/ Fuel briquettes: technology, raw materials. How to make a fuel briquette with your own hands?

Fuel briquettes with their own hands: technology, raw materials. How to make a fuel briquette with your own hands?

Fuel briquette is an alternative material,which allows you to quickly and efficiently melt the stove or fireplace and warm up the room. At the same time, it has many other advantages. To date, this type of fuel is becoming very popular. Let's look at why.

Advantages of the presented material

fuel briquette
So, the main advantages of these elements are the following.

1.Making a fuel briquet yourself is easy enough, so you can do it yourself, using simple devices - presses. In addition, you can even organize your own business.

2. Long burning time. A brick can be burned for 1 to 4 hours. At the same time, it constantly emits heat.

3. The minimum amount of smoke, sparks.

4. Ecological cleanness, since fuel briquettes are made from vegetable and other natural materials.

5. The economy. The cost of one ton of such fuel is much less than the same amount of coal or firewood. At the same time, energy recovery is much better.

6. Practicality. Ashes, which is formed after the combustion of briquettes, can be used as a fertilizer.

7. Easy to store. The presented material does not take up much space, can be in polyethylene bags. At the same time, it can be stored for a long time in conditions of high humidity.

8. Application in any type of fuel equipment: fireplaces, boilers, ovens.

9. Uncomplicated storage.

Scope of the material

 fuel briquettes
Before making fuel briquetteshands, you need to figure out where to use it. Most often, the material is used for heating residential houses, educational institutions, food institutions.

In addition, fuel briquettes can be usedin warehouses where wood materials are dried and stored. Industrial enterprises also often use the presented fuel in combination with other materials. In any case, the material presented is the most efficient and economical, especially in comparison with other types of fuel.

What raw materials are used in production?

Before producing a fuel briquettehands, it is necessary to select the necessary raw material and equipment. First we will understand, from what it is possible to make a product. So, most often in the production of wood and vegetable waste.

production of fuel briquettes at home

For example, you can do at homeBriquettes from vegetable husks, sawdust, straw. In addition, it is also permitted to use materials such as fallen leaves, shavings, dry plant stems, chips, and seed husks for production.

Naturally, for production you alsoYou need water, clay and other substances that can glue the raw materials. In some cases, you can add starch. In general, you can use any combustible garbage for making briquettes, which is useless in your territory.

Applied equipment

In order to make the fuel briquette yourhands, it is necessary to choose the right press or chipper. During the selection of the press, it is necessary to determine what form and area elements will have. Most often round and rectangular briquettes are made.

DIY briquette production

Among the professional equipment canhighlight a screw, shock-mechanical and hydraulic press. The first device is capable of producing octagonal elements with a small hole in the center. They are characterized by maximum density, therefore, provide the highest duration of burning. The hydraulic press produces rectangular elements with the smallest density, which ensures high material consumption. Making fuel briquettes at home with the help of a shock-mechanical device gives you the opportunity to make material of any shape. The elements have an average density.

You can make a machine for the manufacture of briquetteshouses. To do this, you need a simple press and a form (sewer pipe with drilled holes). Note that during the manufacture of the product you will need to consider the length of the furnace.

Material manufacturing technology

The production of fuel briquettes consists of several stages:

1. To begin with, the waste to be used for the production of elements should be crushed.

2. In the same container, you should add dry clay, which will serve as a link.

3. Now you need to add water to this mixture.And the gruel should not turn out too thin or thick. In any case, the mass should be well molded. In addition, the density of the briquette depends on the amount of water.

four.The resulting mixture must be poured into a form and press it down with a press. Make sure that out of the slurry out as much water as possible. After that, the resulting products must be carefully dried in the sun. In order to be durable, each element should be lined with paper or rags. After complete drying all briquettes can be put together.

how to make a fuel briquette do it yourself

When you press the raw material with a press, you will have to make a lot of effort to squeeze out as much water as possible from the mixture.

Helpful Tips

Production of fuel briquettes with their own hands -It is quite simple, albeit time consuming. Note that the humidity of each product should not exceed 13%. In order for the element to burn better, during manufacturing you can add paper that needs to be torn into small pieces. And so that all the components are better glued together, a little starch can be added to the mixture.

Note that for various types of heatingdevices you need different briquettes. For example, peat and birch elements are well suited for fireplaces. For baths, saunas and barbecues it is better to use euroblock or wood briquettes. They can both burn and smolder slowly. In addition, they practically do not emit any carcinogenic or other harmful substances.

Now you know how to make a fuel briquette with your own hands. Good luck!