/ / Which batteries are better to use in apartment buildings, and which - for heating the private sector?

Which batteries are best used in apartment buildings, and which ones are used for private sector heating?

To date, the market offers the consumer a huge selection of heating appliances, but despite this, many buyers still prefer conventional batteries and radiators.

which batteries are better

Which batteries are better for heating?

To begin with, consider the pros and cons of Sovietcast-iron batteries, which for a long time are associated with us as an integral part of the interior of the apartment or house. The main advantage of this kind of heating is undoubtedly the durability of operation, which is calculated not only for years, but also for several decades.

Despite this, the main and main drawbackThis type of battery is a low heat transfer rate, which is less than one hundred and fifty watts. This is due to the fact that cast-iron radiators have very thick walls, a huge amount of heat energy is used to heat the room. But for the ardent followers of cast-iron batteries, the designers developed the latest models, which fully meet modern requirements for saving thermal costs.

what batteries are better to put

What batteries are better to put in the private sector?

After aluminum appeared on the marketradiators, many consumers immediately appreciated the huge variety of forms and types, affordable cost, instantaneous heating properties and high heat transfer of these heaters. The disadvantage of such heating is the material itself - aluminum, which does not have special strength. The use of such radiators in apartment buildings is not recommended due to frequent voltage surges in our heating systems and a high risk of battery rupture and various leaks.

When using high aciditycoolant is another chemical feature of aluminum can lead to undesirable consequences, such as corrosion and a decrease in the density of the walls of the radiator. But if you ask which batteries are best placed in the private sector, the answer will be unequivocal: aluminum. They will be the most convenient and economical choice, because their heat transfer is one hundred and ninety watts, which will help you really save on utility costs.

what batteries are better to put in the apartment

What batteries are better to put in the apartment?

For space heating in an apartment buildingbimetal radiators are best suited. They have practically no drawbacks, but the advantages, as they say, are obvious. They have high technical and operational qualities, heat up very quickly, have low thermal costs, are not afraid of power surges of the heating system. The internal parts of the battery are made of copper and steel, on which an aluminum body is put on using hot stamping. The cost of bimetallic radiators is slightly higher than aluminum or cast-iron counterparts, but they will serve you faithfully for many years and help you save quite a decent amount on utility bills.

Summarizing all the above, we note that to date, every consumer can decide for himself which batteries are the best to heat his particular home.