/ / Hartsovka: what is it and where is it used?

Hartsovka: what is it and where is it used?

Sidewalk tile for tracks and groundsis considered one of the best coatings. It has an attractive appearance and quickly fits. In order to give the tile durability, you need to carefully choose the composition for its installation. Often, harzovka is used for these purposes. What is it, how to cook and use it?


Gartsovka - what is it?This is the name of the two-component mixture for laying paving slabs. It is famous for its cheapness combined with good building characteristics. The composition of garzovka includes sand and dry cement. Sometimes it can contain such components as chippings of fine fraction, dolomite, marble flour, expanded clay, gypsum or lime.

Despite the fact that gartsovka is such material,which is used for a long time and the market has its more modern analogs, it does not lose popularity. This is facilitated by its relatively low cost and good technical characteristics. In addition, the mixture is used for some types of finishing works.

Preparation of the mixture

In order to prepare a dry mix, the following ingredients and tools will be needed:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water;
  • shovel;
  • concrete mixer.

A quality mixture contains 1 partcement, 5 parts of quarry sand, which are thoroughly mixed in a concrete mixer and sprinkled with a small amount of water. The resulting mixture can be used within a day after preparation.

paving slab for tracks

The main disadvantage of the dressing is that the beginner init can be difficult to calculate the number of components from which it is made. However, this disadvantage overlaps the ease and high speed of laying paving slabs for tracks.

Selection of cement for garnzovki

What is it? It depends entirely on the type of cement chosen. The following types are used:

  1. M-300 is a universal cement that can be used both for laying paving slabs and for performing works that require increased strength of the mortar.
  2. M-200 - cement for masonry tiles and other building materials. Strength corresponds to the declared types of work, therefore for other purposes such cement is not suitable.
  3. The M-400 and M-600 have increasedcharacteristics of strength. It is believed that these species are not suitable for laying street tiles, but they give a 100% guarantee that eventually the solution will not crack and will not break from the effects of atmospheric precipitation.

garnovka composition

The choice depends on the thickness of the tile used, the climatic features of the region and personal wishes for the strength of the mixture.

The technology of laying paving slabs for garnovku

Laying of paving slabs on garnovku is made as follows:

  1. From the selected area, the upper layer of the soil is removed to a depth of about 30 cm.
  2. It is important to install curbs at the edges of the plot that will form the mold and will prevent deformation of the tiles laid.
  3. The bottom of the trench is covered with polyethylene film to prevent soil mixing with building materials.
  4. Crushed stone falls on the bottom of the pit.The optimum size of the layer is 15-20 cm. After that, it is recommended that the stones be slightly compacted using a vibration plate. This will prevent possible tilting of the tile during operation.
  5. Then, a pillow of 7.6 cm high is poured in, which is also slightly tamped.
  6. On top of the mixture, tiles are laid and taped with a rubber mallet.
  7. The finished surface is rammed and leveled using the building level.
  8. The joints between the tiles are filled with dry cement.
  9. Then, with the help of a sprinkler or watering can, it is necessary to water the path so as not to accidentally wash the cement.
  10. The solution will finally harden 72 hours after laying the tile.

Sometimes the sidewalk is equipped with livnevkoj.In such cases, it is required to install a sewage pipe under the paving slab and install a storm grate near the curb. In this case, the area covered with tiles can have a slight inclination towards the rainfall to prevent water stagnation.

gartovka what is it?

The consumption of the building mix varies from the thicknesstiles. This factor must be taken into account when laying the track. During laying, it is important to strictly observe the technology, otherwise the tile may deform or crack during the first freezes.

Advantages of ready mixes

Self-preparation of dry mix forthe laying of paving slabs may have its drawbacks. On the one hand, you can choose better components, but on the other hand any deviation from the proportions can negatively affect the laying of the material and its durability.

laying of sidewalk tiles for garnovku

Factory garnovka is realized as a smallvolume (bags of 50 kg), and wholesale. Its advantages include a balanced composition, which is guaranteed not to crack or collapse under the pressure of the tile. Often to improve the technical characteristics of the plant mixture is added a variety of plasticizers, which make the mixture elastic.