/ / Infrared warm floor: the pros and cons. Infrared heated floor tile: installation. The best infrared warm floor

Infrared warm floor: the pros and cons. Infra-red heated floor under the tile: installation. The best infrared warm floor

Not so long ago for the heating of the floor it was decided to use only the cable or water system. But today infrared heating systems are becoming more common.

Main advantages

infrared floor heating pros and cons

Infrared warm floor, the pros and cons of whichIt is recommended to consider at the stage of the acquisition of building materials, has many undeniable advantages. Among the main advantages we can highlight the possibility of quick installation due to the absence of the need for additional work, which is true if the floor is perfectly level.

Heated infrared floor, the cons of which toomust be taken into account, it can be installed on any floor, without the need to equip the screed or to prepare the base on a different technology, if one already has a place to be.

Another added benefit isThe fact that the system works with the use of the thermostat allows it to properly adjust the temperature inside the room, and the film will warm up or cool down even if the mode changes, changing the microclimate inside the room. If you decide to choose an infrared heated floor for heating your own home, the pros and cons of such a system you should definitely consider.

Moisture retention

infrared warm floor

Experts emphasize that when heating the roomusing infrared radiation, the humidity level does not change, and the temperature near the floor is higher than that maintained at the level of the ceiling. Those users who are concerned about the health of their loved ones, most often choose such heating systems, as they produce a healing effect, as well as contribute to the prevention of a number of diseases.

The main disadvantages of the infrared floor

infrared floor heating installation

You decided to get an infrared heat-insulated floor?We will look at the pros and cons of this system in this article to help you make the right choice. Such equipment has some drawbacks, among them there is a risk of slight damage to the film during the mechanical action. The best infrared warm floor, however, is not so difficult to choose, having considered the offers of popular manufacturers. Many consumers refuse such systems, preferring other heating options for the reason that infrared equipment is quite expensive.

Fire safety

infrared heated floor tile

Among other things, during the operationit is necessary to comply with strict rules of use, since improper use can cause damage to the film, which in some cases leads to a fire.

The order of mounting works

infrared warm floor which is better

Choosing an infrared warm floor, the pros and consof this system, you must be considered even before visiting the store of the relevant goods. Experts advise to use professional assistance for installation work. However, if you decide to independently perform these manipulations, you will need to carry out several manipulations, among them - the preparation of the foundation.

The surface may not change in advance,however, in this case it is necessary to check the readiness of the floor for further manipulations. Thus, the draft base must be smooth and clean. Let a height difference be no more than three millimeters.

Укладка инфракрасного теплого пола должна be conducted only after checking the condition of the foundation You can check how flat the surface is by using the building level. If necessary, the plane must be leveled, and then it should be well dried, cleaned of dust and debris. To do this, professionals use an industrial vacuum cleaner, but if you decide to do the work yourself, then you can do with a household appliance. Only then you can proceed to installation.

Technology of work

If you decide to use for heating yourIf the dwelling houses have an infra-red underfloor heating, you will first need to install a waterproofing layer, which is necessary to protect the entire system from the damaging effects of moisture. At the next stage, insulation will be laid. Do not listen to experts who do not recommend the use of thermal insulation. Infrared floor heating under the tile should be laid using insulation, this layer will help to avoid heat loss, which can be directed downwards. Such training will increase the efficiency of the system used many times, reducing energy consumption.

For insulation, you can choose different materialshowever, professionals recommend using a technical plug for this. This is especially true in cases where tile will be used as a topcoat. The material must be laid in such a way that the metallized side is facing up;


Before you start laying infraredwarm floor, it is necessary to determine the location of the thermostat. The optimum figure is fifteen centimeters, which should be retreated from the floor surface. At the next stage, the master draws up the circuit for mounting the film, while it is necessary to take into account the fact that the system should not fit under large pieces of furniture and household appliances.

installation of infrared floor heating

When mounting the first row, move away fromwall, which should be from ten to forty centimeters. If infrared floor heating is the main source of heat, the system should occupy approximately 70% of the floor space. If it is planned to stack this system as an additional heating, then the percentage is recommended to be reduced to 40.

Features of laying and connection

Infrared polyester film should belaid on the insulation in accordance with the scheme drawn up at the previous stage. If the need arises, the film can be cut along the lines planned by the manufacturer. Elements need to be covered by turning the copper side of the contacts down towards the wall. In the latter case, we are talking about the wall on which the thermostat is supposed to be located.

Контактные зажимы следует подсоединить к краю copper strip, and then connect the wires. The joints of the clamps, as well as the sections of the film cuts, must be necessarily insulated using special-purpose bitumen mastic.

Installing infrared floor heating canto be made after cutting canvases. The length of the heating elements provides a smaller number of contacts. The master must remember that the maximum possible length of the strip should not exceed eight meters. Some of the contact clips should be located on a thin bearing surface, while the rest will be inside the film.

Originally to the underside of the film shouldconnect the temperature sensor, which is pre-carefully insulated. After the installation of the material is completed, as well as the connection of wires and contacts, it is necessary to install the thermostat.

You can install the system usingsockets (as usual electrical appliance). As the practice of many years shows, it is better to skip most of the wires that connect the thermostat with the film under the plinth surface. In the next step, the master must make the connection of the infrared floor to the mains.

Testing phase

After you managed to lay the infraredwarm floor, it is necessary to make his testing, only then it will be possible to lay the finishing floor covering. You can make sure that the system is working properly if you do not notice sparks, as well as overheating in all areas where the contacts were connected.

It is important to make sure that the filmwarmed up as evenly as possible. If this test system was successful, then the warm floor should be covered with an additional layer of plastic film, only then you can begin the installation work, which will involve finishing the floor covering.

Selecting an infrared floor by manufacturer

If you decide to purchase infrared warmthe floor, then they must understand the manufacturers, whose products are presented on the modern market. In the store you can find a film brand Heat Plus. These floors are developed by a Korean company, which acts as an exclusive importer in the Russian Federation. If you want to choose a modern system that is manufactured using the latest technologies, then you should choose this company, since in 2012 it updated the equipment and production is currently conducted on unique machines.

Infrared warm floor, installation of which is quiteactually produce independently, can be produced by Caleo, which today is very common in the Russian market. The manufacturing company is DYS Technology and GT3 Corporation, which are engaged in the production of infrared systems for heating. In 2004, they patented manufacturing technology, which has certificates of the Korean Association of infrared radiation. The method of production is unique, and you can independently verify the high quality of this product.

laying infrared floor heating

You decided to get an infrared heat-insulated floor? Installation of this system, we reviewed above, now let's deal with the choice of brand.

Еще один не менее известный производитель данной products - "Techno Profi". On the market, such infrared heat-insulated floors are known as RexVa. These products are sold in twenty countries of the world, the company is engaged in the implementation of individual orders due to the scientific and technical potential, as well as production flexibility. This allowed buyers to purchase products that are of high quality and affordable price.

Why it is worth staying at this option

If you lay infrared floor heating under the tile,then it will allow to equip a system that will last for a long time. If we are talking about a house with normal insulation, then the electricity consumption every day is about 30 watts per square meter per hour. If you control the electric floor using a thermostat, it will minimize energy costs. At the same time it will be possible to provide maximum comfort to all people who are in the room.

Connecting infrared floor heating eliminatesthe presence in the rooms of the electromagnetic field, which is present in each cable-type system. The film during operation emits infrared long rays, as well as anions, which are negatively charged ions.

The heat generated by the infrared heater will have a beneficial effect on health, and the sensations can be compared with sunlight.


If you decide to choose an infrared warm floor,which one is better, you can determine by reading the description of the manufacturers presented above. It is worth noting that each company uses the best technology, and you only have to decide on the cost that will be most acceptable.