/ / Preparation of walls in the bathroom for tiles: in a panel house

Preparation of walls in the bathroom under the tile: in a panel house

Preparation of walls in the bathroom under the tile isguarantee the success of the work. If the walls are even, then laying the facing material will be much easier, and the glue consumption will decrease. However, not only the absence of vertical differences determines the success of these manipulations, but also the proper dismantling of the old cladding.

Removing old trim

preparation of walls in the bathroom under the tile

Preparation of walls for tiles in the bathroom shouldstart with the removal of the old coating, only after that you can begin to level the surface, and also cover it with compounds to improve the adhesion of materials. For example, the old tile must be removed together with the adhesive solution, and to facilitate the process, you need to clean the seams and soak the wall with water, leaving it in this state for several hours. If you will be preparing the walls for tiles in the bathroom, the photo is recommended to be previewed, they are presented in the article.

Begin to eliminate the old finish withthe extreme tile, which is pinned by a chisel or with a hammer. The solution by this time will be softened, so removing the tiles will not be accompanied by difficulties. Moreover, the tile will remain intact, if this is fundamentally for you. When there is no need to preserve the old finish, the process can be accelerated using the electric tool, which is equipped with a bit-shaped attachment. Whereas the remainder of the glue can be removed with the help of a Bulgarian.

Подготовка стен в ванной под плитку может provide for the removal of a layer of paint, it should be disposed of with a grinding wheel, reaching the layer of plaster. If this is not possible, then the surface should be incised, this will improve the adhesion to the future coating. If the walls were whitewashed, in this case the lime layer must be disposed of, as the glue solution will not stick to such a surface. The base should be well washed, in which case a spray can be used to soften the layer. Then a scraper enters the case. From the divorce you can get rid of rags. It is not suitable for tiling and decorative plaster, which is especially true for its relief variety. It can be knocked off the wall by hand or using an electric tool. From the wallpaper, whatever the material is, it's also necessary to get rid of them, they are soaked with water, and then removed with a scraper along with the glue. Leaving even the smallest particles of paper, you will reduce the strength of the adhesion of materials.

Aligning walls

preparation of walls for tiles in the bathroom

Preparation of walls in the bathroom under the tile on the followingstage involves alignment. Perform these works in several ways, but the most common is the application of putty. Preliminary, the wall is cleaned of dust, degreased and ground. After that, you should set up the beacons and determine the amount of material required. If the differences are less than a centimeter, then one layer of putty will suffice, some masters do without it at all. If you are thinking about what kind of plaster to use, then you can prefer a cement-sand mortar or a ready mix, which is sold in the store. It is important to choose such a filler, which is characterized by a lower water absorption level. The finished solution is applied to the wall with a spatula, and after that the layer is leveled, thus it is necessary to be guided by beacons. Due to the fact that later you will lay the tile, an ideal smoothing of the composition is not required, moreover, this will increase the quality of the clutch.

Recommendations for applying a mixture for leveling

preparation of walls in the bathroom under the tile in the panel house

Preparation of walls in the bathroom under the tileprovides for several stages. If you need the leveling, then for this, as mentioned above, you can use plaster, which is applied to the primed wall, which eliminates the excessive absorption of water by the material. If there is an excessively smooth surface, it will be necessary to strengthen the plaster mesh, which will prevent the solution from shedding. The process of applying the mixture must be accompanied by the use of a trowel, which must be moved upwards from the bottom, by typing small portions of the mixture onto the working part of the instrument. At the final stage, it is necessary to use the level, but after drying the main layer, grouting and grinding is carried out.

The final stage

Preparation of walls in the bathroom for tiles in a new building

After the plastered wall has dried, itscover with a layer of antiseptic, which will prevent the emergence and further development of mold and fungus. After all, they are the main problem in rooms with high humidity. As an additional protection will make a primer that will help increase the adhesion properties of surfaces and prevent excessive absorption of moisture from the solution. After its application, a protective film is formed on the wall, which increases the density of the wall. Continue further work on laying the finish coat after all the layers have dried.

Three steps to reduce the consumption of adhesive mixture

preparation of walls in the bathroom under the tile photo

Preparation of walls for tiles in the bathroom canbe produced by a method that will reduce the consumption of glue to a minimum. For this, the plaster will need to be applied in three stages. The first is called a spray and forms a layer whose thickness does not exceed 0.5 centimeters. This method is excellent for reinforced concrete panels and brick walls. If you want to level the wooden wall, then the thickness of the spray should be 0.9 centimeters, but this includes a stuffed shingle or a metal mesh. The solution should have a consistency of liquid sour cream, it will be needed for rough alignment. Before the beginning of work, the protruding elements are knocked off, the surface is dust-free, and the cavities are filled with a cement-sand mortar. This is important for depressions more than 5 millimeters. The purpose of the spray is to increase the adhesion to the subsequent layers.

Priming coat application

Preparation of walls for tiling in a bathroom in a Khrushchev

Alignment of the walls under the tile can be carried out to thoseas long as the foundation is not devoid of drops, then even an aspiring master will be able to do the work. The primer layer of plaster is applied two or three times, the main task of these works is the complete alignment of the walls. The thickness of the intermediate layers should not be more than 5 millimeters, this applies to heavy cement mortars. If you work with lime or gypsum compounds, the thickness should be equal to 7 millimeters or less. The final thickness of the soil should not be more than 15 millimeters, all subsequent layers are applied after the previous ones have dried. It is important to align them.


preparing the walls under the tile in the bathroom photo

Preparation of the walls in the bathroom under the tile in the panelthe house is completed with a fender covering, which is a finishing layer having a thickness of 2 millimeters or less. Work should begin when the previous composition is not completely dry out. If this happens, then the wall should be slightly moistened with water from a sprinkler.

Nuances of applying a primer

Preparation of the walls in the bathroom under the tile in the new buildingno different from the technology used in old houses. After completing the above step, you can start applying a primer, while the air temperature should be in the range of -5 to +30 degrees. Humidity should not exceed 75%. In order not to use the ladder, it is best to use a roller or brush with a telescopic handle, you will need a tray for the ground itself. Mixing the solution is best done with a mixer or a drill installed at low revs. If there are no such devices at hand, you can mix the composition manually. A small amount of soil should be poured into the tray, and then with a brush or roller a little composition. At the same time the liquid should not be sprayed on the sides.

When preparing the walls in the bathroom undertiles, photos are recommended to consider in advance, they will allow you to understand that the application of primer should not assume dry or overly saturated areas. Hard to reach places can be reached with a brush. After completion of the treatment, the wall should be left for 3 hours, during which time the primer will dry out and the second layer can be applied.

Average primer consumption

Before you start preparing the walls undertile in the bathroom in Khrushchev, you need to ask, what is the consumption of primers of different types. Figures may vary, depending on the material at the base. If you have to apply on a plastered, brick or concrete surface with a high penetration primer, you will need 1 kilogram of dry mix per 7 square meters of base. The same amount of universal composition will be needed for 15 square meters, but a water-based mixture in the amount of one kilogram will be enough for 10 square meters. When the preparation of walls for tiles in stalinka is carried out, then one kilogram of adhesive primer can be enough even for 3 square meters. Everything will depend on how intensively the base will absorb the mixture.