/ / How to clean the gun for foam? Tips and tricks

How do I clean the foam gun? Tips and Tricks

In the process of construction and repair workBoth professional and home craftsmen use a gun for foam. It allows you to qualitatively and gently blow out the seams on a variety of objects. This tool can significantly save the owner’s money, since buying a can with a special mounting tube will cost more.

In order to serve the foam gun for a long time, to himproper care is required. Dried material on such equipment may interfere with the proper blowing of the joints and seams. Therefore, every master must know how to clean the foam gun before starting work.

There are several approaches to solving this.tasks. Which of them to choose in each case, prompted by expert advice. Responsible attitude to the need to maintain the purity of the tool, you can significantly extend its service life.

The need for cleaning

A good gun for foam is worth it.quite expensive. It pays off during operation due to the ability to apply it several times. How long this tool can be used in its work depends on the quality of its service.

В пистолете после обработки остается пена.It's not scary if you immediately remove it from the barrel and other items of equipment. But sometimes even with a brief delay the substance hardens. It becomes harder to remove.

Inexperienced craftsmen may experiencethe question is whether you need to clean the gun for foam. Of course, if in the future it is supposed to be used for repairs, this process cannot be avoided. Otherwise, the purchase of the submitted tool simply does not make sense.

Do I need to clean the gun for foam?

For single use it is better to purchaseballoon with a special applicator. Although even home craftsmen, as experience suggests, use a foam gun more than once. Therefore, it is more profitable to carry out cleaning regularly.

Basic maintenance guidelines

Professional installers know how importantkeep the foam gun clean. They give advice to beginners who use this tool for repairs. It is very important to remove traces of dirt immediately. This will simplify the maintenance that the foam gun needs so much. How to clean it depends on the degree of contamination, as well as the residence time of the material on the instrument. The faster to wipe the foam, the less effort it will take to spend.

Gun for foam assembly how to clean

For cleaning use various chemicalfacilities. Experts advise to purchase them immediately with mounting foam from the same manufacturer. Special tools show better results than universal varieties.

Each manufacturer produces polyurethane foam with different properties and chemical composition. The cleaner from the same series takes into account all the features of this material and acts on it purposefully.

Main characteristics of the cleaner

All chemical solvents of assembly foam havedifferent composition. But they are characterized by almost identical properties. These are substances designed to remove dirt from both the tool and other surfaces of the skin of the hands.

How to clean the mounting gun after foam

Getting acquainted with the technology of how to cleangun for mounting foam, you need to consider the principle of exposure means. These are substances of moderate toxicity. They are not dangerous to humans, but if they come into contact with the face, mucous membranes can cause irritation. Therefore, if a chemical gets on the skin, rinse with plenty of water. In case of accidental contact with the eyes or inside the body, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

The substance in the balloon is under pressure.It has a high level of flammability. Therefore, do not spray it near an open flame or overheat. Compliance with these elementary rules will help to avoid trouble in the process of conducting work.

Timely cleaning

Studying the question of how to clean the installation gun after the foam, you should consider this procedure in detail. If the product has not dried yet, the process is quite simple.

The cylinder that was used by the master and no longerContains foam, twisted out of its nest. In its place installed capacity with the solvent. Before this, it is necessary to remove the protective cap.

Then the tool lever is pressed several times.Flushing is continued until pieces of mounting material appear in the jet. After that, the tool is removed from the equipment. If there is still some substance left in the cylinder, you can screw the protective cap back on and store the cleaner for some time. If repairs are not planned in the future, it is better to dispose of the chemical.

If the foam is dry

Sometimes it happens that the washing was notcarried out in a timely manner. In this case, the mounting foam freezes right inside the gun. The trigger can not be moved from the place. How to clean the gun for foam in this case? There are a number of recommendations.

In no case should not push the trigger.This is guaranteed to lead to the breakdown of expensive equipment. Instead, it is necessary to clean off the dried foam at the base of the barrel. This should be done carefully so as not to scratch the metal.

Further, the trunk must be lowered down. A drop of solvent is added to its base. After this procedure, after ten minutes, you need to pull the trigger again. He must be moving again.

In this case, the cleaning work is considered completed. But if it was not possible to reanimate the instrument after performing the listed actions, it is necessary to resort to another method.

Main valve cleaning

If, after the above manipulations, the trigger is still not pressed, it means that the foam has fallen on the main valve. It will be necessary to spend more time and effort on washing it.

How to clean the foam gun

How to clean the mounting gun in this case,Experts advise. On the top node of the instrument, where the balloon is screwed, there is a small ball. It requires a few drops of solvent to be applied. Next you need to wait 10-15 minutes.

The chemical wash bottle is wound ontovalve and pull the trigger. The remains of the dissolved foam should come out of the barrel of the mounting gun. After that, you can continue to work on the application of foam on the seams.

But sometimes there are more neglected blockages. In this case, the work is much more complicated.

Full flush

If inside the tool froze largethe amount of foam required to disassemble it into its component parts. This should be done carefully. Delving into the topic of how to clean the foam gun, it is necessary to understand the design features of the presented device.

How to clean the mounting gun

First you need to unscrew the crown of the valve to which the cylinder is attached. The solvent is introduced inside the instrument. Moreover, it is also necessary to process the nest of the installation unit.

Чтобы раскручивать оборудование было удобнее, should hold it below the place of attachment of the cylinder. The solvent is inside the system for about 25 minutes. Next, you need to click on the ball of the main valve. Clots of dissolved foam come out.

The tool is assembled in reverse order.

The foam froze completely

Some masters have a question howclean the foam gun if it froze completely. In this state, the material is already fully all its inherent qualities. In this case, solvents or other chemicals will not help. Will have to act with the help of brute force.

How to clean the gun for foam

С пистолета снимают все детали, которые поддаются dismantling. It is necessary to prepare a wire of appropriate thickness and acetone. Pour in a few drops of solvent and after waiting some time, wire out small pieces of foam.

The action is performed until the wire appears on the other side of the barrel. Then the gun is collected and washed with a chemical agent.

Recommendations of experts

Experienced installers claim that equipment cannot be brought to such a state. Even after cleaning the foam will be much heavier.

how to clean the gun for foam
If the mounted material is still not frozen, the whole procedure will be faster. The answer to the question of how to clean the gun for foam, in this case is simple. You must use a special tool.

Experts advise holding a can of flushingwith you during the installation work. This will avoid unpleasant consequences and unforeseen costs when the material solidifies inside the tool.