/ Diseases and pests of black currant. Measures to combat them

Diseases and pests of black currant. Measures to combat them

The gooseberry family is magnificentand the most valuable shrub - black currant. Its wild plantations grow on the territory of Europe, in Siberia and in the north-east of Kazakhstan. Natural shrub thickets can be found on the forest edges, on the banks of a river or a lake in regions with a cool or temperate climate.

Of all the abundance of berry crops blackcurrant is considered the most valuable. By the content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants berries of the plant are in the first place. The healing properties of the shrub have long been known. These properties attract the attention of gardeners.

Diseases and pests of black currant

Currant bush - a frequent visitor to almost everygarden plot. Growing currants, like any garden culture, requires certain knowledge. Compliance with the necessary rules will allow you to get a healthy, well-fruiting plant. Diseases and pests of black currant can destroy all efforts. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to carry out preventive work to combat them.

Buying saplings for the garden, you need to plantcome up thoughtfully. First of all, you need to properly place the currant bushes on the garden plot. This culture is moisture-loving and shade-tolerant. Perfect for her corners of the garden with fertile soil, well lit, protected from drafts. Plants for proper development will require regular moderate watering.

For a good harvest of large berriesthe correct formation of a bush is necessary. The annual removal of old branches that have lost their productivity will allow preserving the yield and condition of the shrub as a whole, since the diseases and pests of the black currant are preserved on these shoots. Productive young shoots are also necessarily shortened.

Growing currants

Care culture includes compulsorypreventive measures that will protect it from diseases and pests. Intact plants have a good harvest. Without such works, the bushes can suffer greatly, which will lead to a decrease in productivity and even death of plants.

Diseases and pests of black currant are well known.And the fight with them begins in early spring. As soon as the snow melts, treatment with hot water heated to 70 degrees Celsius will be useful as preventive measures. Bushes are satisfied with a hot shower from a watering can. This water treatment will destroy the pests that have hibernated on the plants. Also, this event contributes to the improvement of the whole plant.

The spring period is the most crucial.At this time, laid the foundation for future harvest. Linger with the gardening can not be. Diseases and pests are activated with the onset of warm weather. Processing bushes need time to hold before the blooming of the kidneys. Prevention will help to protect the black currant from the defeat of many diseases. Only a complex of chemical, biological and mechanical measures will contribute to the normal development of the shrub.

В этот период обязательна обработка 1% раствором Bordeaux fluid. This will help protect the culture from being affected by anthracnose. When preparing a liquid, it is necessary to correctly calculate the concentration in order not to burn the plants.

Currant bushes

The fruit sawfly causes considerable damage to the crop.It is activated during the ripening of the crop. The affected berries are deformed. To combat this pest carefully examine the bushes, collecting and destroying infected berries. When such a pest is found in the garden, the affected plants are necessarily treated. Spraying is done after harvest.

Mechanical measures to combat diseases and pests carried out in the autumn. Removed old shoots taken out of the garden and burned. Fallen leaves can not be left around the bush. It is collected and destroyed.

Diseases and pests of black currant, like anygarden culture, deliver a lot of hassle gardeners. The organization of preventive actions to protect against them must be well thought out and carried out with extreme caution. The use of certain drugs must be justified. Excessive passion for pesticides can only harm the plants.