Bathroom decoration

I do not know about you, but I like to go for a walkspacious halls of large supermarkets of building and finishing materials, where the abundance of goods is striking in beauty, sophistication, originality and manufacturability. Stopping before the exhibition samples of materials for finishing the floor or walls, imagine them in your apartment, try and evaluate them. It is especially pleasant to visit such stores for a specific purpose, for example, to select materials for finishing the bathroom.

The choice of decorative coatings is so wide thatit is sometimes very difficult to dwell on anything in particular. And here you understand that you can not do without a preliminary design project. And it is not necessary to contact professionals, I think, a person who knows what he needs, will cope with this independently, polished the magazines on design and combining several favorite ideas.

Bathroom decoration

When decorating the walls in the bathroom, the most suitable material remains the tile, because the choice is so great that it is possible to implement the most fantastic projects.

Столь же великолепна мозаика из стекла, смальты, mother-of-pearl and even natural ornamental stones, which creates an amazing flickering texture. The cost of it, of course, is great, but you can not cover the whole surface of the walls with mosaics. It is successfully combined with tiles, natural or artificial stone. By the way, the decoration of walls in the bathroom with artificial stone or stylized brick looks stylish and original. But whatever material we choose, it must meet the requirements of hygiene and be moisture resistant. It is necessary that the same characteristics had a floor and ceiling finish.

The design of the bathroom and its design, of course,depend on the size of the room. Basically in our standard apartments bathrooms are small. For the decoration of small bathtubs, designers are advised to choose a tile of either a very large size, or very small, or a mosaic. To visually expand the space and raise the ceiling, the decor is not horizontal but vertical rows, "breaking" the walls into separate color sectors, combining a tile of dark and light tones. Visually expands and enlarges the space of the mirrored tile, which is laid out with small vertical sections of the wall or ceiling, and a glossy stretch ceiling with built-in lights.

Некоторые ошибочно полагают, что красивый modern interior of the bathroom in the "Khrushchev" can not be created. It's not like that at all. The main thing is to be brave and try to reshape the space to suit your needs. For example, very low end partitions are very popular, which divide the room into two compartments, and in which all communications are removed. On the one hand, a toilet is attached to such a partition, and on the other hand a wash basin. Mirror above the washbasin does not need to be hung on the wall, for example, it can be fixed on vertical legs-brackets, or lowered from the ceiling on ornamental chains. A light partition of matte white or colored glass looks beautiful in any room. It is good to shut off the tub (instead of curtains), separate the washing machine, place on it glass shelves for various trifles, storage of towels and household chemicals, which will save space.

Bathroom decoration is not worth limitingonly selection of tiles, furniture and stylish sanitary ware. It will be very appropriate decor, which at first glance is little correlated with this room. For example, a panel of stabilized live plants on the wall, care for which is not required, collages, photographs under glass, colored stained-glass windows with illumination.

To change the interior of the bath, it is not necessaryto carry out large-scale repairs. Good, but slightly podnadoevshuyu tile "revive" glass panels with photoprints, which are attached to the wall with screws, the tile can be painted with special paints on ceramics and covered with protective varnish.

The original design of the walls can be done withusing multi-colored glass elements (balls, flat cakes) that are glued to the tile with waterproof glue in the form of an ornament, or imitation of water splashes, a waterfall, the stream of which falls down the wall from the ceiling. Beautiful and unusual in the bathroom look artificial trees in tubs, if, of course, allows space.

Bathroom decoration can becomefascinating occupation. This room should not only be a compartment for hygienic procedures and washing. Let's turn our bathtub into a room where you can relax with pleasure, take a warm bath with fragrant oil and salt, light candles and immerse yourself in the warmth and fragrance of bliss enveloped in warmth.