/ / How to make a staircase to the second floor do it yourself

How to make a staircase to the second floor do it yourself

Arrangement of a private house is a difficult task, butquite doable and interesting. Almost all the necessary objects inside the home can be built with your own hands. The staircase to the second floor is no exception. To build it, you need to know some of the requirements that put forward to such structures. To learn how to make the stairs to the second floor, will help the advice of experienced professionals. Their recommendations will be discussed further.

General recommendations

Make a staircase to the second floor (photopresented below) can even a beginner master. You need to choose the appropriate way to create such a structure. It is important to give preference to simple design options.

Illuminated staircase to the second floor

To assemble the stairs yourself, you canpurchase in a specialized store kit. It provides all the necessary elements. They only need to put together. This is a simple process that usually does not cause difficulties even for a beginner. The assembly of the structure occurs quickly. This option is ideal if you want to complete the arrangement of the home quickly.

Many masters prefer to make allelements of future construction independently. In this case, the stairs will look original. Her style will perfectly match the interior design. It will be a truly exclusive staircase. Its construction will take more time than it would take to assemble the finished structure. This is a fascinating process that will require a certain knowledge and skills from the master.

How to make the stairs to the second floor?First, a plan is necessarily created on which the space of the room of the room is applied. Next, draw every detail of the future stairs. At the same time indicate the exact dimensions. At this stage, you need to choose what materials the object will be built from, what configuration it will have. At the same time take into account building codes and requirements. This allows you to create a safe, beautiful and durable stairs. It harmoniously complements the existing interior.

Components of the ladder

It should be said that the ladder can be made ofmetal, brick, concrete or wood. The latter option is more often chosen by the masters. Wood is easier to process, it is in harmony with many styles of interior. You need to choose the right design, giving it the desired design.

How to make the stairs to the second floor?

How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor?This process must begin with careful planning and schematic designation of all structural elements. Any staircase has required and optional elements. The first category of parts includes steps and supports that support them.

The steps consist of treads (horizontalplane) and risers (vertical plane). Steps can do without the second element. However, the riser is an additional support for the steps.

A support is an element to whichsteps are mounted. It can be done in two ways. The first of them is called a bowstring, and the second is called a kosour. They differ slightly in location. Kosour passes under the steps. Bowstring supports them from the ends.

Studying how to make a staircase to the second floor atcottage or in your own home, you need to take into account another nuance. Stairs to the second floor should have a railing and support. They can be absent only if the steps are mounted between two walls. In other cases, it is a mandatory element that is required by the safety rules.

Additional elements are rack for spiral staircase, bolza. They are present only in certain types of structures.

Flight Staircase

To make a wooden staircase yourselfthe second floor, you need to consider their main types. One of the simplest versions to perform is the design of the marching type. It consists of one or more inclined spans with steps. They are separated from each other by special horizontal platforms.

Wooden staircase

Это один из самых безопасных типов конструкций.It is comfortable to climb and descend along such stairs both to young and elderly residents of the house. The disadvantage of the staircase is its large size. It takes a lot of space in the room. Therefore, marching design installed only in spacious rooms.

When creating a plan for such a ladder, you need to take into accountseveral building requirements. Marches should consist of 3-15 steps. Go beyond this interval is not recommended. If there are more steps, you can get serious injuries if you fall. Therefore, it is better to choose their average number for one march. The sites between them should be equal to the average step length of an adult.

Steps can be mounted on a bowstring or kosour.If the width of the walk is sufficient, you can not mount the risers. Boards for support need to choose durable, with a thickness of not less than 6 cm. High requirements are imposed on the quality of materials for construction.

Boltsa in the design of the stairs

To make a staircase to the second floor of wood,You can apply additional elements. They are called boltsev. This mount gives the stairs a stylish look. Even the wooden structure in the presence of Boltsi can be entered into the interior in the style of hi-tech or minimalism. At the same time such stylized bolts increase the strength of the structure. She looks light and airy. The risers are not needed in this case.

Boltsa are a metal support withfairly wide diameter. At its ends there is a thread that allows you to thread the pin into the web and go in and fix it firmly. In this case, the second side of the bolt hits the wall. The ladder looks soaring in the air. However, the design has high rigidity.

This design option will harmoniously fit intothe interior is both spacious and small room. Graceful turns, which can be performed while arranging the stairs on the bridge, will allow you to decorate the interior.

The disadvantage of this design isthe inability to arrange it in the center of the room. Nearby must be a wall. Otherwise, the bolts can not be fixed. Therefore, in the process of planning a future staircase, it is necessary to take into account where other objects are located in the room.

If the structure is installed nearwalls, it will take less space in the room than the building of the marching type. However, for interior design in a rustic or ethnic style, this design option is not suitable, it will not be able to create a harmonious image. Although separately it will look beautiful. How to make a staircase to the second floor? In many ways, this element depends on the style of the room.

Spiral staircase

An interesting option is a spiral staircase.It takes up little space in the room, so it can settle in even in small rooms. In this case, such a structure does not necessarily install near the wall. It can be in any suitable area of ​​the room.

How can I make a staircase to the second floor

Considering how to make a spiral staircase onsecond floor, the master may face a number of difficulties. This is a complex type of design. If the calculation is incorrect, it will be not only inconvenient, but also unsafe, to move along such a ladder. Also, it will not be possible to lift dimensional objects on the second floor.

The spiral staircase looks beautiful and stylish.It can complement different types of interior. In the center of this design is a rack. Stairs are firmly fixed on it. Due to their particular configuration, it is not possible to move quickly along such a ladder. The support post can be made of wood or metal. The second option is more reliable. It is chosen even if you need to make a staircase made of wood on the second floor of the house.

First you need to mount the rack.It must be firmly fixed on both floors (on the first and second floor). Next you need to mount the stage. The outer edge of the tread must be wide. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to move along the steps. The narrow inner edge should abut the support column.

Mandatory element for spiral staircaseare railing. They must repeat the configuration of the entire system. Under the railing you need to install balusters. The supports should be a short distance from each other.

How to perform the calculation for the screw design?

Рассматривая варианты того, как можно сделать the stairs to the second floor, many owners choose exactly the screw design. To build such an interior object, you need to perform the correct calculation. Take into account the dimensions of the opening. If it is quite small, the staircase will be steep enough.

On the floor in the room and on the ceiling of the second floorneed to determine the center. The support rod will be fixed here. From him to the end of the opening you need to measure the distance. It is this step length that will need to be installed on the rack. Their width in the central part of the entrance should be at least 20 cm. The outer edge should be at least 42 cm wide. In this case, it is much easier to work with wood. This material is easier to process.

How to make a spiral staircase to the second floor?

Having developed a detailed building plan, you canpurchase the required amount of materials. This will avoid unnecessary costs. The stock of materials, calculated precisely according to plan, may be minimal. The wood must be of high quality. It should be dry. Surfaces need to be treated with antiseptic and flame retardant.

To make the stairs in the house to the second floor,need to purchase separately wooden balusters. They are installed under the railing at each step. Therefore, the number of supports for the railing should be equal to the number of steps. Balusters can have a different shape. On sale are many options for decorating the stairs.

Standards and standards

How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor?The answer to this question will require clear calculations. At the same time take into account building codes. They stipulate what angle of inclination the construction and other nuances should have.

Almost always set the railing forstairs. Handrails should be at a height of about 85 cm. The owners of the house should be comfortable to lay his hand on the railing. Thus it is necessary to take into account their growth. Under the railing are balusters. If the house has small children, you need to make the distance between the supports for the railing at least 11 cm.

How to make a staircase to the second floor?

The ladder is subjected to high loads.Therefore, the materials for it must be very durable. Boards, timber should not have defects, cracks. Particular attention should be paid to the dimensions of doing when planning. It should have a width of at least 20 cm. If the dimensions of the room allow, you can create steps with a width of 30 cm. It will be more comfortable to move along them. In one span there must be an odd number of steps. They must be the same height and width. The step length must be at least 1 m.

Угол наклона лестничного пролета должен be 30-50º. Otherwise, this design will be uncomfortable to move. Too flat stairs take a lot of space in the room. For its construction will require more materials. The steep tilt angle of the span makes the climb uncomfortable. It is especially difficult to move along such stairs to older people and children.

Making a plan

Существует установленная методика, помогающая correctly make the stairs to the second floor. Knowing all the nuances of this work, choosing a suitable design, you can begin to create a drawing. Builders claim that it is much easier to build a ladder on kosoura.

How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor?

Need to measure free space inroom in order to properly create a circuit design. The ladder should be presented in the form of a triangle. The legs of his will correspond to the width and height of the structure. The hypotenuse of the triangle will be a span with steps. It is necessary to correctly calculate the angle of inclination. If the flight of stairs does not fit in the room, it is better to give preference to the construction on the bolets or the screw type.

When the triangle is drawn, you need to calculateon it the number of steps. It is necessary to divide the length of the span by the width of the step. Next is the number of steps on the plan. The height of the risers should be about 11 cm. To accurately determine this value, it is necessary to divide the height of the ladder by the required height of the support for the walk. It should also indicate the width of the stairs. When the dimensions of the steps are calculated, the kosour configuration can be drawn. This drawing must be used when creating the details of the stairs.

Preparation of structural elements

Learning technology to help make the stairs tosecond floor, you need to consider in detail each stage of the work. After creating a detailed drawing, you will need to prepare all the parts for assembling the stairs. They must comply with the sizes calculated in the course of drawing up the drawing.

First to the board that was chosen forcreating kosour, put the contours of this element of design. It is important to carry out the transfer dimensions clearly. Each step should be the same in length and width. The quality of the material for kosour should be very high. This is a solid array. The wood must be dry. It is better to prefer medium hard varieties.

Creating cutouts for walking can be reducedthe length of the kosour in this place is 2 cm. The boards will simply protrude slightly beyond the support. Their thickness should be at least 2.5 cm. If it is planned to install the risers, the boards for them should be polished with high quality. For support can be applied material thickness of about 2 cm.

The railing is also made from qualityarray. Surface need to be polished. It is unacceptable that on the surface of the handrails were irregularities, teasers. Balusters are also chosen in accordance with the style of the room. They may have different shapes.

Installation design

Рассматривая вопрос о том, как сделать лестницу on the second floor, you need to pay attention to the installation of the whole structure. After preparing all the details they need to be assembled into a single system. First you need to firmly lock the strings. They should not stagger. To do this, you need to install a support bar on the floor against which the base of the ladder will rest. In the beam on the second floor you need to make cuts to install the kosour. Structural elements need to be fixed with anchors.

When skewers are installed, their positioncheck with a building level. Next, install the risers (if they are provided in the design). They are fixed with screws and corners. On the installed riser stack step. Fix the boards with screws. Next comes the second riser, and on it - a step. Installation begins from the bottom of the stairs, gradually moving up.

После этого на ступени устанавливают балясины.They are mounted on the railing. The fixing should also be tight. After that, all surfaces are polished, varnished. Steps should not be smooth. They are trimmed with different materials. You can lay a carpet on them. You can also use special strips of rubber or metal. They prevent slipping.

Зная, как сделать лестницу на второй этаж, можно independently build a beautiful, strong and durable construction. By carefully calculating all the details, you can increase the comfort and safety of operating this interior object.