/ / Ceramic bathroom tile - time tested finish

Ceramic tile for bathroom - finishing, time-tested

It’s hard to imagine a modern apartment withoutbathroom. And it is also difficult to imagine that some other material was used for its decoration, except for tile. It so happened that ceramic tile for the bathroom, according to many, is most suitable for its decoration. Probably, you can use other finishing options and get at least an excellent result. But if we see a bathroom trimmed with something else, then involuntarily there is a feeling of irregularity.

ceramic tile for bathroom
Однако керамическая плитка для ванных комнат It requires a respectful attitude. Apply it carefully, using the features of a particular tile correctly. We must start with the fact that under the conditions of use there are at least several types of tile:



In accordance with these terms and conditionstile and must be operated. It is better not to lay out a tile that is not able to withstand the considerable moisture generated in the bathroom. Ceramic tile for the bathroom, designed for wall and floor decoration, must be different. In this case, the appearance of the tile surface (polished or rough) and the wear resistance of the tile should be taken into account. A smooth surface is not for floor tiles, but increased resistance to mechanical stress is a must.

Another factor influencing the result is the size

ceramic tiles for bathrooms
tileThe fact is that the visual perception of space depends on it. Ceramic tile for a bathroom can visually increase or decrease its volume, so it is best to use tiles of small size for decoration. True, the complexity of its calculations increases somewhat, but the bathroom will be perceived to be more spacious and harmonious.

Very carefully it is necessary to approach the choice of colorthe tiles. Its light colors contribute to a visual increase in the size of the room, while dark ones, on the contrary, reduce it. The floor is desirable to perform a darker tile. Do not forget about the effect of color on the human body. It is best to use warm or, in extreme cases, neutral colors to calm and balance. However, if you set yourself the task to cheer up, then red ceramic tiles will suit you for finishing, the bathroom, the photo of which is shown below, is done exactly this way.

ceramic tile bathroom photo

Имеет значение и выбор рисунка укладки.Thanks to this, you can also visually resize the bathroom. Vertical stripes will increase the height of the room, horizontal - its width. In combination with the correct choice of the color of the tile and its size, all this will visually make the room larger or smaller. In addition, if you use a tile with a pattern, such as a seascape, this will allow you to create an original interior that turns an ordinary bathroom into a real masterpiece.

When properly selected and applied to the finishceramic tile, including for the bathroom, the result can only cause admiration. The use of such material as a finish will ensure a long service life of the coating in harsh conditions, without requiring any additional costs and performing maintenance work throughout this period. The only thing that will be needed is periodic care, which consists in wiping the coated surface with a sponge.