/ / Building a frame house: owner feedback

Building a frame house: owner feedback

Once upon a time you started dreaming about your own home.Some steps have already been made leading to the fulfillment of the cherished dream: a piece of land has been bought in a beautiful place and money has been accumulated, although, as usual, they are not enough. Here the full question arises: "Which house to build?" That is, in your thoughts, you already see that this is a wonderful two-story cottage with a garage and a bay window, but how to create an embodied dream? Construction markets in vain offer each other a brick, round log, glued beam, a variety of foam, gas and other concrete blocks. Having estimated in mind the cost of a cube of material and its required quantity, you come to a sad conclusion: there is not enough money for everything. Do not panic! The solution is to build a frame house. The owners' comments on this issue are unanimous: the cost is 1 m2 This structure starts from 5000 rubles - quite a democratic price!

frame house owner reviews

Everything starts with a picture

Of course, at first this picture appears in yourhead, and then you choose a suitable project from the ready, or draw yourself: what windows will be in your house, how many entrances, the number of bedrooms and the size of the kitchen. Very exciting lesson! At the plant panel-frame house-building for your project for the month will produce panels, from which later you will be assembled your frame house. Reviews of the owners say that the limit of the possible will be only your imagination and the thickness of your wallet. Even if in the process of building you have new ideas, and you want to change the project - there is nothing easier. At the factory, other panels will be made, taking into account all your wishes.

frame house technology

Frame house: technology "Platform"

Only perfectly smooth and thoroughly driedthe board has the right to become the basis of the box. A specialist from the frame-panel house-building factory selected the number, size and shape of the panels from which, as a child's designer, your frame house will be assembled. The owners' comments on this score are not optimistic. Indeed, at first all this looks somehow very frivolous: a box is built from the boards, on one side it is sewn with a sheet of OSB (oriented chipboard) - and the panel is ready. If you look from the outside, it's just a shallow box. In fact, all the fun begins later - at the stage of assembling the house.

frame houses photo
From simple to complex: installation of a frame house

At the beginning of the installation, the foundation must already be ready,How else? In the case of a frame house, the base of screw piles will be the most preferable. Finished panels are brought from the factory and begin to assemble the frame. The foundation is laid moisture proofing and strapping from the beam. Then the panels are mounted. As a result, there is already something resembling a house: window and door openings in their places, walls, floor and ceiling are present. The roof is on the turn. Raised rafters and laid roofing material. You will look from the outside - well, a ready-made frame house. The owners' comments on this issue are unanimous: finally the picture of the dream has taken on visible outlines!

But this is not the end.In the voids of the panels are laid 3 layers of insulation with moisture and vapor barrier, the walls and ceiling are sewed with sheets of plasterboard and the rough floor is laid. It remains only to put the windows and doors, to build porches - that's all! Come and live the home of your dreams. How warm and cozy these frame houses are! Some photos you can see in this article. Maybe they will strengthen you in your decision to build a frame house!