/ When Orchids Bloom, What to Do? Cut or leave the flower stem?

When orchids fade, what should I do? Cut or leave the flower stem?

Orchids are amazing exotic plants.These unique tropical flowers can be successfully grown at home. For good growth and flowering, you must follow simple rules of care. Many people ask: "When orchids fade, what should I do?" It is this issue that will be devoted to the article. The variety of varieties and colors of these flowers is incredibly huge, and their dense dark green leaves are not equal in beauty and grandeur. No less exotic looks composition, when the orchid has faded ... What should I do? The photo below shows the correctness of the trim.

when orchids fade what to do

The main rules of care for orchids

This plant likes a lot of lighting,But you should not still put it under direct sunlight. The ideal location for the orchid will be the southeastern or eastern side of the house, in such a place it will be blooming all year round. The most favorable temperature for growth and development is 23 ° ... 29 ° С. It is desirable that the night temperature is significantly lower. Many varieties of this exotic flower need sharp temperature changes. It will not be bad, if in the winter, create a little coolness around them.

homegrown orchid
Orchids constantly require sufficient moisture,for this you need to spray them as often as possible, and also put on a special tray with water. But it must be remembered that the roots do not touch the water, otherwise the entire root system will rot. Feed the plants only twice a month, with special fertilizers.

And now the favorites have pleased you with delicate, graceful flowers! But when orchids fade, what should I do? Need to cut off the dried flowers or leave? What care is needed in the future?

A domestic orchid has faded, what should I do?

After the end of flowering it is important to carefullyview the whole plant. This will make sure that the flower does not have additional buds. Many amateur growers do not know some of the main points: when orchids bloom, what to do with the plant. Due to inexperience, the flower spike is immediately cut off, not noticing the emerging new kidneys. And, of course, if the flower bud began to dry up and turned brown, it should be removed. In this case, there are two variants of cutting the stem of the plant: to cut at the very base or slightly higher to leave the "sleeping" points or meristems that are covered with a protective scaly surface.

orchid has faded what to do
Invisible meristems after severalmonths may release the "baby" or a new flower spike. If the flower is rapidly starting to dry, it is better to remove it immediately, otherwise it will slow down the preparation for the new flowering, because the plant will spend its strength on it, providing it with food. Now that the orchids are fading, what to do, we know: it is important to show attention and observation, then the orchids will bring even more beautiful flowers. These wonderful plants have a rest period when they rest from flowering. At this time, the flower must be given a maximum of humidity, light and take care of disease prevention. We hope this article will help to understand the care of this exotic plant and will prompt the answer to the question: "When orchids bloom, what to do?"