/ / Ephedra in the country: selection and landing

Ephedra at the cottage: the choice and landing

The ephedra in the country should be planted inaccording to the laws of landscape design. After all, the right choice of plants and compliance with the technology of care - are very important in order to make your plantations look attractive.

hvoyniki in the country
Planting conifers in the country should begin withplanning. If you agree on all the buildings on your site, with paths, flower beds and trees in advance, then in the future you will not have to give up on your choice. After all, conifers in the country do not tolerate transplants, so you should immediately choose a permanent place for them.

General issues

The choice of conifers todayit is huge, the color of needles is the most diverse (from bluish to golden hues), the density of the crown and the uniformity of its color are also different. In addition to the appearance, you should be interested in such information as the preferences of the seedling, the environment it needs, the soil in which it is desirable for it to grow. All conifers (in the country you can plant most of the cultivated species) are derived from juniper, spruce or pine. Therefore, the apparent diversity should not confuse you - the care of all these plants requires a very similar.

planting hvoynik in the country
Growing up in the hothouse habitats are accustomed togood, fertilized soil, so do not neglect top dressing, at least at the initial stage. And if your soil is poor enough, buy a special fertilizer. Remember that the introduction into the soil of fresh manure or other homemade organic fertilizers, you can seriously harm the seedlings and even kill him. It is better to collect soil from coniferous forests and sprinkle them near the plant. But in general, such shrubs unpretentious. For example, they adapt well to poor light. The ephedra in the country can be subject to aesthetic problems. For example, in the spring bright sun they burn. And even though it will not affect their functioning, the needles will acquire a very unsightly look. To avoid this, cover the plants with a simple burlap or any other natural material.
compositions from conifers photos

When to plant and how to care

Coniferous plants need to be placed in a new place.after they hibernate. But before the onset of severe frosts. Choosing seedlings, give preference to those grown in containers, they will take root better. Before the onset of winter, freshly rooted conifers should be watered well, especially if the autumn has stood out dry. The resulting moisture will remain in the wood until spring, and after awakening the crown will rather than feed off. In addition, wet soil does not freeze so much.

Compositions from conifers

Photos show us that almost anythe combination of these plants looks bright and attractive. But the harmony should take care. From tall conifers give preference to cedar pine, monochrome fir, Brabant tue. These are majestic plants, smaller conifers can grow in their shadows. Thuja western will be able to satisfy your passion for cutting the greenery, you can give it a variety of forms. Such original species as cypress-bearing cypress, and various fir trees due to their medium size will perfectly fit into the design of any garden.