/ / Blackberry variety Triple Crown: description, characteristics, features of growing

Blackberry variety Triple Crown: description, characteristics, features of cultivation

Wild blackberries often grow in garden plots,but not all gardeners love this berry for its thorny thorns. To remedy the situation, breeders produce new beshipnye varieties of berries. These include the Blackberry Triple Crown.

Variety description

The blackberry variety in question gives high yields and is easy to grow.

Blackberry bush shoots 2.5 meters in length.The berries are large in size, weighing up to 10 grams, round shape, dense structure, with excellent aroma and good juiciness. The taste of blackberry berries Triple crown sweet and sour, improves after a stay in a cold place.

The variety is characterized by good transportability, low soil requirements, resistance to various weather fluctuations.

Blackberry Triple crown grow on trellis lattice, cover for the winter period.

Blackberry Triple Crown

Subtleties of agricultural engineering

Blackberries can be planted fairly thickly, the interval between the bushes is 80 cm. The variety is semi-creeping, therefore it needs support.

Blackberry A triple crown can produce a good harvest even in shaded areas. The bush can be planted in spring and autumn, the variety tolerates frost well.

For blackberry bush suitable medium loam with an acidity of 6.5. Plot you need to choose one on which previously did not grow raspberries and other blackberries.

Fertilize can potassium compounds. Blackberries respond well to humus, compost, manure. The first time fertilized when planting, then annually before the flowering stage.

The frost is not terrible for planting, but young bushes cover for the winter with woven material or straw.

Propagate the berry by bending down young shoots. The roots of the shrub penetrate deep into the soil, 2 meters.

Cut the bushes need after melting snow and autumn after harvest. In the spring from the bushes remove damaged branches.

Blackberry bush

How to ensure high yields?

Gardeners often consider blackberries as a barren bush with tasteless berries. But this is not always the case, you only need to properly care for the plant.

Description of the blackberry The triple crown on agricultural technology is somewhat similar to that of a raspberry. All shoots are divided into:

  • fruiting;
  • substitutes (grow in May and bear fruit next year).

Replacing shoots are trying to make horizontal. In this case, they are easy to cover before the onset of cold weather. Fruiting branches tied to a trellis lattice.

Replacing branches grow up, just bend them in the fall is difficult. Therefore, with a branch length of 30-50 cm, it is tilted and attached with a hook to the ground. Then you can pinch the growth point.

After the harvest, the fruiting branches are removed.

Best of all, the laid shoots will protect the snow. But if the frost comes, and the snow has not fallen, it is necessary to cover with non-woven material or organic. Also suitable cardboard, polyethylene.

Blackberries are not subject to disease and parasites. There are viral diseases, but they do not reduce the level of yield.

Blackberry variety


The choice of a place and the formation of a landing pit largely depends on how the harvest of the Blackberry variety of the Triple Crown will be.

It is not necessary to plant bushes in wet places. The roots of the plant may die. Especially scary excess moisture for young seedlings.

It is necessary to choose moisture-absorbing, but not swampy area. Blackberries need to be watered abundantly during the growth of berries.

You can plant bushes and on sandy soils. But in this case it is necessary to water the blackberry well and fertilize the soil with organic matter.

When planting in the soil add humus, ash and double superphosphate. Every two years, mulch new humus.

Для саженца готовят яму 40-50 см глубиной, add manure, compost, superphosphate and potash fertilizer, thoroughly mixed with the soil. This nutrient mixture fills the pit by 2/3, pours fertile soil, plant the plant and fall asleep.

Fertilizing planting will need no earlier than 2 years.

In the middle lane, the bushes are planted in early spring at intervals of 80-100 cm from each other. When planted, the stems are pruned at ground level.

Blackberry Triple Crown Description


Propagate the plant can root cuttings. To do this, in the spring take the roots with a length of 10-15 cm and, laying horizontally, plant.

Can be propagated with root shoots. They appear in July, at this time they stop working the soil.. In the fall, offspring can be dug up and planted in a permanent place.

Conveniently propagate horizontal layering. In the spring on the annual shoots make cuts under the buds, put in the grooves and covered with soil. By the fall, they take root.

Whatever the mode of breeding, the gardener will have to work hard to grow an adult plant.