles are needed.

how to paint the ceiling roller

So, we figured out how to paint the ceilingwater-based paint without streaks. As you can see, this procedure is relatively simple. The main thing is to properly prepare the work, choose a good tool and not violate the technology of applying the composition to the surface.