/ Dracaena: dry leaf tips. Dracaena marginata - home care

Dracaena: the tips of the leaves dry. Dracaena marginate - home care

Dracaena marginata - tree with plantsturdy barrel. The height of the trunk sometimes reaches 3 m. At the end of the trunk are located fox-shaped beams. On young plants, they are raised up, gradually the leaves sag. The leaf has an elongated shape with edging at the edges, so the plant is also called dragon flower fringed. Border is either yellow or reddish. As the palm grows, the lower leaves die and fall off. Thus, the trunk is formed in the form of scales or scars. The plant is well adapted for office space and home growing conditions. The most common are such varieties of dracaena: "Marginata", "Unbent" or "Reflex", "Godsef" or "Surculose", "Fragrant", "Derimskaya".

Dracaena Marginata: home care

Dracaena marginate home care

The dragonza of Marginat is severalspecies: Magenta, Bicolor, Tricolor and other subspecies. She is very easy to maintain. The plant feels well at + 21 ° C. In winter, the plant does not like overflow of soil. It is enough to water once a week, as long as the ground does not dry out. In summer, the plant is watered abundantly, in the heat it is necessary to spray the leaves. It is necessary to protect the plant from drafts in the winter: if the palm tree is standing on the window, it is recommended to protect it from cold air currents during ventilation. Dracaena does not like when dust accumulates on the leaves. It can be removed with a wet tampon or rinsing in the shower. So that the soil is not washed away in the process of such “bathing”, the pot is wrapped with oilcloth. Replace the palm tree every 2-3 years in a larger pot gently so as not to hurt the roots. Soil need to buy special for dratsen. Periodically it is recommended to loosen the soil in the pot, the plants grow better.

Dracaena marginata: dry leaf tips

dracaena dry leaf tips

It should be remembered that the bay of palm in combination withlow room temperature lead to the death of the bush. But there are often other problems with the Dracaena plant: the tips of the leaves are dry. Also on the leaves may appear spots in any part of them. The leaves of the plant dry for such reasons:

  1. Bright lighting in the room where dracaena stands:dry tips of the leaves. It is necessary to provide diffused light. In this case, the leaves will keep a bright juicy color for a long time. In dark places you need to connect bright artificial lighting.
  2. Low humidity in the room where the dracaena grows: the tips of the leaves dry. It is necessary to spray a palm tree only during the warm period. In winter, it is better to turn on the humidifier.
  3. Tesen pot, which is an adultdracaena: dry leaf tips. In this case, it is better to carry out the transshipment of palm trees into a larger pot and renew the top layer of earth. Brown oozing spots - the result of sunburn.
  4. Dust on leaves and in a pot where dracaena grows:dry tips of the leaves. In case of heavy dirt, it is necessary to wash the leaves under the shower, with a small amount of dust it is enough to wipe each sheet with a gauze pad moistened with water.

Can the dracaena bloom?

dracaena leaf tips dry

If the plant is provided with the right care, dracaenadelight inflorescences in the form of balls. In each inflorescence are very small flowers that resemble asterisks. Flowers are white, yellow and pink. Happy flowers tightly closed, they reveal only at night. The aroma of a flowering plant resembles the smell of honey or lilac. Palm trees flourish only with proper care and systematic fertilizing with complex fertilizer.

Why do dracaena blacken leaves?

dracaena darken the tips of the leaves

Florists sometimes face the problem:planted young dracaena - black tips of leaves. This problem occurs if the young plant has a poorly developed root system. The plant must be removed from the soil and placed in a container with separated water and added activated carbon. Do not allow the water in the tank to acid. Activated carbon prevents rotting of the root system. When a high-quality root system appears, the palm can be re-planted. If a middle-aged dracaena is planted, the tips of the leaves darken, which means that there was an overflow in the pot. With increased humidity in the room earthen clod dries out slowly, so the plants darken or blacken the leaves. Spots on the leaves also signal overflow or drought. They, of course, will not disappear. To palm looked neatly, damaged leaves can be cut. New young leaves grow quickly, for a year the plant is fully updated.

Dracaena fertilizer

To prevent leaves from turning blacktime to feed. A sign that the plant lacks nutrients is a weak growth of young shoots of the plant dracaena marginata: care at home is simple. The soil without humus and peat or heavy with clay layers is unsuitable for dracen. The soil should consist of equal parts of peat, sand, sod and leafy ground. If it is not possible to choose such a mixture, it is recommended to purchase a special substrate for dracen. If the young dracaena is fed, why do the tips of the leaves dry? This is an overdose of feeding.

dracaena black tips of leaves
Overdose of fertilizers is also necessary.replacement of soil, as not only leaves turn black, but also roots rot. Feed the bush from March to August once every two weeks. At this time, dracaena is actively growing. You can use any complex fertilizer or fertilizer for variegated forms.

Why do dracaena leaves become dull?

Если у растения потускнели листья, повисли lifeless, it means that the palm tree froze from the draft in winter. Such a plant can be saved. It is sprayed several times a day with warm water and placed in heat. If the room temperature dropped below 15 degrees Celsius, the roots of the dracaena could rot. In this case, the bush can be saved only by reproduction of the apical stem. It is cut off and placed in a container with water, adding to it activated carbon. After about three weeks, roots will appear on the cuttings.

What to do if dracaena leaves fall sharply?

Falling foliage dracaena also accompaniedroot decay. This happens if the plant is systematically transfused, frozen and grown at a low temperature. Save a bush can only be breeding. To do this, cut off a healthy shoot length of about 10 cm and rooted as described above.

dracaena marginata dry leaf tips

Infectious diseases dracaena

Diseases occur with the following symptoms:

one.Light brown spots of a round shape with a bright center on the leaves of dracaena mean Alternaria - a fungal disease. Disease prone leaves and stems of the plant. Over time, the affected areas turn black. The plant must be sprayed with a fungicidal agent, for example, foundationol. You can use copper-containing drugs: solution "Topaz" or "oxy". Spraying spend 3 times every 10 days.

2. Light brown spots elongated round shape with a dark red border - heterosporosis. On top of the spots an olive bloom is formed, which consists of fungus. Requires spraying fungicidal drugs.

3. Large pale brown spot round or irregular in shape with a yellowish-green border - phyllossticosis Later, black spots appear on the affected areas. More often, old and adult leaflets are affected. The plant is sprayed with fungicides.

four.If the leaves soften and rot - this is bacteriosis. Spraying the plant with water will only aggravate the situation. The tips of the leaves turn brown. Spots on weeping nature, with a pronounced tendency to decay. A yellow layer forms between the infected rotting part and the healthy green. Drops of liquid on stains form a film when dry. Such plants are stunted and cannot be treated. In order to prevent the spread of the disease to other bushes, drained drains are destroyed.

dracaena why leaves dry

The defeat of dracaena spider mites and other pests

Pests on the palm tree:

dracaena dry leaf tips

one.Shchitovki on palm leaves resemble brown plaques. Insects suck up the sap of plants, destroy them mechanically, rubbing them with a tampon with soapy water. Then the plants are sprayed with a 0.15% Actellica solution.

2Thrips appear at high temperature and low humidity. The insect lays colonies on the underside of the leaf, and grayish-brown spots with a silvery sheen will appear on the top of the colony. The plant is treated with insecticidal preparations, for example, "Fitoverm", "Decis" or "Inta-vir".

3. Aphid affects the tops of the shoots and the underside of the leaves. The affected leaves curl, turn yellow and fall off. Plants are treated with the above insecticides.

Note. In order for the young dratsen not rotroot system, it is recommended to add wood or activated charcoal to the pot. At the bottom of the pot stack drainage. The variegated forms of dracaena need brighter illumination than green-leaf varieties. Always enjoy fresh bright greens all year round Dracaena Marginata palm tree, care at home does not cause difficulties.