/ / Heating batteries (radiators): selection criteria and manufacturers

Heating batteries (radiators): selection criteria and manufacturers

The issue of providing heat to your homeMost people. If the problem of heating is not solved, then no sophisticated modern setting will help to create comfort in the winter. Today it is difficult to find at least one dwelling in which it is impossible to install heating batteries (radiators). And it does not matter whether it is a house, an apartment or a mansion. In this case, there is a rather complicated question connected with the choice of these devices. On the market there is a huge variety of models and materials from which they are made. For an ordinary person, it becomes a problem to make an independent decision as to which option will be appropriate in his particular case. That is why it is important not only to choose heating radiators, whose characteristics will be optimal, but also to know the advantages and disadvantages of different types, heat transfer, as well as the degree of reliability. This will be further discussed.

Heating radiators

Criterias of choice

Most often, choosing heating batteries(radiators), people primarily pay attention to the design, although this is completely contrary to logic. The second significant factor is usually the price. However, for professionals the most important characteristic is heat transfer. Since this parameter has a direct impact on the efficiency of space heating. It is necessary to be guided by the indicator of 100-150 W per square meter of the room, or by the figures close to this value.

Durability and reliability are especially important.parameters for our heating systems, as they are characterized by unpleasant features: strong water pollution and unstable pressure. This causes corrosion and water hammering. Therefore, the presence of anti-corrosion coating is a good option to select a model. It is worth considering that the pressure in the heating system of high-rise buildings is 9-10 atmospheres, and individual boilers - no more than 6. It is this indicator that primarily determines the durability and reliability of heating devices.

Size is an important parameter affecting overallthe appearance of the room. There are significant factors such as the area of ​​the heated room, as well as its purpose. Heating batteries (radiators) it is important not only to purchase, but also to deliver them to the installation site, and then install. That is why such a parameter as mass is of considerable importance. Now you can consider each type of radiator separately, in order to better understand their characteristics.

Heating batteries radiators prices

Aluminum batteries

This type is made of aluminum alloy.special property, which is characterized by a high degree of heat transfer. Aluminum heating radiators are currently the most popular among all other types. Despite the fact that they appeared not so long ago, about 30 years ago, they were recognized as the most effective for space heating. It is worth considering in more detail these heating radiators. The characteristics of aluminum batteries are as follows:

- small size;

- low weight;

- ability to work under high pressure;

- affordable cost;

- more number of ribs provides high-quality heat transfer.

These were the positive moments of such a decision,but they also have a disadvantage - susceptibility to corrosion. Usually this process is considerably accelerated in the presence of contact of two dissimilar metals or when a stray current occurs in the heating system. Destruction occurs due to loss of integrity of the oxide film covering the batteries.


So these were the pros and cons thataluminum radiators. The characteristics of these batteries are not limited to this, as they are sectional and integral, which is also important when choosing. The first type involves the connection of a number of sections among themselves. Thanks to this, it is possible at any time to either build up radiators or replace a section that has failed. But the reliability and durability of such a solution may significantly suffer due to the presence of these compounds. Solid radiators are made of profiles that are interconnected by welding. Since there are no intersectional gaskets in them, they are characterized by their reliability and durability. However, the non-separable design makes it impossible to build up devices during operation.

So, this information will be incomplete if notsay about manufacturers of aluminum radiators. The best manufacturers are European companies. Global Italian radiators have already managed to give a good account of themselves on Russian territory. Under the license of the company, an exact copy is made under the name Rifar. Chinese products are characterized by poorer quality, but their cost is two times lower. Among the leaders are Italian manufacturers Sira, Ferroli, Chinese Scola, as well as the Konner brand.

Heating radiators characteristics

Cast iron radiators

This option is the cheapest of allknown at the moment. At the same time, the existing equipment is characterized by a huge variety, cast-iron heating radiators have remained the most popular for over a century. Previously, in determining the advantages and disadvantages, the unremarkable form was primarily taken into account, and now it is about a variety of decorated options, characterized by a stylish appearance. Among the negative aspects usually distinguish the old technology, not enough fast heating of the room and thermal inertia. Big weight is another significant disadvantage of such decisions.

Water heating system

Features of cast iron radiators

However, all these disadvantages simultaneouslyare the advantages of such equipment. For example, inertia. It allows you to significantly smooth the temperature drops in the room after turning on the heating system. That is why modern cast iron heating radiators (radiators), whose prices depend on the design and range from 490 rubles per section, are capable of retaining heat for a very long time. The duration of their service life is completely incomparable with all other species.

As species in this case takenallocate tubular and sectional. The first are more in demand. The size and number of sections have a direct impact on heat transfer. Usually there are seven of them, with each other they are connected to a battery. In order to increase heat transfer, fins are placed in the section. The second option is also very popular, especially if you consider the improved design and the ability to fit into any modern interior.

Cast iron heating radiators

The subtleties of choice

If you choose cast iron radiators(batteries), it is worth being based on certain information about them. It is the best option for rooms in which circulation of water in a natural way is provided. If you use a water heating system, then if you want to keep the heat for a long time when it is turned off, this option will be the best. If the boiler does not work on gas, but on a different type of fuel, then it would be more correct to use this option, since it adequately passed the test of time.

Now you can name the producers who managedprove yourself on the positive side. One of the leading companies in Europe is Guratec (Germany). Consumers are attracted to the products of the brand Konner (co-production of China and Russia). Domestic company "Santehlit" also offers high-quality radiators.

Bimetallic heating radiators

Bimetallic heating radiators

This device is a special alloy of steel.and aluminum. In this case, the skeleton is made of steel, which is made of welded pipes. After that, such a blank is inserted into a special form, which is poured with molten aluminum. Externally, this section looks like an aluminum one. In this case, it turns out very high heat transfer.

Properties and features

So, if you are interested in bimetallicheating radiators (radiators), it is important to know that they are full- and part-metal. The first option is acceptable, since it guarantees a long service life. When deciding to install such products, you need to know about their characteristics. Bimetallic heating batteries (radiators), the prices of which start from 600 rubles per section, are capable of working with a pressure of 30 atmospheres. Among the advantages it is customary to single out a high degree of resistance to chemical attack, which guarantees their durability. Optimum size is another undeniable advantage. The disadvantage is the possibility of construction over time to collapse due to insufficiently close connection of metals.

The leading manufacturers of such products are commonly referred to as Italian brands: Alurad, Global, Sira, and also the Russian Rifar. Products from China, consumers buy with caution.

Aluminum heating radiators

Heating steel radiators

Это превосходное сочетание целого комплекса advantages: appearance, thermal power and cost. This made them very popular. In addition, they are well combined with any materials that are used when creating a water heating system. To acquire the most reliable solution, you should focus on the requirements in each particular case.

Italy is the leader in the production and sale of steel radiators, mainly for the Delonghi brand. There are other popular brands.