/ / The best varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill

The best varieties of cucumbers for growing on a windowsill

Давно прошли те времена, когда горожане, не those who had dachas envied those who had them. Today, even a high-rise resident can afford to feast on fresh greens and vegetables, using windows, balconies and loggias to grow them.

Delight your family with fresh crunchy greensToday, any non-livable citizen can make the right choice of cucumber varieties for growing on a windowsill. The same applies to tomatoes, and strawberries, and pepper - modern breeders have specially created types of vegetables that can be grown in pots and get decent yields.

Characteristics of "home" cucumbers

To enjoy your own year roundharvest of greens, you should know in advance what are the varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill. They must have a different set of qualities than those sown in greenhouses or in open ground:

  • First, it must be self-pollinated hybrids, so as not to waste time on manual pollination.
  • Secondly, it is desirable that the plant beshade-loving, since not every window is suitable for him. In order not to additionally illuminate the lamps in the winter, it is better to look in advance on the varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill, which easily tolerate a lack of light.

varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill

  • Thirdly, it is preferable to purchase a frost-resistant variety, especially for planting on a balcony or loggia, where there is no additional heating.

If earlier varieties of cucumbers for growing onthe windowsill of the house consisted of only one type - “Rytov's room”, today there are dozens of them. It is important to assess the conditions in which the vegetable will grow, and, on the basis of them, to purchase the most suitable one, the benefit all manufacturers indicate on the packaging.

Cucumbers for window sill

For many "home gardeners" paramountthe challenge is a high yield. In fact, it is more important that the plant grows strong and healthy in a balcony or window, then fruit picking will be a pleasant event. To date, recognized as the best varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill:

  • "Prestige f1" - parthenkarpichesky view, givingThe fruit is a very long period. The first Zelentsy can be harvested within 40 days after seed germination Cucumbers are 6-8 cm in length and have excellent taste.
  • "Masha f1" - very early appearance, giving fruiton the 35-40th day. Also from the category of "varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill." Care of him allows you to achieve the formation of up to 7 Zelentsov on one brush. Fruits are dark green with excellent taste.
  • "Ant f1" - one of the most fruitful types of cucumbers. It is also parthenocarpic, ripens in bunches, in each of which up to 7 fruits are formed.
  • "Balcony" - a universal grade, gives a harvest on41st day after seed emergence. Relatively cold-resistant, which makes it the best contender for growing on a glazed balcony. Productivity - up to 10 kg / m2.

Buying varieties of cucumbers for growing onwindow sill, be sure to check that this property has been indicated on the packaging. Also, all its qualities should be spelled out there - from crop yields and ripening periods to conditions for their ripening.

Selection of tanks

Cucumbers love space even when growing ongarden, so you should take care of the packaging for them. When choosing a container, it should be taken into account that the optimum volume for one plant is 5 liters. These can be single ceramic pots or a one-piece long plastic container.

varieties of cucumbers for growing on the window sill soil preparation

Some "home gardeners" fitplastic five-liter bottles for water, after cutting off their neck. You can also use heavy plastic bags if there is no other container at hand.

Some nuances should be taken into account when choosingsuitable container for any variety of cucumbers for cultivation on the windowsill. The peculiarities of this plant are that it does not tolerate both dryness of the earth and stagnation of water, therefore there must be holes in the tank for its flow.

Если приспосабливать под «огород» ящики, то их you must first cover the tight cellophane, making holes at the bottom. Any of these containers will fit to grow and harvest a good crop of cucumbers.

Soil Preparation

For those who do not want to spend time onpreparation of soil mixture, suitable ready, which is sold in specialized stores. Those who want to personally participate in the process from the beginning to the end, experienced gardeners recommend creating a ground with their own hands. This will require:

  • 1 part of the garden or sod land;
  • compost - 1 part;
  • sand - 1/5 part;
  • sawdust - 1/5;
  • wood ash - 1/5.

So that the soil does not harm the plants, itsshould be ignited, for which you can use an ordinary oven. Ready and mixed soil is poured in a baking tray with a layer of up to 5 cm and placed for 20-30 minutes in an oven heated to 100-110 degrees.

varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill and picking fruits

After roasting, the soil must be fertilized, for whichit is enough to add mineral fertilizers for pumpkin in a volume of a pair of matchboxes. You can purchase special supplements for cucumbers. The finished soil is packaged in five-liter containers and carefully watered a day before seeding. Whatever cucumber varieties are used for cultivation on the windowsill, the soil preparation is the same.

Select a location

Немаловажную роль в хорошем урожае играет то, где it will be cucumbers to grow. This plant loves sunlight and heat, so either it will be windows or a balcony on the south side, or a window sill warmed and fitted with phyto or fluorescent lamps from the other side.

We must remember that the usual variety of cucumbersit takes up to 12 hours of light for the seedlings to grow evenly. Especially it concerns the period from November to the end of January. If the seeds are specially bred as shade-loving, then this period can be shortened.

varieties of cucumbers for growing on the windowsill care

It is very important that the plant is not exposed.drafts during airing. It is necessary that the frame does not allow cold air. Some gardeners even with high-quality glazing use additional insulation or stretch a plastic film between the plant and the window frame. It is quite good sunlight passes, but it saves from the cold.

Every vegetable grower has a little trick,which help the plant to become strong and healthy (for example, using mirrors or foils to reflect sunlight and increase lighting). It is also advisable not to put the pot directly on the window sill, but rather to put a layer of foam plastic under it or just wooden blocks. This is an additional measure to protect cucumbers from the cold.

Seed preparation

Чтобы избежать дальнейших проблем при seed growth, it is better to carry out their prevention. For this, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used, in which the planting material is kept for a couple of hours. By the way, this is also a test of their quality - only those that for this time have sunk to the bottom should be planted. Seeds floating on the surface, either do not grow at all, or will not give the crop.

After potassium permanganate, seeds should be left for a couple of days in a moist environment for germination. For this, wet gauze or natural fabric moistened with water will be suitable, which should be sprayed as they dry.

selection of cucumber varieties for cultivation on the windowsill

Когда семена «проклюнутся», их можно высаживать в cups prepared for this. Some gardeners prefer to sow directly in pots, which saves them time, but it is important to cover such capacity with foil until the seedlings have the first leaves.

Whatever varieties of cucumbers for growing onthe window sill, in the first week before the emergence of shoots they need to provide a temperature of +22 ... + 24 degrees. After they rise, they can be transferred to a cooler place, where the air warms up to +18, but good lighting is provided.

Care of seedlings

In order to collect from 10 to 25 Zelentsovo from each plant daily, he should provide appropriate care. For this:

  • watering should be carried out daily, but it must be ensured that the water does not stagnate;

varieties of cucumbers for growing in the summer on the windowsill

  • it is necessary to provide the plant with adequate moisture, for which it is enough to spray it from the sprayer 1-2 times a day;
  • If the plant is under artificial lighting, then watering can be done in the morning and evening.

To save time, some gardenersput under trays with seedlings pallets with gravel, where water is poured. This contributes to the constant moisture of the soil and air. In summer, the soil should be constantly wet, and in winter you can reduce watering, but humidity should be monitored at any time of the year.

Additional fertilizing

Чтобы были здоровыми сорта огурцов для growing on a windowsill and picking fruits has become a real celebration, they need to be fed with high quality. To do this, 2 weeks after emergence, the first mineral solution is required to be made and applied:

  • to 3 liters of water add 2 tsp. mineral fertilizer for cucumbers or pumpkin crops, watering at the rate of 1-2 cups per 1 plant during growth and 3-4 during fruiting.
  • To prolong the life of the plant, it is recommended to water it once every 2-3 weeks with a solution of 1 cap of “Growth” in 2 liters of water.

A good help is the addition of fresh biohumus every 3-4 weeks.

Vine Formation

In order for the stem of the plant to grow strong andwell fruited, the first pinching of the top is carried out when 4-5 leaflets appear. This "provokes" the lateral branches to grow. When they give up their shoots, the pinching is done on the third or fifth leaf. Whiskers should also be removed, ensuring that no rot appears in their place.

When the main vine starts to rise, itsshould be tied up, for which you can insert sticks of 1 m length directly into containers with a plant or pull a fishing line along the window. Liana need to pinch over the 11th or 12th sheet. When fruiting begins, it is necessary to ensure that the greens do not overripe. The more often the fruits are broken, the higher the yield.

Sowing cucumbers in winter

The main distinguishing feature of any varietycucumbers for growing in the winter on the windowsill is the need for additional lighting. It is better if special fitolamps are used for this. The rest of the conditions of care are simple:

  • moderate watering;
  • increased air humidity, for which it is better to use containers with water or spray plants several times a day;
  • timely formation of the bush;
  • daily harvest during the fruiting period.

Cucumbers need no more feeding in the winter thanat other times of the year. The size of the crop directly depends on this. If the plant is “undernourished”, then it will prompt it with slow growth and yellowed greens.

varieties of cucumbers for growing in the winter on the windowsill

Sowing seeds can be done in any month, butat the same time take into account the temperature and illumination of the selected place. Since cucumbers can yield in 4-5 weeks, their planting depends only on the preferences of the host. For example, this can be done 5-6 weeks before the New Year holidays, in order to please the guests with a salad of fresh cucumbers.

Sowing cucumbers in summer

If in winter it is important that there is additionallighting, the varieties of cucumbers for growing in the summer on the windowsill do not need it. On the contrary, it is possible to lightly shade plants with a grid, if a southern window is chosen. The main requirements for a good harvest in this period:

  • frequent watering;
  • regular spraying with water;
  • timely harvesting.

In general, the cultivation of cucumbers at any time of the year is not a burdensome task, which brings joy when harvesting.