/ / Road plates: dimensions, GOST

Road plates: dimensions, GOST

Road plates, the dimensions of which can bedifferent, are quite common today in the construction of transport routes. They are actively used in the creation of roads, highways, and highways. They are able to maintain their quality characteristics for a fairly wide temperature range, do not lose their strength even at -40 0C. Their use guarantees reliability and a long service life of the pavement.

Dimensions of road plates

Road plates, dimensions

Depending on the grade, the plates may havedifferent sizes and, of course, prices. So, the plate PD 60X12 has dimensions of 6000x1200x220 mm, its weight is 3.39 tons. While the plate of the brand PD 3-23 has dimensions equal to 3000х1500х220 mm, its mass is 2.42 tons. There are plates that have holes for the hatch, this, for example, PD 6 (s), its dimensions - 2500x1750x220 mm, and weight - 2.3 tons. In general, slabs that have holes for the hatch, can have different sizes, among them can be identified 2800x2000x220 mm, the weight at the same time is 2.5 tons.

State quality standards

plates road dimensions

При механических воздействиях не должны терять their qualities are road slabs. Dimensions, GOST are taken into account when laying roads with a certain load. So, if the cooker is produced without taking into account the standards, then it is at least inefficient to use, and for the most part it is unsafe.

Road plates should be flat, based on them- concrete reinforced with steel elements. They use them if necessary to equip the road, be it temporary or permanent. These products are manufactured taking into account GOST 21924.0-84, which implies the manufacture of a slab, which is used for urban roads. In this case, the reinforcement in it is prestressed. There is one more GOST 21924.2-84, which is used for the manufacture of a plate with non-tensioning reinforcement. These products form the basis of permanent or temporary coatings.

Road plates, dimensions, GOST and purposewhich are marked on the product, may have different characteristics. So, if the product is intended for the construction of a permanent road, then the marking "1P" can be seen in its marking. While the plates, which are intended for the formation of temporary roads, are designated as "2P". The manufacturer also divides products by their performance characteristics. For example, a plate that has a mark "2P 30-18.30" can be used to create a temporary cover, the load on which does not exceed 30 tons, but the operating temperature should not fall below -40 ° C. If there is a need to use a plate for laying a permanent or temporary road, then one can apply one that has the marking "PDP 3x1.5". The load must correspond to a certain grade of cement used in the formation of the slab. To create a permanent coating, the load on which will not exceed 300 tons, and the temperature range during operation will not fall below -40 ° C, you can use the product marked "1P30-18.30". If it is required to strengthen the coastline, then the "PR-3" slab should be used in operation, it is resistant to high temperatures.

Products for operation in difficult conditions

road plates dimensions weight

Road plates, the sizes of which have been describedabove, can also be applied when laying roads that will be subjected to particularly aggressive external influences, for example, a temperature of -55 ° C. These qualities correspond to the plate of the brand "PDN", which has a fairly strong frame.

State standards for concrete

reinforced concrete slabs

Road plates, the dimensions of which were detaileddescribed in the article, must necessarily be made of a material whose quality is dictated by GOST. Thus, the base of the product must be heavy concrete. Its pouring is made in the formwork, which is preliminarily supplied with metal reinforcement, it (in certain plate grades) is subjected to advance voltage.

Road plates, the dimensions of which werementioned above, are made using concrete B25 M-350, and also B30 M400. The technology of work is not difficult and does not involve the use of expensive equipment. It involves the preparation of a mold that previously passes through the cleaning and processing step in the wall area with a special compound to simplify the process of molding. In the form of a pair of reinforcement nets are laid, which are fixed in order to exclude displacement and maintain the required distance. After the master proceed to pouring concrete, which until the moment of hardening passes through the process of compaction by means of mechanical vibrators.

Heat treatment of concrete according to GOST

plates road dimensions

In order that road plates, the dimensions of whichclearly will correspond to the form occupied at pouring, were strong, they are subjected to heating in the next stage, which takes place in a thermal chamber. Completion of the manufacturing process is accompanied by the removal of the product from the mold, quality analysis and subsequent labeling. The first thing the master draws attention to is the smoothness of the surface.

Peculiarities of laying in accordance with GOST

Качество дорожной плиты должно соответствовать that is regulated by GOST. In addition to the already mentioned characteristics, it can be noted that the products are very easy to lay down. The main advantage is that the road does not involve complicated preparation. This stage provides only the need for marking and alignment. In addition, you need to lay a pillow of sand, the thickness of which should be between 15 and 20 cm. After the plate is mounted, and you can assume that the road is ready.

Plates reinforced concrete road, the sizes of whichcan be different and specified above, have one more advantage over traditional asphalt. It consists in the fact that the reinforced concrete product is easily dismantled if necessary. The plate will not lose its performance characteristics, and in the future the product can even be used when laying a new road in another place. This is especially true when there is a need to equip a temporary road in the territory of military towns or construction sites.

Dependence of plate prices on their size

Плиты дорожные (ПД), размеры которых могут быть different, and stand differently. For example, a plate of grade 2P 30-18-30, the size of which is 3000x1750x170 mm, has a price of 5900 rubles. But the product of brand 2P 30-18-10 has dimensions of 3000x1200x170 mm and costs 5881 rubles. Product brand PD 5 has dimensions of 2500x1750x220 mm, and its value is more impressive and is 11,129 rubles.


concrete slabs road dimensions

Бетонные плиты дорожные, размеры которых are universal, since they can be different and are calculated for coatings with different loads and different external conditions, have a sufficiently large margin of safety. They are used in industrial construction, and they are not used by the private consumer, although the price is acceptable. Concrete slabs, regardless of whether they are intended to be used temporarily or permanently, will be subject to heavy loads, not only for machines, but also for external loads in the form of precipitation, freezing and thawing, especially during spring and autumn, when temperature changes may be impressive for one day. The water, which has got into the cracks, freezes at night and makes a crack even more. That is why concrete is used in production, which must be manufactured according to the rules.