/ / How to make a wired one from a wireless mouse: instructions

How to make a wired mouse from a wireless mouse: instructions

Nowadays, hand-made has become fashionable, that is,hand-made things. This definition can include any items that you yourself repaired or redone. Such a thing can be a technique, for example, a computer mouse. And in our article we will try to figure out how to make a wired one with a wireless mouse. The instruction given below will help you decide whether this action is necessary or whether it will be easier to replace the mouse in the store.

What is the difference between a wireless mouse and a wired one?

Many may think that the difference between one ofThe named devices from the other is that the wired mouse has a wire, while both the wireless one is powered by batteries or a battery.

how to make a wired mouse

In general, it is, but if you slightly delve into the question, you can find many other important differences:

  • First, this difference in size.Wired mice are always slightly larger in size, as their equipment is somewhat more complicated. The same applies to weight, although that one that the other weighs slightly.
  • Secondly, wired mice are much morequalitatively and quickly respond to response than wireless. That is why they are more often chosen by gamers and computer users, second braking for which can be a huge hindrance. Yes, wireless mice work in the same way as wired at the beginning of operation, but as the battery or the battery is discharged, characteristic jitters and braking appear, and steep control can also interfere.
  • Третье отличие вытекает из первого.The average lifetime of a wired mouse is 10 years, while a wireless one is only 3.4 years. This is a significant difference, and if we calculate a little, even the cost difference does not cover the costs.

Is it possible to make a wired wireless mouse

The advantage of a wired mouse

Having carefully studied all the characteristics of a wired mouse, we can identify a number of advantages that stimulate users to such a difficult alteration. The advantages of this device include:

  • price;
  • durability of use;
  • reaction rate to user commands;
  • universality.

As you can see, the main advantages of wiredMice before wireless will be price and durable to use. A mouse that eats from a computer costs even less than a wireless one of the same class. And for remote control, you will have to spend money to purchase power supplies. Moreover, given that this mouse is twice as fast to be scrapped, we can conclude that a much cheaper option is a wired mouse.

how to make a wired mouse out of a wireless mouse

Не раз пользователи сталкивались с такой The problem is that mouse drivers do not fit your home PC or laptop. Wired mouse does not require the installation of special drivers. To start using it, simply connect it to the USB-out and get to work.

How to make a wired mouse?

Итак, мы в подробностях разобрались, что wireless mouse in many ways inferior to its wired analog. Should I run to the store for a new mouse instead of the old one? Do not rush to gather. Now we will try to sort through the information about whether it is possible to make a wired one from a wireless mouse.

From a theoretical point of view, it is quite possible.From the practical point of view, this process will be somewhat difficult for an ordinary consumer, not versed in physics and mechanics. But we will try to explain as much as possible the algorithm of actions.

Understanding how to make a wired wireless mouse

The instructions that we provide will convey the rework process in the form of the necessary steps:

  1. Let's start with the fact that we analyze the wireless mouse directly. To do this, unscrew the two screws with a screwdriver and remove the cover.
  2. Next, we separate the motherboard from the bottom of the mouse, before that having unsoldered two wires - red (+) and black (-) - from the batteries.
  3. Now we need to solder the resistor toreduce the voltage from 5 volts to 3. How to do it? Explain it with simple language will not work, but if to speak briefly, then you need to sequentially connect 2-3 diodes in direct connection.
  4. Drill a hole in the cover to remove the wires in the future. This should be done carefully so that a crack in the device case does not appear.
  5. Place the board with the changed voltage in the housing and insert the resulting wire into the drilled hole.
  6. Connect the ends of the wires to the USB.

how to make a wired instruction from a wireless mouse

The device can already be used, howeversuch frauds will only replace the power source in the mouse. It will also be controlled “over the air” by connecting USB to a computer or laptop, since the transmission schemes of the wireless and wired mice are still different.

We described in detail how to make a wire out of a wireless mouse with your own hands, but you might have questions about the practicality of this alteration.

Is it worth it to make a wired mouse?

It is unlikely that this question can be answered lessambiguous - no, it's not worth it. If you have skillful hands, you can make something with them and do it only from scientific interest, then personal enthusiasm can lead to good results. However, if you are self-taught online and do this only because you feel sorry for the money to buy a new mouse, then you should not be taken for this disastrous cause, because in the end you will lose more than you gain.

how to make a wired one of a wireless mouse

Issue price - three hundred rubles, this is quite a bit,Considering that when you collect a mouse, you will spend a lot of nerves and, perhaps, even a whole wireless mouse. Moreover, such an alteration will not last long. A self-made cord will be wiped out much earlier than the purchased one, and the design itself will become loose and impractical.


If you read the beginning of the article, you caughtWired mouse is suitable for quite serious gamers, and decided to solder it quickly, then you are wrong. A converted mouse will be harder to play than a simple wireless one. The cord on the self-made device will turn out to be more cumbersome, and the response only because of the presence of the wire will not become faster.

Thus, we can conclude thatIt is both theoretically and practically possible to make a wireless mouse a wired one, but there will be little sense from this, since the advantages of a real wired mouse will not be altered. It is much easier and more practical to go to the nearest store and buy a mouse for 300-500 rubles.