/ / Install the sink over the washing machine

Installing a sink over a washing machine

Most standard bathrooms andThe bathrooms do not have a large amount of free space. There are a lot of such houses with typical apartments throughout the country. To equip a bathroom, you have to make compromises in order to get as a result both comfort and a bit of free space. Usually only the most compact plumbing is purchased. But even so, all the most necessary may not fit. A good solution to the spatial problem is the sink above the washing machine. Installing it will allow you to win some free space.

The benefits of this solution

The owners of small bathrooms are sure thatthe installation of such a shell is a completely win-win solution. And yes, there are many advantages to such options. First of all, this makes it possible to efficiently organize the bathroom space with the help of a combination of upper and lower tiers.

sink over washing machine in lerua merlen

If over such a sink to install shelves orlockers, this way the space is fully utilized. Even in small rooms it will be possible to place all the most necessary household appliances. On sale you can find different in terms of design washing machines and sinks above them. This will also decorate the interior.


Along with the advantages of this approach, there are also disadvantages(and quite serious). This is a low level of electrical safety. Washing machines are among those household appliances for which any contact with water is absolutely not allowed. The sink over the washing machine (there are photos of examples in our article) will be connected to the water supply, which is a threat in terms of electrical safety.

Даже незначительные протечки могут приводить к liquid ingress into the machine, which will cause the failure of the equipment. Manufacturers supply special plumbing - the sink is equipped with a siphon in the back of it. The design is such that even if leakage occurs, water will not be able to get on the machine or inside it. You can see such a sink above the washing machine in "Leroy Merlin" - these are the so-called "water lilies".

Installation of water lilies makes the operation of the machinecompletely safe, but in terms of operation such a sink is not always convenient. This is due to the design features and siphon. It is designed in such a way that the likelihood of clogging increases. Water leaves not vertically, but horizontally. Spare parts for lily sinks above the washing machine can not always be found in stores.

sink over washing machine spb

If you could not find a special plumbingequipment or water lily can not be used, there is another solution. The washing machine is installed under the countertop, which is common for the sink. Mounted worktop. It should be quite long. Under it, on the one hand, a washing machine is installed, and on the other hand, there will be a built-in sink.

Sink over washing machine with countertopmore secure. However, unlike a water lily, more space is needed here. Another nuance is the height of the washing machine. Most standard models are 85 centimeters high. If you install a sink over it, then it is not a fact that the latter will be comfortable to use. Of course, you can do something like a podium, but it is not always suitable for small bathrooms.

Height of household appliances to be placedunder the sink should be no more than 60 centimeters. We'll have to buy special models. They are in the lines of various brands. Often, such exclusive washing machines are equipped with suitable sinks. This acquisition will be the best option.

That's all for the main drawbacks of the sink.over the washing machine. You can not take it for the disadvantage that in the process of washing it will not be possible to go directly to the sink bowl, because the washing machine takes place under it. Get used to it quickly. These disadvantages do not outweigh the advantages of this approach. These solutions are very popular.

Features of water lilies

Несмотря на недостатки, многие выбирают water lily sink. The peculiarity is that its pedestal is hidden. At the same time it is very compact, therefore it occupies a minimum of space. This shell has received its name for its positive properties - it is stealth and location directly above the surface of the machine. Almost the same properties and has a flower.

The main thing in these sinks - their location.The device is placed on the wall, also attached to the wall. There will be no additional loads on the washing machine. Choosing this sink, you can not worry about the irrational use of living space in the room.

lily sink over washing machine

It should be noted that this sanitary devicenot the same type, which is produced only in one form and in one design. The market offers a huge selection of similar devices. They are able to decorate any bathroom. Large selection of sinks over the washing machine in the Leroy Merlin. To get the perfect composition, it is recommended to choose a product with a rectangular or square shape based on the features of the washing machine. It should be understood that round, oval-shaped sinks, non-standard overall dimensions can also be harmoniously combined with the interior.

Products of this type are equipped with non-standarddrain system, and overflow. Drain can be vertical or horizontal. The first is considered more practical - it does not cost water. The horizontal drain system requires more frequent cleaning. However, the horizontal discharge was taken out of the structure. This increases security.

Shell selection

First of all, measure the overall dimensionswashing machine. To the depth add the size that will be occupied by the pipe. It is necessary to pay attention to the final size when buying a sink over a washing machine. The sink should protrude a little beyond the body of the machine on either side. So you can significantly reduce the risk of flooding.

For a comfortable wash and the ability to approachplumbing close ahead should be a projection measuring about 20 centimeters. It may be less, but it only affects the ergonomics. If the washing machine has not yet been purchased, then you can purchase a kit in which there are appliances and sanitary equipment.

installation of the sink over the washing machine

Что касается материалов, то раковина над washing machine can be made of ceramic or plastic. Now cast models from polymer concrete are very popular. You can buy them in Moscow or in St. Petersburg. The sink over a washing machine of this type in appearance resembles natural marble. Products differ in lightweight, high durability, resistance to aggressive influences.

Wall mounting

Installing a sink over a washing machinecarried on the classic brackets fixed on the wall. You can apply and finished products that were installed during construction. The advantage is a high level of reliability. Fasteners are supplied with plumbing. In modern models of washing machines have often thought out their own installation system with fasteners, which comes complete with sinks. To use other fasteners in these cases is not too appropriate.

Wall marking

To perform the installation, you should first try onthe bowl itself and mark the places where they will be fixed to the wall. It is important to note the line where the top edge of the machine will pass. This will be the main line, and all the other markup will already come from it. The bowl of the shell is applied to the wall, given that there must be a gap between them. The size of the gap depends on the sink and siphon. Then mark the holes. It is also worth considering the placement of the mixer. If it is common to the sink and bath, it is important that the spout fits well over the sink. In this case, the sink should be positioned so that one side hangs over the bathroom.

Holes and fasteners

Further drill or punch doholes. The drill size must match the diameter of the anchor bolt. Next, the bolts are installed in the holes, the brackets are mounted in their places and wrap the bolts. Twist need not fully - leave a gap of 5 millimeters.

Bowl installation

The bowl is leveled and mounted on brackets.In addition, you need to remember to install a metal hook. Shells have a special place on the back wall. To attach the hook, you can do with dowels and screws. The hook can be installed from any convenient side. Only after that the bolts are fully tightened.

sink over the washing machine photo

Там, где раковина будет соприкасаться со стеной, It must be treated with silicone sealant. This will prevent water from entering the back wall of the washing machine, as well as the development of mold and mildew there. It is necessary to process the sealant and fasteners - this will protect them from rust.

Installation process

One of the most important aspects when installing anytechnology is that you can not leave even the minimum possibility of contact of water and electricity. This can lead to disastrous consequences. The process of installing the sink over the washing machine also includes the installation of a siphon, installation of the mixer, connection of household appliances. If you correctly perform all the work, you get a reliable and high-quality result.

Install the siphon

Before the sink is completelyfixed, it is necessary to equip it with a siphon. Corrugation is fixed to the sewer pipe. To drain the water passed correctly, check the tightness of the connections. Even minor leaks are a reason to check each gasket and tighten all connections.

Install the mixer

When work with the siphon is finished, proceed to the installation of the mixer. Most models have a hole for it. The mixer is connected with hoses to hot and cold water.

sink over the washing machine with countertop

Fastenings are carried out using fittings.Do not forget to use gaskets. For better compaction, use a fum-tape. After the installation is complete, a check is performed. It is important that there are no smudges.

Installation of the built-in sink

Waterlily does not always fit. In this case, install a sink-countertop above the washing machine. If such a method is chosen, the bowl is cut into the previously prepared base.

Template making and marking

First you need to make a template usingwhich will be marked tabletop. Manufacturers care about the customer and complete the product with such templates. It remains only to cut it before installation work. To make a pattern yourself, you need to take a cardboard, put a bowl on a sheet and cut around the edges. Then cut out the finished template.

sink tabletop over washing machine

If the sink will rely sideways fortabletop, then mark up differently. The template is placed where the sink will be installed. Then it is circled. Measure the sides, lay the distance inward from the edges of the hole. If there is a flat sink above the washing machine, flush with the tabletop, then just trace the template.

Make a hole

To make a hole, they first drillholes along the contour. Then the jigsaw is inserted into one of them and a hole is cut into the desired shape. The edges are treated first with sandpaper and then sealant. Apply the last should be abundant. Then glue the sealing tape.

Bowl installation

Another sealant is applied to the tape, and afterset the bowl. You need to shake it so that she finds the optimal position. After the sink has fallen into place, you can tighten the bolts under the table top. Immediately use the device can not. It is necessary that the sealant froze.


If the bath is small, the problem of space can bedecide. You just need to select and buy a sink over the washing machine in the Leroy Merlin or any other store. Installing it is simple, and in operation, these sinks are very convenient.