/ / Planting a lawn with your own hands - basic work

Planting a lawn with your own hands - the main work

Some people think what to create on their ownThe plot of the lawn itself is very easy. In fact, this is a painstaking and difficult work. Planting a lawn with your own hands requires a lot of effort and knowledge of at least some of the foundations in this matter.

Let's start preliminary work

lawn landing with your own hands
Первым делом необходимо подготовить территорию under the planting of a lawn. To do this, dig up the places where you are going to break it. Here you need to remove all the weeds, especially with large roots, so that the lawn planting with your hands turned out to be qualitative. If this is not done, they can come out again, thereby spoiling the appearance. After the site is dug up, you need to align it well. It should not have hills and lowlands. Further, all the territory prepared for the lawn needs to be well tampered with. If possible, use a special roller for this purpose. Otherwise, you will have to use improvised means. To do this it is necessary to not fall on the finished lawn. If the land in your area is not very fertile, and the plants grow poorly, bring in special soil, which in addition can be fertilized with special means.

Lawn: planting and care

After you do all the preparatory work in the territory, you can start the most important event.

planting a lawn in the spring

Lawn planting begins in spring, and endslate autumn, so that you will have time to do the work. You can sow a plot with several kinds of lawn grass. If you have never tried to pick up such seeds and do not know where to begin, I advise you to stop your choice on ready-made grass mixtures. Start sowing is possible only in good and windless weather, so that the seeds do not fly away and distributed evenly. Spread them first by strips along, and then across. After that, they must be covered with earth, but not too deep. It is better to do it with your hands.

Final work

lawn planting and care
After planting a lawn with your own handsit is necessary to water the territory well. To do this, it is better to use special sprayers, which will not wash the soil, but neatly penetrate into it. The first days of watering should be done 1-2 times a day, then the lawn will grow quickly enough. After 7-10 days, you will be able to notice the first sprouted grass, and in just two weeks the lawn will reach a twelve-centimeter size.


If you make tracks so that you canwalk on the lawn, then it is better to place them slightly below the surface level. In this case, it will be convenient for you to trim the grass. As such tracks it is best to use flat stones. If you want to make them from small pebbles, then separate the paths from the grass with a curb. You should know that under the trees, the grass cover will grow very poorly, even if the lawn is planted properly with your own hands, because there is poor lighting. It is better to sprinkle a site around such places with special decorative crumbs or pebbles.