/ / How to cover the lining inside the house: the choice of material and features of the procedure

What to cover the lining inside the house: the choice of material and the features of the procedure

Если вы решили сделать в доме ремонт и для этого chose wood finishing material, then it will require additional processing. If you do not know how to cover the wall paneling inside the house, this article will help you decide.

what to cover the wall paneling inside the house
First, let's deal with the material itself.The wall paneling is made of high-quality wood and is intended for finishing both the exterior and interior surfaces of the house. Its main advantage is naturalness. In addition, it is durable, environmentally friendly, provides thermal and sound insulation, and also has an excellent appearance. In principle, the presented material does not always require additional processing, although this procedure will help to increase the service life of the elements.

If you have not decided what to cover the wall panelinginside the house, then try to pay attention to those tools that are as safe as possible for health and will not release toxic substances into the room. First of all, the presented material requires an antiseptic treatment. Lining made of pine, contains resin, which are a natural protective agent. However, they act only from the inside. A special antiseptic should be applied to the outer surface of the material, which will protect the wall paneling not only from negative influences (steam, moisture, temperature changes), but also from damage by insects.

how to cover the clapboard
If you choose an antiseptic, but do not know whatcover the lining inside the house further, then you can use the aqua lacquer. This tool will help to protect the surface of the wall, as well as highlight the features of the texture elements. If the lining is on the floor, then you can use an alkyd varnish, which has good strength, resistance to abrasion. In addition, the tool does not contain in its composition of harmful chemical and toxic elements. It will perfectly emphasize the appearance and shade of the surface, make it more juicy and bright.

Прежде чем покрыть вагонку внутри дома лаком, should determine whether it should have any shade. Most often, preference is given to colorless substances that do not spoil the natural shade of the material. Although there are some tools that can make the color of the lining darker.

how to paint the wall paneling inside the house
However, there are cases that the owners do not wantvarnish the surface, as they strive to make their home brighter and more colorful. To get the desired effect, you can use colored paint for interior decoration. Before you paint the wall paneling inside the house, decide whether the chosen shade of the product is in harmony with the general interior and furniture. Choose a paint that is safe for health, and over time will not begin to emit toxins into the air. For example, water based formulations may be used.

If you have already decided what to coverlining, then before work you should carefully prepare the base: remove the old coating, clean the surface, putty it, soak with linseed oil and cover with a primer. If the previous layer of paint is kept very well, then you should only wash it with a 2% soda solution. Paint should be applied with a thin layer and prevent the formation of stains.