/ / Dwarf apple trees - decoration of any garden

Dwarf apple trees - decoration of any garden

Dwarf apple trees do not exist as a species.These are ordinary varieties grown on stunted rootstocks. A rootstock is a stalk, to which the desired variety is planted. Growing planting material is a difficult and time-consuming task. Special nurseries are created for this purpose.

Dwarf apple trees

Kinds of apple trees on a dwarfish rootstock haveindisputable advantages in comparison with conventional species (on a high-growth rootstock): the tree has a small crown, early enters the period of annual fruiting (for the third year). Apples are usually large and of high quality.

Dwarf apple trees have a crown thatis typical of ordinary tall trees. She has skeletal and semi-skeletal branches. At the age of 10 years, these plants are half lower than their counterparts: dwarf apple trees are characterized by restrained growth, as they are grafted on sparse stock.

Dwarf apple tree variety

Buying a seedling, you need to carefully examine it.Between the stem and the root neck there should be a curvature - a place of inoculation of a cultivated variety to a wild species. Two-year planting material is characterized by large buds, the height of the stem is not less than 40 cm, five or six well-developed branches. On the short-grown seedlings, the seedlings have a fibrous structure of the root system without a central stem (it resembles a loofah). The main sign of the quality of the cuttings is the freshness and elasticity of the roots. Drying and trauma of branches and bark are completely unacceptable.

After purchase, the bottom of the seedlingmust be placed in a moist environment, covered with a film. Branches carefully pull to the stem and secure with twine. After transportation it is highly desirable to plant the tree immediately on a prepared place, which is chosen taking into account all the features of the apple variety on the dwarfish rootstock. Adult trees of this variety take roots to a meter depth, so on the site of ground water should not lie above a meter and a half. Apple trees are placed according to the scheme 2X3 or 3X3 meters. If, for some reason, the stalk did not succeed in planting immediately, it must be dug in a trenched trench in an inclined state. From above, too, water. In this position, the seedling can be stored for a while before planting.

Dwarf apple trees are quite decorative.When they blossom, it's difficult to look away from them. Sometimes these trees are planted in rows. Then you get the impression of a fruiting hedge. Caring for the garden is very pleasant and convenient - the plants do not exceed 2.5 m.

apple varieties on dwarfish rootstock

Slightly grown stock usually grows varieties:"white filling", "antonovka", "lobo", "stencil", "melba", "medinitsa", "candy", "hero", "welsi", "semerenko", "cinnamon", "china" (yellow and red).

Dwarf apple tree varieties "Antonovka" has fruitsgreenish-yellow color, lezhkie, large (150 - 320 g). A variety with an average resistance to scab, high-yielding, with summer-autumn maturity of fruits.

The famous grade of apples "medunitsa" has fruitssweet taste with a spicy, honey aroma. Apples ripen in August. Shelf life - 2 months. In a cool room - until January. The shape of the fruit is flat-round, weight - 100 g., Yellow. Trees are resistant to scab. On a weakly grown root, they enter the period of fruiting for 2-3 years.