Eggplants - tasty and healthy vegetables.Every year new varieties appear. Now the eggplant can be not only purple in different shades, but also white. They differ in form and, most importantly, in taste. Users prefer to grow non-fat eggplants. Hybrid Galina F1 - one of these varieties. What does he like to customers? What kind of feedback does the eggplant Galina F1 collect?
Eggplant Galina F1 can be grown in the gardenor in a greenhouse. It depends on the region. In the southern you can get a good crop on the bed, but the seedlings are grown in a greenhouse or room. In the regions of risky agriculture, greenhouses are used. Eggplant Galina F1 is an early variety. You can get the first fruits on the 95th day. And on the 105th day Galen's eggplant already yields a full yield. Description of the variety, the photos say that the bush is semi-spread, strong, branched. Stem of anthocyanin violet color. In the greenhouse grows up to 90 cm, in the garden - up to 70 cm. The leaves are medium in size. Calyx almost without thorns.
Fruits are cylindrical, with a pear-shaped ending,dark purple, "eggplant" color with a black tinge. The weight of one fruit reaches 300-600 g. The length of each is up to 18 cm with a diameter of up to 8 cm. On one bush, they can grow to 15 pieces. The flesh of eggplant varieties Galina white, without bitterness. There are few seeds, and they are small. Therefore, almost do not interfere with the preparation of dishes from eggplant.
Eggplant Galina F1 (photo) is appreciated for the fact that hiscan be grown in different climatic conditions, it is unpretentious, does not require special care. Can be stored in a cool place for a long time. The variety is resistant to diseases and cold.
Yield of variety
Hybrid Galina F1 is appreciated for its high yield. On an area of 1 m2 grows up to 6-6.5 kg aubergine. Fruits are tied even in unsuitable weather conditions, with temperature fluctuations. This is a very valuable feature, which distinguishes the eggplant Galina.
Description of the variety, photos, testimonials indicate thatin one bush, at the same time, 5 to 8 full-grown fruits were fastened and ripened. Their weight can reach half a kilogram. The production of a good harvest is facilitated by the fact that eggplants are not infected with late blight.
Soil preparation
Sow the seeds in the previously prepared land.As a soil, you can take a mixture of coconut substrate and sand or light soil. On the bucket of cooked land, users advise adding 2 tablespoons of fertilizer AVA-station wagon. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. The prepared soil is laid in a pot to grow seedlings. This can be plastic bags from under the milk, which fill, not reaching 3 cm to the top.
Growing seedlings
Like all eggplants, the cultivar Galina F1 is grown fromseedlings. Consider that he is demanding to heat and light, loves moisture. Seeds are sown early, in mid-February. Before sowing, disinfect with a solution of "Phytosporin" or other antifungal agents. One and a half grams of the drug is diluted in a liter of water and the seeds are placed for 2 hours. Users are advised to use a paste of the same brand. Then soak the seeds for 18 hours in a solution of "Epin". 100 ml of water will need 4 drops of the drug.
Семена отправляют на проращивание.This can be done with the help of peat tablets, if the number of seeds is small. A hydrogel can be used. The advantage of using it is that the roots are not damaged during such germination. The seeds themselves receive optimal conditions for germination, they do not dry out and are not waterlogged. The seeds germinate at a temperature of about 27 degrees. After the seeds sprouted, they are planted in cooked packages with soil. In each place one seed, treated with a solution of Zircon, is sprinkled with soil up to 2 cm in thickness. In order for the shoots to discard the seed shells, the soil in the package is sealed on top.
Температура в помещении, где выращиваются eggplant, should be about 24 degrees. Seedlings appear on the 10th day. The temperature is reduced for a week to 16 degrees, then raised again to 24. At night, the room should be cooler so that the plants do not stretch upward. It is advisable to extend seedlings daylight hours to 14 hours. To do this, use special phytolamps or fluorescent tubes. Water should be moderate, so that the seedlings are not lost from fungal diseases, one of the most dangerous is the "black leg".
When the seedlings form a second trueleaf, they are dived. This contributes to the formation of strong seedlings. In the greenhouse it is planted in mid-May. The time of disembarkation to the open ground depends on the growing region. By this time, the threat of recurrent frosts must pass.
Подкармливают рассаду раствором «Унифлор-рост».Add 1 teaspoon of the product to 5 liters of water. When the third leaflet is formed in the seedling, it is treated with the solution of Extrasol, in the phase of 7 leaves by Epin.
Planting of seedlings
It is not necessary to plant after tobacco and nightshade(potatoes, tomatoes), eggplant Galina. Growing them in this area truck farmers are advised to hold only after 4 years. Eggplants do not like sour and dense soils.
How to plant an eggplant Galina F1?Opinions of truck farmers indicate that before planting seedlings the plants are watered so that the whole soil is wetted. Then, cut the package from the side, in order to disturb as little as possible the root system of the plant. Straighten the bottom, where there are many roots. Install it in a well prepared well. There also make a teaspoon of superphosphate. Watered. Mulch the soil under the eggplant.
If the aubergines are transplanted without a coma of land, their root system may be disrupted. Plants will lag behind in growth. To improve their condition, you can carry out feeding "Kornevin."
Some users advise in the pits to plant the eggplant Galina F1 to add several crystals of hydrogel, for example, "Teraveta."
Eggplant Care
Special care and attention requires eggplant Galina F1. Features of cultivation:
- Water only eggplant with warm water. When watering cold plant gets stress and can hurt.
- Ogorodniki often complain that the lower leaves of the eggplant turn yellow. This can happen after the plant is transplanted into a greenhouse or open ground.
- The leaves turn yellow.
If properly care for plants, throughfor some time, their condition is normalized. If only the edges of all the leaves turn yellow, and they themselves curl upward, this means that the plant lacks potassium. It is necessary to apply fertilizer.
If the eggplant leaves are curled, there may be several reasons for this:
- Low light.
- Excess moisture.
- Damage by pests.
If the first two reasons are easy to eliminate, then pests sometimes go unnoticed for a long time.
Diseases and pests
Основные болезни, которыми может поражаться eggplant Galina F1, - gray rot, tobacco mosaic, black leg. The most dangerous is tobacco mosaic. This is a viral disease. The leaves brighten, then covered with mosaic spots. Leaves often change shape. For prophylaxis, seeds are treated for half an hour with a solution of hydrochloric acid, then washed with running water. Consumer reviews are advised to spray the plants with skimmed milk and laundry soap every 10 days.
What pests most damage eggplantsGalina F1? Reviews of gardeners say that it is the Colorado potato beetle, spider mite, aphids, slugs. The Colorado potato beetle and its larvae can destroy an eggplant plantation in a couple of days. Experts say that without a special treatment to get a high yield will not work. Before planting, plant roots are soaked in the Aktara solution (2 liter pack) for 2 hours. This treatment will not use chemical means of protection until the fall. If you need treatment, you can use "Actofit." He has a minimum waiting time of only 2 days.
Eggplant in the greenhouse is affected by spider mites.They can be found on the underside of the sheet. They feed on the sap of the plant, so it can die if you do not fight them in time. Sometimes spider mites are found in the greenhouse.
Aphids mainly affect the young parts of the plant. To avoid infection, it is necessary to air the greenhouse well. Treat with insecticide before flowering.
The larvae of the greenhouse whitefly, which feed on the sap of the plant, are harvested from the underside of the leaflet. If you wash them off with water, they will die.
Bleeding eggplant slugs. They damage the fruits and parts of the plant. The areas between the plants are treated with slaked lime.
Bears that live in the ground and feed on plant roots. Can damage the stalk of eggplant, which leads to its death.
The use of eggplant Galina F1
How to use eggplant Galina F1? User reviews say that eggplants are used to prepare various vegetable dishes. They give them a special sophistication.
Used for cooking vegetable caviar, canned, baked in the oven eggplant Galina F1.
Customer Reviews
How do vegetable growers characterize this variety?Users liked the hybrid variety Eggplant Galina F1. Reviews on the variety celebrate the pleasant mushroom taste and aroma of the fruit. They point out that growing an eggplant of this variety is not easy. You need to constantly monitor the seedlings and adjust their actions. Eggplant responds well to care and will thank for the care of a high yield.