Hand pumps for garden

Hand pumps serve as the heart of the entire system of suburban water supply. That is why it is worth considering their main characteristics.

Hand pumps
Hand pumps at the moment may be differenttypes and models, and the choice will depend on what they are used for: water supply, circulation, drainage or other. Equipment of the first type can be very diverse, and this is not accidental. Each of them should work in such a way as to adapt to certain conditions, that is, to a source of water, such as a well, a well, a pond, a river, a lake, a pool, etc. This is related to the specific features of each separate source.

Hand held garden pump
The main characteristics of any pump arehead and productivity. Under pressure is understood the height at which water will be supplied as much as possible. Under the productivity - the volume of water pumped per unit time. Both indicators are affected by the pressure that the pump can develop. When choosing all this must be borne in mind. It is important to consider what kind of water needs you have for domestic use and watering, without forgetting the height of the room and the size of the plot. It is worth making a plan for the house and the plot with water intake points.

Manual water pump for summer residence
Hand pumps are not always convenient, sinceit requires constant monitoring of its work. Usually they are supplemented by a couple of basic elements: a pressure switch and a hydraulic accumulator. As a result, it is possible to get a pumping station that works as smoothly as possible. Since the sale has the necessary elements, it can be collected independently.

In the case where there is no electricity, manual waterThe pump for cottages is the only option. It weighs about 20-25 kilograms and is relatively inexpensive. Its operation is based on the principle of a jack or a well of a well. Of course, physical effort can not be dispensed with, but they are much less than what is required to carry water from a well in buckets. Hand pumps can produce 25-40 liters per minute, depending on how often the effort is applied. Relatively inexpensive models can raise water from a depth of not more than 7 meters. More expensive specimens will allow you to work with sources whose depth is 15-30 meters.

If we are talking about a pond whose depth is notexceeds 7-9 meters, it is quite appropriate to use a surface pump. It is not located in the water, only the hose for its fence is placed there. Such devices are relatively inexpensive, small, have a small weight and a simple device, many models do not require any complicated maintenance. Surface pumps can be centrifugal and vortex. The former are able to extract water from greater depths than the latter, but they are not able to work in shallow water bodies. Vortex pumps are capable of giving a pressure of 2-4 times more with the same impeller diameter. They are much more compact, therefore several times cheaper than similar centrifugal models.

A hand garden pump should be chosen carefully enough, because this device will serve a long time, so it should be of high quality.