/ / Antiseptic "Senezh": advantages, disadvantages and features of use

Antiseptic "Senezh": advantages, disadvantages and peculiarities of use

In order for the construction of wood servedlong and efficiently, it must be protected from various internal phenomena and atmospheric whims (precipitation, wind, frost, steam). For this you can use the antiseptic "Senezh". It contributes to the enhanced protection of all wood products from damage by insects, mold, fungus, blue and rot. It can be used both indoors and outdoors, even if the climatic conditions are rather complicated.

antiseptic senezh
Antiseptic "Senezh" has certainadvantages: excellent protective qualities, the ability to use for those structures that are under the influence of negative atmospheric phenomena. The effectiveness of the tool can last up to 35 years, it is difficult to wash. In addition, the substance on the surface of the tree forms a three-level protection, provides a beautiful shade of material. After using the tool, you can safely paint the building or paste it.

Antiseptic "Senezh" does not violate the naturalair exchange of wood, stops the processes of decay of the material, has a high degree of fire and biological safety. However, the protector has certain disadvantages: a small color palette, the need to clean the surface from the old finishing layer, a fairly high cost.

antiseptic for wood senezh Price

The substance can be used to protect fences,walls, floors, ceilings and roof systems of houses. It can also be used for the treatment of foundations that are constantly in contact with the ground, greenhouses, cellars, sea berths. Do not use the tool for those surfaces that were previously coated with varnish or paint that has water-repellent properties.

Antiseptic "Senezh" is very easy to use.Naturally, the treated surface should not be dirty, covered with other means and dust. It is advisable to clear the wood from the bark. It is possible to apply means with the roller, a brush or a special spray. The air temperature should be quite high. Apply the substance several times with an interval of 40 minutes. It is impossible to mix antiseptic with any solvents. Mix well before use.

antiseptic senezh consumption

If you decide to use the antiseptic "Senezh",consumption depends on the tool with which you will apply the substance to the surface, as well as the conditions in which the material will be used. If you need to increase the service life of the structure, then you will have to use much more. You can buy it in a concentrated or already diluted form. Wear protective clothing and a respirator during use. Try to apply the product so that it does not fall on the exposed skin.

Антисептик для дерева "Сенеж", цена которого ranges from $ 10 - depending on the amount, type and concentration of the substance - will be a reliable protection for your buildings and structures, which will maintain their decorative appearance and functionality for a long time.